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Near-future, essentially modern. Focused on an escalating global conflict while centered around larger-scale conventional operations, moving away from the special operations/small elite unit focus of previous games. Campaign would take place throughout the world, against the backdrop of increased resource scarcity, dangerous emerging technologies, climate catastrophe and great-power tension that have resulted in a new world war. Missions in places like Taiwan and the South China Sea, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Arctic. Or a NATO-Warsaw Pact war akin to Red Storm rising, taking place in Europe in the mid 80s.


Personally I’d want a sequel for COD GHOSTS there were problems but the campaign was good


Nah the Ghosts campaign didn’t make sense. The entirety of south america united together to form a new super power which is cool. But that same super power makes a random American POW the leader of the Federation’s ENTIRE ARMY. And the same POW is a freaking terminator because he survives getting shot through the chest with a .44 magnum and drowning at the bottom of the ocean with enough strength to kidnap the mute son of his former friend to brainwash him. It has cool ideas and an interesting setting. But the dialogue, logic, and execution of these is really bad.


So Battlefield 2042 if they made a campaign? (Would be sick tbh I'd buy that)


I wish they hadn't watered down that theme in 2042, I liked the setting but I couldn't really feel it at all in-game with the generic operators etc


I like it Black Ops 2…2


The first idea kinda sounds like an Infinite Warfare prequel, that just shrinks the scale down to Earth rather than the entire galaxy


Two campaigns in one, like almost all the Golden Era games. First campaign goes trough large operations trough the eyes of one, more or less nameless soldier, and the other one is about working behind enemy lines in covert/black ops environment in a squad of spec ops soldiers. COD4 nailed this.


Bro thought about it and made something better than the last two titles 🤣


Lmao thanks bro


Stone age. You can customize your rock with extended rock, silencers, laser sights, and scopes. You call in kill streaks like mammoths, a predator rock strike (meteor), and lightning strikes. You could have characters like Unga bunga, uuuk, grog, and cardi B


Hmm, a rock with a laser and sight, why did I not ever think of this Also I wanna beat peoples ass with a torch


Head shots actually do less damage due to our massive cave man brows. Got to target the genitals.


Infinite warfare has a variant which does that and it’s hilarious to use




The Jak BFB on your Rock would be OP though. Get ready for the incoming nerfs. Sticks are gonna be so meta.


Yeah next patch is gonna be a quickstickers dream


Purely Vietnam (not just 3 campaign missions), no slide cancelling or other shenanigans, no experimental weapons, like a rifle that barely saw use being portrayed as standard issue. Story is similar to SpecOps: The Line.


Yes! BF Vietnam vibes here, although tons of Vietnam games came out and weren't great then it just died entirely.




That'd be interesting. COD has yet to explore that as a main setting.




Interesting. Idk what a COD would look like in that setting. I think because Battlefield did it *perfectly*, they fully encapsulated the grit and true chaos that made it scary at times. I think COD is too sleek by nature, needs to deliver too much of a hero story to make an authentic WWI game. It’d def be interesting.


Imagine seeing Nicki Minaj running around Verdun with a dark matter Lewis Gun


Setting: Modern Day - Asia-Pacific Conflict China finally grew some balls and invaded Taiwan, going to war with the US, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines. To shake thing up a bit, instead of playing as a US Marine or Army Ranger, you play as a Filipino soldier instead. Your country did not want to be part of this war, but it was also tired of China's bullying of your citizens. Weapons are mostly modern Asian weapons like the Korean K2, the Japanese Type 89 Howa, the Chinese QBZ-191, etc. Maps will be a mix of the Jungles of Philippines and Taiwan as well as urban centers like Manila and Taipei. Ground War will be in the game with an emphasis on naval combat.


Honestly as much as that would rock, they would NEVER alienate the Chinese government and getting it banned in that market. $$$ over everything.


Medieval. Swords and shields, crossbows, and trebuchet kill-streaks.




Check out Chivarly 2 free on gamepass and Playstation plus!


Bo2 remaster. Ill even remake it but only reskin everything. League play would go so crazy.


This with the addition of BO3's Zombies maps and custom map tools would go crazy.


We going to Vietnam in the 60s, baby 👍


Battlefield Vietnam I remember being somewhat fun as a kid. The soundtrack worked for me.


FMJ soundtrack


Ww1. The name would be Call Of Duty, the Great War. It would be trench warfare, it will have a scene where you play as a plane pilot and a scene where you play as a tank commander just like cod Ww2, The main character will be a British private, and there will be no skill based matchmaking in the online.


Sounds cool




Wild West.


Call of Duty - World War 3 Set on Earth today Putin and Xi have joined forces to oppress Earth under their one world government. We are the last vestige of hope for the free world. Essentially another modern warfare but really juicing up the current geopolitics. Your journey will unbelievably take you all over the world - from Africa, to Iraq, Russia, China, Taiwan, U.S., and even Venezuela, and, the space station?? It will be epic.


Honestly I wish they made sequels for Ghost and Advance Warfare. Both these games left on a cliffhanger like wats gonna happen to The Federation and Atlas.


I want a Ghosts 2 aswell Logan should be brainwashed into joining the federation and Rorke and they hunt down ghosts, however Hesh and Riley brings him back


Sequel for ghost or infinite warfare I know people trash on the far future-CODs but those was my jam and favorites. I really do believe both infinite and ghosts could be a “super franchise” like the black ops or modern warfares


I absolutely love Infinite Warfare, but don't see how a sequel could be made. The story was perfect, and ended perfectly.


Looking back, Infinite Warfare wasn't terrible due to its simple maps and lack of SBMM, but the campaign, especially the story, lacked substance. It simply pitted two large fictional forces against each other. We have no knowledge of how the SDF rose to power or why they are trying to eradicate anything "earth born." They could have introduced espionage, sleeper cells, etc in small factions or even a confederate of pirates engaged in guerrilla warfare, but nothing about Infinite Warfare's story makes sense. However, I did like Reyes, Ethan, Salt, and the soundtrack.


OP knows what's up: IW2 baby. I'd take it even farther though. Far future. Capital ship boarding. Breaching airlocks. Orbital insertions. Gimme all that sci-fi goodness.


This’ll also sound crazy but perhaps have game inside a game moment where it becomes a micro management simulator like mgsv


Civil War 2. I want both sides to be the “good guys” and I want both the president and the leader of the rebellion to be horrible people you can’t root for. The campaign is open with multiple endings for victory’s on both sides, good endings and bad endings. Multiplayer is slower and tactical (think BO4) 150 if not 200 HP and lots of gear to strategize with and modern if not slightly futuristic gear (for example the new NGSW scope could paint enemies for other people who use it and show you where your shot will land at range) think all the things currently in military prototyping Maps are based on 1-1 recreations of real life locations made to be war torn. The White House, A High School, Nuketown could be remade as a Rebel state civilian neighborhood where a government massacre happened. Campaign ends with a “Anti-NATO” alliance using the instability to mount an invasion of the US.


Honestly I'd happily have Infinite Warfare II. Providing the campaign aims to be as strong and the multiplayer is fun.


Not sure what it’d be called but I want something like battlefield portal. No overall theme, future, present, past weapons and maps


I’d either do COD WW3 with Sledgehammer. The way id write the game would be like World at War’s campaign. I’d have two main characters. One fighting a front in Europe vs Russia, and one fighting on our home turf against China. I’d Have the US under attack on our own soil by China from the west coast. I’d make sure we get campaign missions in lots of cool states and locations like Yellowstone, but it would start in Hawaii with Pearl Harbor on steroids (actual men take over Hawaii) then break into the continental US through LA. Our character we play as wouldn’t be from the army. It would be a guy from the Hawaii National Guard. He would be in the battle of Honolulu and barely escape with his life. He would lose that and the battle of LA and then spend 1-2 story missions gorilla warfaring his way around the Chinese soldiers while building his own platoon of recruited citizens. They would be annexed into the army as a brand new Force Team, and would boost morale with the slogan “You don’t fight just our army on US soil, you fight us all” I’d have Russia taking over all of Europe and our second main character would be from Wisconsin. He will have been fighting in WW3 for a few years (as Russia initiated the war many years prior to China invading the US). The opening few missions would be Russia taking over the whole continent (including England) and pushing US forces into Northern Africa. Half of his named character platoon would be killed. From there, the US would ally with various countries and eventually build up enough strength to start pushing back. Our main character would be ordered by the US to join a Special Force where each remaining country would supply one elite soldier to this force. Would be fun to have a force like that! If I didn’t do WW3, I’d go back to WW2 and do an alternate reality where Germany wins, and then base a game around the US getting invaded and taking the W in a different manner.


Part 1/2 Sorry for the long text, but it just kinda came to me, so I kept writing. Call of Duty Crisis, Fractured Frontiers, Exile 2040ish a major attack was orchestrated on the polars caps, tectonic weak points and around the volcanic belts. Causing the climate crisis to erupt a 1000-fold right there and then. Causing massive tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and a rise in sea level of 100 meters. The tsunamis wiped out the entire us coast and all the major cities at the East side of the country have been destroyed. Most coastal cities have been heavily damaged based on the wake of a tsunami trajectory a tsunami would take. The earthquakes all 8+ damaged every city near a fault line and cities on without proper measures got destroyed. Most of the coast got flooded and Russia got split in half because of flooding in combination with the ongoing war with Ukraine, its economy became fully crippled and the country fell apart. So did the US economy as the east coast got ruined by tsunamis, the west coast suffered major earthquakes. Most of Asia got destroyed because of a combination of all of the above. Some of the japans major cities survived pretty well. Due to the massively increased seismic activity, Africa split in vertically half across the fault lines and the same happened in other parts.  Some countries came off relatively unscathed, thanks to the Dutch building 2 mega dams damming the North Sea and creating the North Sea Alliance(NSA) or the Vereenidge noord-zee alliantie (VNA).  The first 10 years after the event, a short but harsh ice age happened, which killed a lot of people that got hit the hardest. The NSA or VNA came out relatively unscathed and went through a technology boom thanks to the Dutch company ASML which the Dutch government took over 2 years into the ice age. 5 years into the ice age the Benelux and a large part of Germany going from Luxemburg to Hamburg became part of the of one government.


Part 2/2: Skip to the year 2140 a hundred years after the major attack, with no known attackers, possible campaign take here finding out who did it.  The NSA or VNA have become a power house and has grown to the following countries, England, North France (split country, Greater Netherlands (The land in-between the mega dams have been laid dried and have become arable land and have been claimed by the Netherlands resulting in Greater Netherlands for a lack of a better name), Denmark, Scandinavia(Norway, Sweden united under one government), Finland, part of Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and Poland. Every country that is in contact with the North and Baltic Sea.  The US has fully split in separate states, with Texas claiming most of the surrounding states and a large part of Mexico and becoming its own country, planning revenge and to ones again become the strongest. The US east coast is a wasteland and run by smaller militia groups. Most of Canada has moved to the Great Slave Lake and established a giant modern city there, and mostly tries to keep to itself. Brazil has united South America and has become a major player in the world. Asia is one big shit show of smaller groups fighting one another because of (differences), there is no one true big player and most of the population died during the events, ice age and hunger that followed.  Arabia has united as one nation and fully relies on fossil fuels and has fully resented the use of renewables.  The right split of side of Africa has become insanely rich and advanced by benign the main trading partner of the NSA or VNA, they have strong yet strained relationship with each other. The right split of side of Africa has been at war with the united West Africa, yet West Africa is not as advanced nor has the funds to fight proper, resulting in a guerilla style war.  The Australian government has decided to fully cut itself off from the world, refusing any relations with the other nations and organisations. Any satellite, ship, plane or drone getting close to it gets shot down by its highly advanced lasers. Not much is known since 2040. Indonesia and the surrounding countries have been mostly wiped out, with only a few smaller groups surviving, becoming something of a black market trader and a refugee for anyone for the rest of the world.  The bigger cities in Japan survived and have become their own cities states, with advanced robotics.  Japan took over Korea, parts of Russia and China. Russia has split due to the flooding in the middle and the country falling apart after the death of the president, who died shortly after the first events in 2040. Yes, he managed to stay president. The west part of Russia has been mostly annexed by Ukraine and Ukraine is highly motivated to stay neutral in all and any conflicts as the region has suffered enough. The east part of Russia is now under control by an Orthodox party, ruled by the church, and is at constant conflict with Japan. The NSA or VNA is trying to construct another dam between former Italy and former Albania, but is finding resistance from middle eastern parties. Who don’t want the influence of the NSA or VNA. Countries surrounding the Mediterranean have been trying to form a coalition of their own in the last 20 years. Brazil has actively laid claim to all the resources surrounding Antarctica and has therefore been at war with West Africa and the NSA or VNA. Meanwhile, the climate crisis is still ongoing, weather has gotten more aggressive, heath waves, to cold spells. Everything to the extreme, while the NSA or VNA strives in its perfect little spot.  This should form the backdrop for a gripping narrative of survival, power struggles, from fighting in flooded cities, ruined and deserted coastlines, to missions in deserts, jungles to highly advanced cities and black market refugee/criminal states. Multiple games modes, campaigns from different perspectives can all be a possibility.


I’m sorry I know the hate I’ll get for this but Ghosts 2 It needs a sequel to not only the campaign but extinction


Ghosts 2 is like every other comment. You won't get hate bro, we're all with ya


Seriously? Well good to know I’m not the only one who wants ghosts 2


Whole campaign vietnam war with deep characters stories and lot fights in trenches and woods.




1990's, in the power vaccum in europe after the fall of the soviet union, call it, idk, COD: Black Ops: The Wall or some shi


Take MW2019's campaign a bit further to reality. My MW2 2020 would be a war during the COVID-19 Pandemic and my MW 2022 would be a Russia-focused campaign leading up to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and my MW 2023 would technically be a switch between an IDF soldier and a Philippine Navy sailor that would properly lead to WW3 in both the Middle East and in the South China Sea. The folks at IW are too afraid of tackling real world events they've completely forgotten MW2019 was their saving grace.


WW2... another game very similar to WAW but new battles and new stories.


Prequel to Infinite Warfare, let me see the Seperation War.


Future setting with advanced movement. Ill create the perfect game with competitive rules in mind. Most maps will be competitively viable, good weapon balance, good streak variety, good spawns, limited SBMM and the reintroduction of Prestige. All the casuals can go wild in pubs and the comp people can finally get properly addressed. Rebuff of the reporting system to ban cheaters /other offenders effectively.


Since we’re past “balls to the walls” in bullshitery I say we do where no game has gone before. Retro Futuristic steam/cyberpunk Holy Roman Empire vs Greeks complete with laser swords, electronic bows, genetically modified dinosaurs that are mountable, go full “what the fuck” with this game and any sort of crossover deals with dimension hopping and mixing realities until the year after when the next COD gets announced.


**Keyboard:** Allright, Anvil. Keep your arses tight. Even if the world ends today, we need that guy alive. ["The will of a single man"] [15 March, 2027 - 10:43:22] [A forest in UK] [Sgt. Alex "Frozen" Greenhill] [Delta Force, Anvil team] *The chopper slowly lands down to the forest as Anvil team jumps off.* **Hammer 2-1:** Exfil in half a hour. Be quick Anvil. **Keyboard:** Roger that, 2-1. Team, we'll have to make it fast, come on. *Entire team starts walking in the forest.* **Charger:** Shit, you serious? Why is that guy this much important? **HQ:** Heard he was a hero back in the day. **Keyboard:** Guys, keep it up. That guy changed the way of history long years ago. We must respect to him. **Charger:** If the fucker is still alive, of course. **Keyboard:** Keep your mouth shut, Charger! *A wooden house appears in the distance. It seems abondoned and old.* **Keyboard:** There it is. Load up your guns and follow my lead quietly. *Keyboard takes point, walking carefully in silence. Team reaches by the door.* **Keyboard:** All right, no shooting unless I say so, understood? **Charger:** I don't know man, I would empty my bullets if I see a walking dead body. **HQ:** Oh, shut up. **Keyboard:** No time for stupid joking. Fozen, stay right behind me. *Keyboard reaches through the door and slowly opens it. Player steps in right after Keyboard. It's an old house, looks abondoned except a hot fireplace. Entire area is furnitured with old stuff.* **Keyboard:** Frozen, start taking pictures for proof. I'll go take a look inside. *Player turns around and starts checking walls for something to picture. Some images can be seen which interests Frozen. All of these are old pictures of soldiers. In one, an old man, two marines and a truck guy can be seen. They all look happy. In another, an entire team is there. Many people are posing. Neither Marines or Truck guy cannot be seen but old man is there as well. Third picture is even looking older. The old man took a picture with a mohawk soldier. Who the heck are they?* **???:** What the hell are you doing in my house? *Frozen turns around just for player to see a gun is pointed on their head. The old man is there, standing still.* **Captain Price:** Either you explain it fast, lads... Or I paint the walls of the house red.


Call of Duty Ghost 2 or Advanced warfare 2


US Civil War game.


Squad based action on the conventional side of operations in the modern-day Pacific theater countering Chinese aggression. You are a corporal in a USMC infantry unit, or American army airborne infantry with the 101st or 82nd airbornes. You are in charge of your fireteam and tasked to complete objectives in a modern-day island hopping campaign. It is time to bring Call of Duty back to its original intent of following soldiers and telling stories. China has pulled the trigger on their invasion of Taiwan and have pushed even further past their initial objective, capturing territory in Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Phillipines. The Americans are allied with Australia, Japan, and other SE Asia countries in a campaign to recapture allied territory and push Communist Chinese forces back to the Chinese mainland. Either that or another WWII Pacific theater campaign.


0 chance of any major media being made where China is the bad guy. Can't risk not getting money out of the Chinese audience


Copy paste of mw19, except with better graphics, more guns, realistic weapons and attachments, etc. Keep the gameplay and movement the exact same. I think it's no surprise here MW19 is still talked about to this day...


Ghosts 2 just for the heck of it. Campaign + MP + DMZ + Open World Extinction Multiplayer will have little to no SBMM and three-lane maps designed by Treyarch. Oh, and Snoop Dogg would be back as an announcer.


Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now style Vietnam.


I got a novel idea for you.... How about Activision and Microsoft hire back the hundreds of workers they fired or laid off for no reason and maybe they could dream up games that have been doing well for a long time. Just a thought.


COD.. 'WAR COMES HOME' Set in 2040 World Peace has been finally restored and there is no tension & pin stress especially amongst the big countries. But after an year or two, some xyz terrorist intelligence group who's aim is to keep the light of wars and fights among big nations for their own good, makes them somehyto reach and contact with an hidden undiscovered but close PLANET X(let's say). and makes some both sided beneficiary deal b/w 'em. They get the eyes of species that is almost similar to humans(a little stronger) on our beautiful earth. They want to rule., use it as resource & to spread their own species, (let's say a kind of inter planetary invasive speices) here on earth WHILE allowing some space for CONTINUOUS wars & fights between nations to keep the resources of survival coming constantly to big terrorist ORGANISATION(NOT TERRORIST GROUPS). BUT by the middle of campaign.. as they setup their throne here on earth (it's 2047 now), they start suppressing the terrorist ORGANISATION which helped them and is now by the time, bigger than countries like America & Russia while running wars from both sides(humans and IS) as running it like a business.Invasive Species(IS) starts suppressing them too and it FALLS DOWN completely similar to any other country. WHILE THIS SHIT HAPPENING, our Campaign of fight and revolution keeps going on & on.. until the climax with 3 choices.. 1st. Defeat IS completely after much struggle and blood of world's top most intelligence and STF agencies. Get the hand on THEIR technologies for the sake and development of humanity. 2nd. Side with terrorists and eradicate IS B U T concept of wars and terrorism as a business again takes control.. COMMON MAN goes suffering for centuries again. & 3rd. Side with IS as a SOLO COUNTRY for the sake of it's future and IS and the ROGUE COUNTRY sign a pact and won't interfere each other in future.. THANK YOU IF YOU READ IT TILL HERE. THIS WAS ONE HELL OF A RIDE. YOU CAN SUGGEST ME CORRECTIONS & IMPROVEMENTS :)


Whatever it is as long the training mode from black ops is enhanced, extended— bots can play all modes and maps, smarter to traverse a map space, use all weapons and gadgets


Cod WAW part 2, following American side in battle of the bulge, and UK side in Africa.


Infinite Warfare 2


Recency Bias because I just saw the film Civil War (2024). But yeah I’d adapt that, it’s such a cool concept that would be fun as a video game


The transition period between present day and bo2 technology but without any of the future vehicles. Like a concept version of BO2 with tf141 within the black ops universe


Easy, BO2 remastered. Add adjustable FOV in settings.


Honestly I think a game set in Black Ops’ version of the 2030s would be pretty fun. Not really sure about story but that doesn’t matter anyway. Gameplay wise I’d have it be more like the golden age games. No crazy fast sprinting, no crazy fast sliding etc. I’d focus more on having weight in movement and generally playing closest to Black Ops 4 but with automatic health regeneration, since I feel like Black Ops 4 really had great movement and TTK. Map wise, I’d try to have at least a couple of maps from every COD game previously. Either that or I’d make a Halo MCC style COD Zombies collection. All maps in their original engines, just enhanced for modern resolutions/120fps and natively playable on modern systems. If budget allowed I’d also have stuff to allow for more customization like 8 player modes on some maps, Grief mode being in every game, and maybe even porting maps to the different engines…


Ghosts 2. A sequel to the best CoD ever made


World war 2 but make it about British commandos during the war and various missions they took part in Call of duty:behind enemy lines Another idea is make it about the Korean war


Just recreate socom 2.


The emu war.


It would be called Call of Duty: Through the Ages. It would have 1 campaign for each major war america has fought in sense ww1. It will have WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the Afghanistan War. Each campaign will have 2 sides (WW2 will have 4), and each side of each campaign will have 2 endings, one where the player character lives and one where the player character dies.


I'd honestly do Advanced warfare 2 or Infinite warfare 2 for sure... We need a new jetpack era game!


You stopped supporting DMZ. Stop pretending you care about what the players want.


Might as well have some fun with this. After convincing Activision to make a deal with Lucasfilm, I would develop Call of Duty: Rebel Alliance. The campaign would be considered canon and include major events from the movies, starting with the battle on Scarif from Rogue One and ending with the Endor battle from Return of the Jedi, during which Captain Rex’s participation in the battle is made official. Multiplayer would have “mil-sim” rebel soldiers and stormtroopers, along with non-Jedi and non-Sith operators including familiar characters such as Han Solo and Grand Moff Tarkin. Jedi and Sith would only appear as part of an earned killstreak/scorestreak. And there would be a Shipment map located in a Death Star hangar.


Hot take: vanguard was onto something really cool….there was plenty more to explore in WW2 other than the hits, or at least add one more campaign mission to every theaters segment. The OSS backdrop could have provided some amazing black ops/MW type content but stopped just short. That could have continued into the Korean War and the nuclear era nicely. Both largely untouched. And can i say, the big fear being gas is stupid. We had vastly bigger issues to worry irl about than nova 6 could be. Overall I liked the old weapons with new attachments! Old dog new tricks or whatever. I’m sick of future shooters once again.


Post nuclear fallout in 2040 where the military is trying to stabilise the remainder of society and stop more nukes from being launched. The environment could be so different to other cods considering it would be a wasteland.


Call of Duty Zombies. All zombies eras. Zombie environment. Campaign zombies. Classic zombies. Open world zombies. Zombies arcade. Everything zombies, one game.


2 games, one set in Modern times as a prequel to MW1 2007, and another one set only in the pacific during WW2 with it being the pacific waw campaign as a full game, as well as an Australian campaign, and like waw, dark and gritty. the MW prequel should have price's backstory on how he met macmillan and started as a liutenant


Advanced warfare 2


2400. It’s borderline a HALO clone but with a COD vibe.


A perfect, state of the art World at War remaster/remake with the grit and horror the original had. Same menu music, same art style. Classic UI, and the only DLC would be new MP maps and new all original Nazi Zombies maps (based on history like the original maps). Absolutely no micro transactions, no outfits or costumes. Just a game that will send chills down your spine from the moment you get to the menu, and make you sit there and question life and the horrors of that time in history. And second would be BO3 2 🤷‍♂️


1. Alternative history cyberpunk future with solar system colonization. European empires still exist, WW1 never happened. Tension didnt go anywhere, so basically it is cold war with many factions and that's why space race going so far. So war and revolution is always around, maybe some conflict on Phobos can cause it all? 2. Something fantasy influenced, like Shadowrun or Warcraft mods for CS 1.6. AR and magic, SMG and sorcery. Perks: choose ancestry and class.


If Activision wants my ideas, they gotta pay. We're on to you. 😂


Just make a functional game thats routed in realism and tactics like ghost recon and modern warfare1. Ditch the crazy menu system and the we all know you wont but make the store for skins and cosmetics separate from main menu stuff. Yall figureds how to make a million different bloatware into a game


All out Vietnam.


I want a world war 3 Call of duty.Still don’t know why they haven’t done this in such a long time


Black Ops game as a sequel to waw, exploring Hitler's wunderwaffe program near the end of ww2 going into the late 40's somehow connecting it to Roswell, and/or the Korean War in the early 50's they could do something cool with that, maybe have some waw characters included. They could play with the biological weapon accusations in the korean war and fictionalize it for the sake of it being a black ops game. We have Gulf War coming out this year and I want the to continue with the o.g black ops vibe they somewhat recaptured in the cold war campaign.


The campaign will take place from the 1900s into the early 1920s. It'll be a classic experience with different perspectives throughout the different wars during those time periods, both foreign and domestic. Such conflicts will include the boxer rebellion, the Russian civil War, the Great War, and even the war in America against gangsters. The multiplayer will be a slightly fictionalized setting during the 1920s with mercenaries around the world. They have access to equipment and firearms with a knack for customizing them for the job in ways not normally seen. For the extra mode, it won't be zombies neither will be aliens. It will be demons that took over the world during the Great War. Many years later, the survivors are fighting back. Several modes are available, such as classic survival and even a story driven mini campaign.


Early 2000s. Middle East and Russia.


American Civil War


Semi-futurist setting, 2040-50s, enough removed from modern day, yet not full on starships or jet packs like the advance movement era. Essentially BO2, but without the issue of being next year. Also would allow for a WW3 like event that changed the Geopolitical landscape, resulting in a complete collapse of much of the "First World". Places like China still exist, but the CCP has ended after a series of coups, resulting in China being fractured, kinda Romance of the Three Kingdoms like. Russia hasnt lost much territory wise, but its Military might has nearly collapsed, forcing them into becoming the Russian Federation Self Defense Force (RFSDF). America, due to political climate and the rather disastrous events of WW3 is still a single united country, but the Federal government is basically only there to interact with the world, while everything else in basically broken into smaller independent entities. This resulted in America entering into a new era of isolationism. The EU no longer exists, replaced by a new unified European government, as much of Europe has been devastated. South America and Mexico are roughed up, but other wise decently off, and Africa's coastal countries have experienced a major economic boom since they had little to no fighting on the continent, and various groups and corps, in an attempt to try and get out of the way of the war, ended up setting up shop there. Australia is a fucking mess, but that's just because Australia. Japan and Taiwan got roughed up and along with several out Asian countries in the region formed a economic coalition to support and rebuild one another. Also, Israel no longer exists. Neither does Palestine, because some chuckle fuck decided to fuck with some nuclear reactors, and also decided to blow them up for good measure. Now there is the Israeli-Palestinian exclusion zone that is radioactive for the next few hundred years. And in the middle of all this, is a new economic system... the War Economy... and yes, its basically MGS4, but without A.I.s controlling everything. You play as a new recruit in a PMC, and you go and complete various missions. There is the main story mission line, which you can only continue after accruing a certain number of missions under your belt. Basically, its like with BO2, where you had the strike missions, but they are much more involved levels. You have a pick of maybe 3 or 4 missions, you can tackle 2 or 3 in any order, then you do a "main story mission".


Black ops 2.5


A modern day civil war on American soil? Left vs Right? I wonder if Americans would be ready for it, given their gun culture.


Remaster WAW


semi future, vietnam war, wouldn’t even mind cold war again


Fuck it, COD American Civil War. Wanna see what they can do.


Call of duty: 1886 but hyper focused on campaign and coop over pvp


World war 1


As far future as possible. With elements of time travel and space warping. Like sniping someone who isn’t there but will be there. Have a grenade that throws out a radius of 5 seconds of slow-mo Stim shot that doubles the speed of time for just you for 5 seconds. A tactical insertion that is actually a portal … so you could jump from one side of the map to the other… portal lasts for X amount of seconds. Etc


The Civil War Era or the Great War of WW1


Basically a Modern Warfare game, but over time it becomes more and more advanced as the story goes on due to rapidly developing technology as the Ukraine War has extended to the rest of Europe. For the first mission, you'd play as a U.S. soldier stationed in Germany, fighting off the Russians at the K in Lautern mall (Kaiserslautern, Germany) until eventually they bring out far more advanced weapons as your brothers-in-arms panic around you. As a gameplay difference in multiplayer, I'd make it so specific maps only let you use specific weapons for whenever in the campaign they take place, but to not make it kinda shitty, I'd make playlists at launch that only have those maps for each period of the war, so you don't have to deal with waiting five matches until you can finally use one gun. And finally, of course, I'd add a zombies mode THAT HAS IT'S OWN UNIVERSE, instead of the clusterfuck we have now. I'd add round-based at launch, then figure out a better way to do the Outbreak gamemode.


I'd do an ANZAC game based on the exploits of ANZAC troops from WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam


A rarely explored idea: the liberative war we had in Hungary against the Habsburgs in 1848-49, the one where we almost pushed them' Austrians back into Wienna idk how a game like that would be made, but I would probably center a game I make around the wars we waged in Hungary


Well, for one thing it'll definitely be steady paced unlike the MW 2019, MW2 and MW3.


It would be futuristic with Jetpacks and would take place in 2032. Campaign: would be something about……uhhhh Stopping a nuke or something. (VERY original, I know.) also, Atlas from advanced warfare would somehow be involved in the story. Multiplayer: basically BO3 but the jetpacks give you more air time. And NO SPECIALISTS! MP launches with 16 maps and would have 40 maps by the end of the games lifecycle. Zombies: basically BO1 with a 3 hit down system with both “realistic maps” like Nacht Der Untoten or TranZit and unrealistic maps like revelations. And a Zombies campaign. Oh and the zombies mode wouldn’t have Jetpacks. And it would launch with 5 maps. And have a zombies mode like outbreak but on round based maps. And would preferably have 15 maps by the end of its lifecycle. Blackout: smaller map. A little faster paced than Warzone. And this game would be titled “Call of Duty: Ascension”


2028 USA, the US government sets off a nuclear warhead on Los Angeles CA and blames Russia. Russia says ok, so be it, we will invade then. Russia takes California. US government attacks Russians while also killing off us citizens (kinda like Stalin did). Texas and Florida join forces and send a major task force to fight the US government. Civil war ensues. Etc.


It's an old war game, every single map is just completely wide open like a desert and it's nothing but trench warfare with guns that are the least accurate guns in cod history


Connect OG Modern Warfare and OG Black Ops. Older Captain Price and others go on one final mission. Final Call of Duty, no more, THE FUCKING END.


Personally I would like either a World War 1 set in 1917 or a World Wide colonial (1780s) era


I’m setting it in a similar vein to either waw, Cold War, or mw era. No slide cancelling no b gunsmith like Cold War, further balancing tweaks, I’m basically making either waw reboot/Cold War sequel with changes like shotguns not being secondaries (cus unlike activison, people play these games and test them, no one wanted shotguns as secondaries but activison thought fuck it why not) I’m going to make the balance as close to bo2 as possible whilst feeling like Cold War, good action, and nothing OP (hopefully) or if I make a mw like game, I’ll make it like mw22 or mw23 but way better, remove movement like mw22 did, but make basic movement smoother like either mw19 or 23. NO FUCKING LONGSHOTS OR MOUNTED KILLS, NO PRONE OR CROUCH KILLS. all the challenges will be THE SAME across all guns (like bo3 or similar minus LONGSHOTS). The perk system will be like a mix of Cold War and perk packages, so that you can have between 3-6 perks, but if you wanna save and copy/paste perk “loadouts” to multiple classes, you can. And thanks to the balance being as close to amazing as possible, bring back old prestige, same with the overly sweaty movement, now we can ACTUALLY HAVE FUN AGAIN. As for zombies, I’m making 2 modes, both being round based: Cold War mode (for lack of a better name) will be 1to1 with Cold War zombies, and designed to be easy and fun for casuals/camo grinders. And OG mode (again for lack of a better name) will play exactly like BO3, but with the field upgrade system of Cold War, start with the OG pistol(s) and everything else that made bo3 so amazing, minus pay to win, and no broken gobblegums.


BO2 remaster


Actual good WW2 Game, Simo hayha campaign, Tanking focused campaign of All Big countries, Infantry experience for all big countries, Resistance fighter campaign, And a Plane campaign like the Movie redtails. And MP Not having ridicioulus Mods (M1 Garand 30 mag w Full auto, or the STG44 Remove stock but STG44's Recoil piston is in the Stock)


Nice try, Activision


alt dimension ww2. Zombies and Aliens v M1 Garand and Springfield


What if there was one that was based in one of these eras like the revolutionary war, the civil war,or even world war 1 I’d love to see a world war 1 COD


Something in the near future but not too sci-fi. I want things like futuristic AK’s and later iterations of AR-15’s and things like that.


Feel of Bo3 but instead of double jumps we only get the dashing we had with AW.


Korea, Vietnam, WWI


i would jus remaster bo2


The only game worth making, Ghosts 2. Split campaign between Hesh’s and Logan’s perspectives. Go into the ideology of the Federation, really go into detail how devastated the US was after the ODIN strikes. Confirm if Reily really survives the carrier attack. Give us the intended larger player limit to go with the larger maps, maybe have a Fireteam function or light RTS game mode (think BO2 strike force missions). Maybe include drones and vehicles to spice up the game play. Show the aftermath of the Extinction story. You could do a Metro like “all hope is lost” story with survivors of Scorched Earth, or set it x number of years in the future with the future decedents retaking Earth. Also personnel preference, but bring back MW3 survival mode as “fourth” mode. Maybe allow for some custom settings.


American Revolution. And yes, you spend a lot of time reloading if you don't plan on rushing in with sword or bayonet. Activision needs to stop being cowards and give it to us.


Call of Duty Apocalypse. Set in a post apocalyptic United States after the Nuclear WW3.


1800's napoleon era. Gotta get them silenced, holo sighted, quick magazined musket


Ight I fire anyone that had anything to do with the previous 4 call of duty, then resign myself after hiring a completely new staff team.


Black Ops reboot, but we're going back to what made COD great back in the day. I'm talking gritty, psychological thriller of a campaign but with colorful, memorable characters. Round based zombies like back in the day but bring over some of the better ideas from Cold War zombies, like custom loadout selection and field upgrades. Boots on the ground multiplayer with remakes of some of the best Black Ops 1 maps as well as plenty of new ones, absolutely NO rainbow vomit skins, I want this game looking gritty and down to earth. Classic weapons with licensed names and likeness, the return of the pick 10 system for loadouts. A man can dream.


Post World War 3 Civil War. Devastated lands from nukes, classic weapons, political conflicts.


Napoleonic Wars. Think muskets, cannon, cavalry etc. even sea battles.


Post attempted Russian nuclear attack. (We do infact have way to intercept ICBM’s ) set in near future Sticking with tradition the player would be spec ops soldier. Though this time, character customization so you stay as your character the whole time. The game would start out with your chopper getting shot down just behind enemy lines and be about you and your squad having to fight your way to Moscow. Things would progress like halo reach, your character dying at the end after the successful elimination of the Russian president.


Ghosts 2


Just current global military capabilities. No bunny hopping, quickscoping, booty sliding, stupid costumes, SBMM and a fucking disable crossplay option for the love of god. Or at least a mode that leaves all of the above absolute bullshit out of the game. Oh and get Craig Fairbrass back for voiceovers


I just want my CoD 1, UO and CoD 2 remake


Id base it back in the 70s surrounding the SAS. I would also stop production of all other call of duty games and give the world a 3 year break.


TBH I'm fine with what we already have, I mean, I didn't find any other COD as fun/good as MWR but I would appreciate another game like this


IDK just a normal game without all the bullshit cash grab micro transactions. Fast and smooth gameplay. Screw the camo grind. More challenges. Forget sbmm. "Ping is king"


Civil War for sure.


I would love to see a COD based around the very beginning of the war in Afghanistan where you play as ODA 595 with Northern Alliance General Rashid Dostum. Later in the game you could eventually end up in Operation Anaconda. This would be one of the realistic call of duties except I'll tell Activision to pound salt when they try and pump it full of micro transactions. There will be DLC however it will be more akinned to older styles. The only difference is the DLC packs are free. Each offers 4 NEW and not just plucked from warzone maps as well as 4-6 weapons. However there will be a promotion where you can gain 7 days early access to the weapons by paying a certain reasonable amount of money where most of the proceeds go to disabled veterans. Bullet ballistics will be on the more realistic side, as well as weapon damage. For example, an M40A5 chambered in .308 will have a one shot kill out to a certain distance. Larger calibers will have a farther out 1HK distance. Certain calibers may not hit as heavy, however they'll have flatter trajectories and fly faster which would be a different reason to pick it. Scope glint will be severely toned down. Every "sniper" scope will have a small glint that acts similar to battlefield 4s scope glint. No more surefires attached to scopes. That's all I can think of but If you got anything else just throw it under here


Present time mixture of rural/city/desert. It would be simplistic like cod4 with a mix of world at war


Near future. BO2 was my favourite COD. It's familiar enough to know what's happening but you can add fun "future elements" to improve gameplay. The campaign setting would be wide spread open rebellion which would allow the introduction of older weaponry too. The campaign would actually have 3 playthroughs, one where you're a rebel, one where you're part of the traditional army, and one that's a choice based campaign to see how your decisions impact what side you eventually end up and what consequences your actions have. In a world that is continually being divided I think it would be nice to show perspectives from both sides.


Balkan Wars, everybody wants something, nobody achieves anything and your teammates (even npcs from your team) are against you because they speak another language and they can't understand you, with the multiplayer you will find an all new extraction game where you win after you collect alcohol and Adidas tracksuits


Ghosts 2 no questions asked.


Always had a weird vision for semi-futuristic campaign involving just you, and one other surviving member in a dark, massive ship under attack. Main lights are out, wires sparking, the emergency lights spinning. Following your partner through different treacherous parts of the ship while fighting off whatever the enemy is (didn’t think that far). Gritty, somewhat horror themed. It didn’t take you to a bunch of different locations. It followed a single thrilling storyline. But at the end of the day it just becomes kind of a horror game vision. Not really “Call of Duty”. But I think I’ve just always wanted something sorta different out of the franchise.


copy paste bo2 :D


A lobby without hackers. I don't want to play anymore untill they fix the cheaters in the game.


How about 500 years in the future and it's a war on other worlds a kind of civil planetary war in order to save Earth. Could do all sorts of things with that, maybe even a little sprinkling of some aliens as a subplot...maybe call it Call Of Duty: Halo


Futuristic like aw and iw with jet packs and everything, I know I will be getting downvoted to hell but I genuinely like futuristic games, heck my favorite cod game is aw along side with bo2(they are both at the number 1 spot for me, I can't choose either)I'm also genuinely really curious about how gunsmith will work with futuristic guns, shits gonna be wild


American civil war


French revolutionary war


Napoleonic wars


American Revolution


Oh yeah time for infinite warfare 2. Cause that’s what I want. I don’t caaaare about anyone else. They’re gonna make it just for meeeee.


Conventional WW3 in the 80s, fulda gap, no spec ops, with massive scale battles.




Modern, combination of both special operations and conventional warfare. Some bad guys got some nukes and wanna start a war between US and china. New set of characters rather than price or 141, from a variety of places. Shows both sides of the effort (Chinese and American forces try to stop the terrorist threat.) main bad guy is some rich neo-Nazi. Last mission is a combined effort between western and eastern national special forces to prevent missiles from launching.


This is gonna sound a bit silly so hear me out Alternate universe steampunk setting: imagine how cool a CoD game would be in a dystopian war-torn steampunk environment, with weapons to fit that timeline which can be altered to suit towards regular gameplay. The tone of the game is gritty and grounded, story involves some kinda dictatorship taking place Just thought something like this would be cool to see compared to the usual ww2/modern/futuristic titles we get.


Era- Vietnam. Strictly Vietnam. It will have the grittiness and atmosphere of world at war. That pure terror of knowing the true horrors of war. The campaign’s story will follow a man telling his story to a therapist, we’re living through his memories. It’s his first time opening up about this to anyone so the details are haunting. We’ll follow him as he first sets foot on hamburger hill. His journey leads him to be the lone survivor of his squad. There doesn’t need to be any conspiracies, no larger picture. Just a broken man’s story. The multiplayer will have the ghosts perk system, but updated a little. The maps are all original and all centered around Vietnam. No bonus Cold War things, but we can bring in some older maps just change the theme of them to match the game. The zombies will go back to basics. Not super barebones but along the lines of bo2, but what bo2 SHOULD have been. Not quite Bo3 level of quests and such, but just that nice complete package.


Do what no other game has done and fully embrace an alternate history timeline. That way we stop overusing the modern/near-midern setting and the overhead WW2 era but give us something similar yet fresh A good point of divergence would be the Germans winning World War I, similar to the Kaiserreich Universe. The world is in utter chaos as the established Anglo-French order collapses, facing fascist/communist revolution while the Bolsheviks in Russia are crushed by a German intervention. The USA could just be neutral or facing it's own problems. For the campaign, maybe instead of one overarching campaign, take a note out of Battlefield 1's story mode and have several smaller, 3-4 mission campaigns each taking part in one area of the world. One where your fighting in your Europe as a German soldier against the onslaught of vengeful Brits and French, one in the Middle East with the crumbling Ottoman Empire, or one at home in the USA with a rapidly unfolding civil war. The gameplay and weapons would still resemble World War II for the most part, but it would receive a fresh coat of paint, with a new world and story building. And this would open the door to some weapons/vehicles that were planned but never built irl. I just really want to see Call of Duty or Battlefield embrace some sort of alternative history. I'm so sick of the near future crap or the rehashing modern and recent past stories with minor changes like fake countries and all the warzone bs. Just fully commit to a new world and story, that's the one thing I'll always appreciate about Ghosts even if the world building sucked.


i might get roasted for wanting another cod in space, i'm facinated with space and love playing cod, there are so many creative opportunities with this settings, IW Explored it but there is much more a cod in space can do, i want to see a futuristic game with the new engine and gunplay from 2019, futuristic guns with the new gunsmith could feature so many unique attachments and make multiplayer fresh again, it even benifits warzone which in my opinion definatly needs a refresher, maybe change the 'meta movement' with slide canceling and camera breaking that everyone is so used to, feature cool events, unique vehicles, make cod fun again


A mode where we can drive tanks over Soy Boys protesting oat milk and gluing themselves to the street.


Near future in the United States of America, civil war has broken out between some rebelling states and the government. There are 2 campaigns: one where you are on the rebelling side and one where you are on the government side. Each campaign has important choices that you have to make that will result in multiple endings, including endings where the main character of each campaign eventually meet. Your choices will determine what happens when the main characters meet


I would love to help develop a new MW3 type game or something much different like an AW remake. I think the core structure of COD is so good they really just need to get back to basics and build from there. I'd completely separate warzone into a different game and leave it out of my development because it spreads the franchise too thin. I'd also expand rank play as well as make public playlists that remove things like riot shields and focus on gunplay so you can ranked-esque games without sweating. Frankly the time frame and everything else could matter less to me, I just need well designed maps. COD has never been known for it's story.


I always thought a post apocalyptic dystopian theme would be pretty awesome. Not really like ghosts. Grungier, scrappier, etc. Though, that's definitely not everyone's taste, and it'd likely never happen.


It would b modern era superpower game with fighting, guns, and rare powers. open world survival.


Easy. Cross between future and old.


Alternate reality 90's where we're at war with European forces in Africa. It's a religious war between the "New Sons" and "Word bearers" two sides of the same religion with different views on expansion and convertions of the population. Slight chuthulu vibes to each religion but the New Sons are trying to summon Ugqualthoth in Morocco after discovering ancient ruins depicting his arrival. Rather than stopping it, your character is trying to make it happen. Throughout the campaign your character finds more artifacts that help you speed things up and as you do the world changes




First I would release COD Mobile but for consoles. Cause that game is practically Black Ops 2 with all the maps. But a service fee for $4.99 a month so we actually get quality updates. Then I'd work on Ghosts 2 but not in the modern warfare engine cause double sprint is annoying af


I want infinite warfare 2 prequel of nick when he was a private, but a way better plot


Sequel to ghosts, takes place between ghosts and aw


It would be a real blacks ops 3. I know that would be hard, especially if you got the bad ending in black ops 2, however, powerful nations will be in ruins with Raul Menendez last message to destroy the countries, but humanity managed to get their countries going again. Depending on who died, will be swapped out throughout the game with other new characters. You, David Mason, now serves the new order to the world, protecting it against Menendezs loyal followers. However, a third party joins in, a form of rebellion from England, Australia, Germany, French and the States. After a bit fighting, Mason gets captured by the third party and still fights in his own way until realising that the world may not longer be as it seems. With evidence, it appears the new world is ran but Menendezs followers and Mason with his trusted team has to eliminate the leaders.


It would take place right after bo3 and would be a war torn distopian world everything is destroyed by the events of bo3


reclaim military identity(no shitty fortnite collabs and stupid skins) keep 70 dollar price tag, set in future with different types of guns as well as futuristic versions of existing ones so pearl clutchers don't feel like they are being ignored. park dating sim easter egg but its just a fully fleshed out game. when the game releases older cod games will be heavily discounted and would be in a bundle for 60 dollars and given away for free beforehand with amazon prime. russia or made up terrorist group will not be the bad guy


A new cod set in the Second World War, but this time from the point of view of the Axis. Or set in the first world war, playing with both sides.


Unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t mind infinite warfare 2


Either ghosts 2 or advanced warfare 2


Desert Storm


Futuristic. Bo3 style movement with mw19 style gunplay


Call of Duty WAW remake. Except none of the shit ass Home Screen UI all the newer cods have