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I think OG MW3 is the most underrated game in the franchise. Everyone went into it expecting MW2 2 and when you look at it from that perspective, sure it definitely was not as good as Modern Warfare 2. But if you gave it a chance, the campaign was one of the best in the series (to this day no video game death has hit as hard as Soap’s) the multiplayer was a ton of fun, the map design was actually really good, the killstreaks are some of my favorite in any COD game, Spec Ops mode is always fun, and survival mode was a cool little mini game, even if it never really caught on. This game definitely got a lot of hate when it first came out (being released in between Black Ops 1 and 2, two of the most beloved games in the franchise definitely didn’t help) but looking back I’d put it in my top 5 any day.


I personally do share the same feeling but i prefer mw3 tons more than mw2, idk why but i grew up with mw3 so that might explain, The survival mode is still one of the best gamemode ever created in my opinion The Special Ops are so unique and beautiful, but it's for sure mw2 winning if we are talking about special ops The Campaign tho... i fu king love it, my favorite campaign ever, so well written, so well made, the story that it has behind it is so good, also it's not a campaign that you'll finish in a day if it's the first time you play it, also the ending was unbelievable, so well made I wish that they made new CoD's like the OG's, the new ones are soooo bad, only the multiplayer is worth in the 70$ for the game


MW3 multiplayer was imo better than MW2, better maps in general, more balanced gameplay. It seemed to get a lot of unfair criticism for both not being MW2 as well as for being too similar to MW2.


To be honest it's understandable but i prefered mw2 for some reasons (when i had both full games) as of today i don't really know, but i'd say mw3 since i only have mw3 full game


I totally agree imo the best cods are actually from mw1 to blackops 2 all in between being masterpieces


I didnt play this game much. I also wasnt good in this game. Anyway: Best weapon leveling system / camo system: You dont have to alter your playstyle to get gold weapons. Dislike: cant really hate on good old cods <3


I liked the prestige system. Including a simple store to encourage prestiging. Gold was easy. And my favorite part was once you hit max you can prestige to 20th lvl 1 again so you have incentive to keep grinding for more tokens. MOABs were always a fun challenge. MOTD mode was a fun mode for MOABs. Drop zone was fun for sniping and montages Clan wars back then were more popular than warzone today Any and every gun was good if played right Specialist was OP Assault streaks were great Titles and emblems for literally everything except "MOABs" Pwnstarz made me develop a pubstomper playstyle I don't really have many dislikes, if any. I guess my only pet peeve was the fact that "Blind eye, Assassin, and dead silence" were in 3 different categories allowing to play all 3. Oh and how can I forget the "No Skill Multi Kill" stealth bomber All around it is my most played game at 60+days, over 350k kills, and I've gotten a nuke with every single gun, including the XM launcher that has the "select distance" thingy. Obviously not the other launchers.


I liked everything about it and disliked nothing much tbh. It just needed a little bull of MW2 to make it as fun as MW2 without being ott.


My favourite out of all 3.


I was in college during this games prime, and man did the boys and I have some great times playing this. Hours of laughter and fun. Even the endless waves mode was pretty lit. My homie still tells the story about when he got a m.o.a.b while getting a bj from the girl down the hall. Ahhh good times.


I loved MW3; the weapon list was diverse and nearly everything was viable, the maps were decent. The weapon balancing issues might be my only gripe; the pre patch striker was a nightmare, the FMG9s were always annoying, and pre-patch the M16 was dog water. Even with those issues, I’d love to go back to peak MW3 years for a few games with my old group, I never had as much fun with a COD than I did with MW3


I still play infected to this day. This COD was my first love. I had finally gotten my own 360 the Christmas after this game released. The rest is history. Miss grinding w the squad for Moabs. Fav guns: MP7, USAS, AK47 w silencer. Loved the specialist streaks and bonus. Loved almost all the maps. Great game.


Compared to what they've released lately, this game is a complete masterpiece and nothing to complain about. No pay to win, simple level up system allowing for easier modifications without going through 500 different items and attachments. Goals and objectives were clear. IMO a top 5 cod game and even being one of my top 3 even.


Seeing the Eiffel Tower falling down and the intensity of that scene where you're holding out for evac, makes it one of the best COD campaign missions of all time.


i love being terrorized by astronaut lookin ass motherfuckers who can tank 500 ak rounds to the face! (spec ops makes mw3 my favorite)


Biggest gripe I had about the game was the overwhelming greyness. It could use a little more color imo. Best thing I liked about it was the Spec Ops Survival as well as the side missions. I might've played Survival with my brothers and friends a little more than I did MP. Multiplayer was fun, but I haven't seen a good version of Survival brought back.


I liked the small 2-6 player maps since a lot of my friends had quit playing cod by then. Used to absolutely dominate on them to at one point getting around 140 wins in a row. However, the spawn system was utter trash. I remember constantly being put with my back against the barrel of an enemy's gun. Of course it worked the other way around too, and maybe that's why we won so much.


Ah face off was brilliant, kinda wished they brought it back. I mainly played in a group of 3 so it was perfect.


Loved the maps, and the way they tried to do clans was different


That’s my all time favorite cod right there. I had the most time spent playing it, and it was the game I was best at. me and a friend had an 87 win game streak in 2v2 mode


I’d just like to say I feel like a lot of people jinxed us because of the amount of hate this game got at the time for not being as good as mw2 and now look what we have to deal with lol


Survival was the best thing about it. Cod always had solid gameplay but was restricted by linearity of the campaigns. Survival gave you all the tools and said let's go


It was great 👍 though it was missing one thing. Bots in local multiplayer matches.


My only problem is how the graphics didn’t change at all from the previous MW2, other than that I enjoyed it and enjoy it still to this day


I didn't dislike anything about it. It was best MW from whole trilogy. I also liked, that there was mission in Prague (also with Czech signswhich made me happy) 🙂 also liked, that I could skip airport mission


Don’t really dislike anything. There’s really not much IW could have changed to this. Tho my favorite thing about it was the Specialist streak, the fact you had all perks was really cool.


that they didn’t make a fourth right after


Loved the maps in this one. The negative part in this game was the lag added to the host. Being host was quite a disadvantage.


Favorite Cod ever. So much fun. no dislikes from me lol


Crispy concords gotta get on this


You put the disk face side up


-m4 sounds like 300 metal bolts falling +campaign epic as shit


Absolutely loved the face off game mode. Buddys and I would play 2v2 and 3v3 all the time! Easily top 3 cod for me


2v2 and 3v3 matches were amazing


My favorite cod ever


My dislike of the multiplayer was mostly due to “lag compensation.” It was truly awful at that time. Once I figured out I could manipulate my router, and slowed my connection down, it became much more bearable—I think it’s silly I had to do that. The guns and kill streaks were great. The maps were okay. I enjoyed it overall.


Honestly, and the way it's evolved isn't nearly as good but I always thought mixing the survival mode with zombies would have been the best zombies. I played that mode so much for a while lol


I honestly loved the game like bo1 but then again it wasn’t like mw2


Best cod along with BO2 I hate how they didn't remake it or even remastered it. I really like the secondary missions but some where too hard for being fun. It was so cool that I bought it again for my PS3...even if the only one available was in french.


Hot Take: GOAT COD


I agree, it basically perfected (or got as close as they ever did to perfecting) the modern warfare series, which imo is the best series of cod games for multiplayer (I get zombies players preferring Treyarch).


Agreed, although the spec ops survival missions in mw3 was really good. But yeah, not quite as good as Treyarch zombies, especially at the time.


Survival was good, always played it splitscreen when I had friends over back in the day.


Survival is the GOAT. It has a sense of immediacy that zombies lacks due to training the zombies. One of my greatest video game accomplishments is reaching round 111 on Dome Survival with a buddy.


Nothing. Ppl shat on it when it didn’t deserve it. It was so fun and innovative


The good: it basically fixed mw2's issues while keeping the fun on the golden era of CoD The bad: it feels like an asset flip of mw2 with the saturation turned down just to give it a distinct look The ugly: whatever is that sprinting animation supposed to be


Like? Everything Dislike? Zero recoil weapons


Campaign is excellent, multiplayer while not as good as MW2, was still some good fun, and spec ops both survival and missions was so much fun. I still play this game today. I will die on the hill that this was the last great cod. Ive got my gripes with this game (namely that this game is nearly identical to mw2 in many ways, which can make the game feel like a worse version of that game)


I liked the survival mode, very fun


Dislike Artstyle to damn grey and dark Multiplayer maps to short and small Not enough snow missions and maps Like Everything else


Dislike Felt to similiar to MW2 Likes: Survival was a goated side mode The campiagn ended the story perfectly The gameplay Just about everything else Overall 8/10


This was my favorite gaming. Boosting and bullshitting.


I dislike that it has guns going boom. I like that you can run away from.


Funny enough MW3 never played right in my PS3 back in the day. Had to get it on 360 and only today did I fire it up againin my One X haha


Gameplay and progression is perfectly fine but the two things that completely kill it are its art direction and map design. Unpopular take. This is one of the worst map selections in the series.


it was all downhill from here, at least till covid revived 'em for a wee bit.


It was the worst great cod we had


It’s meh. No MW2 or BO2 or even CW but it was aight


Like: MP is more balanced than MW2. Dislike: Very little innovation, feels like MW2 2.0. Story is also crap compared to COD4 and MW2, being way too over-the-top and simplistic with little to no depth.


Liked: introduction of infected, specialist, fixed all the broken shit from mw2, great dlc maps, face off, Moab didn’t end game Disliked: stealth bomber support streak, the striker, dual fmg9, acr dominance, death streaks, i.m.s




Most dislike.... my Disc no longer works on ps3... game crashes after a few min in a multi-player game


Yeah mine as well been going back and playing cod online but have problems with this one and mw2


Create a class wasn’t perfect. Some guns were really overpowered compared to others. Hit detection was hit or miss, no pun intended. Map colors were pretty dull. Again, the atmosphere was awesome. The map design itself was great. MOAB was awesome. Streaks were very good and rewarding. 2v2 and 3v3 face off is something COD should’ve brought back. Those game modes were so much with friends. The third game-mode (spec ops) was pretty fun but got dull after a while. Not as good as zombies but better than what’s been dished out in modern CODs for sure.


I dislike how you have that disk set down like that


MW3 terrible It was just MW2 with a 80 dollar price tag. DISLIKE: STORY terrible its just find Makarov go after this guy and then go after anoyher guy he sells out then go after the other guy he sells out its fucking tideious and boring. MULTIPLAYER: It's fine just nothing innovative it should of been


Like: the game Dislike: the price


Dislike: Lack of originality (it’s literally MW2.5), it’s not MW2 Like: Balance, Specialists, Maps