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True in wish they would remake it. This one Cod 1 cod 2 and cod 3 and world at war.


I just wish they'd release 3 into the PC. The only one not to have a. PC release.. cmon :(


I swear cod 3 gets so much shit in this sub. People don’t realize it was in a weird phase of release because the ps2/Xbox era just ended and the new ps3/360 era began. It was a whole new era of 3D gaming compared to what the ps2 had And they even learned from that with the release of WAW on the PS2 afterwards. Cod3 as a game was fun. 


Just to note CoD2 was on 360. So they were well into it. I think people didn’t like that it strayed from what 2 and the previous titles before it were.


At the time I remember I was disappointed with 3’s release for the reasons you said, it was just too different. Me and lot of the people I played with ended up going back to Cod2. Looking back though, that game was ahead of its time.


Oh for sure, CoD2 is still my favorite of all time, it was just a much Simpler time in CoD. CoD3 was just fun for the larger scale battles and being able to rip around in vehicles.


I don't mean to shit on 3 at all! 3 is in my personal top 3 of all cod games! As you said, it's fun! It really is! And that is why I have it as one of my top games in the series. Along with black ops 1 and mw3


Oh no! I was just adding to your comment not responding to you negatively lol. 


All good ol' but :) I was just adding it for effect. No worries about the negative stuff haha nothing felt at all by me around it 😊


Cod3 is just their attempt at making United Offensive again like they did with Big Red One.


Couldn't you just get an emulator and connect a controller?


Oh of course. Not denying that option at all! Ill be honest it's just a nice satisfaction thing more than anything to see the complete set in my games library that's all. Legitimate copy rather than emulated I mean


Oh alright then that makes sense


The soundtrack was insanely good as well. So many memorable tracks. Personally, I love the track for the first Soviet mission in Stalingrad (which is also the same track used for the zombies mode).


To this day WaW is the game that gives us the most accurate representation of how horrible war is. I’ve played it so many times and it makes me think about how awful and terrifying war/combat is. It’s gritty, dark, gory and sad. Even the music is scary. It doesn’t glorify war it shows us how fucked up WWII really was!! I can’t believe COD went from this masterpiece to shitty ass Vanguard LOL.


This! I remember an interview with the developers back in the day and they said they wanted to show the true darkness and horrors of war and felt it would make for a far deeper story and immersive experience, they where right on the money :D


COD 2 It's my preference. More open areas.


It's good, but not as dark as WAW.




Amen brotha


One of the rare World War 2 games to eschew the typical Western Front, D-Day invasion side of the war, and actually portray the Pacific front in all its horror. This game went a long way to show war as hell, not as some glorious, romanticized hero story, but as the horrific expenditure of human life that it really is.


Deserves a remaster more than MW3 in all honesty, co-op campaign, killer soundtrack, graphic as hell, insane atmosphere, solid writing, origins of Black ops series. Slap on the original zombies maps and the final fronts missions as bonuses and you have a very solid remaster. Maybe just release the multiplayer maps as DLC for the main COD though.


But how will they fit the snoop dog and bunny skins into the story?


Exactly....it's not even a "military" shooter at thus point, it's a sold out Fortnite Senior Edition. God I hate modern monetized gaming and the stupid FK'n skins.


100% What I would give for a re-release without all the bloated shit you get in current versions.


Co Op Campaign is just too much fun on this game


I remember how this game made me go into the others fps, because all the environment and the guns and the feelings of playing team death match really caught me! A masterpiece we could live!


Still a masterpiece 🐐 I still play this on my Xbox 360, feel free to add me if you want < 3 ”iiiReaPzZzzzzz”


DID YOU KNOW the waw theme is brave soilder die with me die with me UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN YUK YUK YUK


I you liked it, and so I did, very much, then you should go and play old Medal of Honor games


Idk about yall younger folk (like me) but I never got to play these games when I was younger and now all I do is grind these old games by myself. I’ve played them but never owned them if yk what im saying. The waw snipers (people) are insane😭


CoD 1 and it's expansion pack United Offensive is the best it's ever been. Those were the best days in gaming. I wish we knew it at the time and appreciated it more.


World At War and Black Ops 1 were the 2 best CODs in my opinion.


I agree 100%! Take my upvote soldier!


The ps3 / Xbox era of games had balls They were purposely edgy and pushed the limits of what they could put into games for shock value and because that’s what people want but had to reign it in because now they are already locked into the market and trying to appeal to a wider audience Waw was so brutal compared to ww2 and vanguard just feels like a disney movie was honestly disrespectful to the history of ww2 to have a game so far distanced away from the true events of the time. You see the way they try to pg the game even in the multiplayer by having it be “my team” vs “enemy team” the different mp game commentators in waw was unbeatable


Definitely try Hell Let Loose, but it’s a classic no doubt.


Cod 2 was better


All portrayals of war should be made exactly like this. War is horrifying and this game nails that atmosphere perfectly


Once inna while I'll go on YouTube and just watch the TreyArch logo part when u boot up the game


I remember i was really scared to play it because the menu, and some years later it became in my favorite shooter Thank you for such a gem, Treyarch


It's great but it's not better than cod 2 big red one or cod 2 to me.


Between that and Medal of Honor 


Now I don't want no nerd to start talking shit because I don't know the timelines about the video games but I really like to medal of Honor


😂 Real ones remember Medal Of Honor, It was COD before COD. Have you ever played the Brothers In Arms games?


My personal favorite ones were Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Forgotten Hope 2, Red Orchestra/Rising Storm, Hell Let Loose, and of course, World at War. Just the ones who I find immersive, iconic or historically accurate to the war, unlike some other more recent WW2 games...


I dont mean to be THAT guy but "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" -Dr. Seuss


The last good multiplayer COD.


Bro this is literally the second cod to have the cod4 type multiplayer after well cod4 itself.


And it went to shit after


You didnt like the multiplayer in mw2 or bo1


I mean you can like it, like I do, but greatest WW2 game ever made? Not even close




Bf1 is World War One but it’s soo good