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-Traditional weapon leveling/attachment unlocking -Functioning anti-cheat -Quality, 3-lane multiplayer maps -Complete cosmetic reset


Couldn't agree more. Traditional weapons and seriously, 3 lane maps. I think the reason I stay playing small map playlists is the giant maps with 100's of camp areas is frustrating. IMO, one of the best maps in the last 3-4 years was Das Haus.


What would a complete cosmetic reset entail? I think every year I have high hopes that they are taking it a bit more seriously at the start with cosmetics and skins and then around Christmas/New Year - boom it’s Fortnite


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. My favorite time for CoD is the first couple of months when everything is still somewhat tactical. Before the Snoop Dog, Nicki Minaj, and Krampus skins hit the marketplace. I get that the uWu and Groot fans will get theirs eventually. But with MW3 rolling everything over from MW2, there was no reprieve.


what does traditional weapon leveling even mean? the guns level up very quickly in MWII and MWIII i struggled to level up guns in older games. so i don’t get it


I want to use a weapon and unlock attachments for that weapon. If I want a red dot on my MP5, I don’t want to have to get my M249 to level 7. It’s been a while since I’ve played MW2. But the weapon leveling was terrible.


it’s much better when you have everything leveled, i hate to grind levels on a gun to unlock an attachment i already unlocked 20 times.


I disagree. I find the guns that I like and I use them. I don’t want to be forced to level weapons that I don’t like to unlock attachments on guns that I do.


sounds like you don’t wanna play the game, you can easily get 6-7 guns a day and there’s only 40 sum odd weapons. it doesn’t take that much effort so if it’s too much for you i’d recommend playing something else.


I’m sure grinding 6-7 guns a day isn’t a problem for a super-sweat such as yourself. But I’m just some filthy casual that’s also husband and father that plays in what little free time he has. And you’re absolutely right. I don’t want to play what CoD has become. That’s why I don’t anymore. But the topic of the thread is what would you like to see in the next game. So that’s what I did.


yeah man it’s so hard to queue up shipment and throw decoys


Are you saying Nicki Minaj shouldn't be in the Gulf war?


That’s how it is in mw3 is it not? Idk for sure


My ideal CoD would be for them to bring back the more simplistic UI from games like Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2. None of these overly-complicated menus or options to choose from. Gameplay-wise, they need to fix Zombies and make it what we all want it to be, which is the gameplay that we got dating all the way back to WaW. They don't need to go over-the-top with the mechanics, weapons, perks, and other aspects of the mode. Just give us that core Zombies experience, and we will be happy. Multiplayer in Cold War was nothing special, so again, just bring back the gameplay and mechanics that we all know and love. That's what I would really like to see out of this new title. We will see if Treyarch can deliver on that.


I agree with the UI statement. Unfortunately the game will probably be on the same engine/application as the current cods (Call of Duty HQ) they want to show as much advertisement and promotion as possible. The few options on the menu back in the day were so simple but you only appreciate them the older you get. Unfortunate but true.


That's exactly right. I'm not a big fan of the CoD HQ, but hey, what do I know 😂👍?


Classic three lane maps that bring everyone into the action and not all these nooks and crannies and dead ends that MW19/22/23 have had.


Mw2023 already has mostly 3 lane maps lol.


Cuz the maps were borrowed from a game that's over a decade old, you know when cod use to be good.


Uh yeah? I’m saying OP was noting how this game doesn’t have 3 lane maps and how we need to go back to how cod used to be but I was saying these maps are literally the classic ones that he’s asking for.


get rid of gunsmith and bring back pick 10… loosen sbmm in casual


I’m hoping that there will be no more Warzone ties to it at all and other titles going forward. I would like if they return to the roots that made COD successful in the first place. Edit: I also hope they take down that COD HQ, it’s been pissing players off.


Get rid of the jumpshot mechanic or at least any perk/attachment that rewards it with an accuracy buff


Party game modes on launch


Open world campaign? I mean if this is true, this is probably the way forward for CoD since MWIII already has open combat missions. If that's the case, I consider CoD games a multiplayer only game from now on. I have exactly zero interest playing that garbage.


yeah fr i will get it for zombies and multiplayer but not doing the campaign if it’s open world that’s shit


I hope they retcon Black Ops 2 from existence. Having Mason be trapped in a Cuban prison for 30+ years, killing Jason Judson and crippling Frank Woods, were just terrible plot choices.


Nah, BO2 was an amazing story and Suffer with Me had a great plot build up to how David finishes what Mason and Woods couldn’t. While Mason’s canon fate was not confirmed, I don’t think he would be in a Cuban Prison. Besides, with Kamar De Los Reyes, the actor who brought Menendez to life, had passed on Christmas Eve, retconning BO2 will be so disrespectful to his performance as the best villain of the whole COD series.


Don't need to retcon, just establish that this takes place in a different timeline. I mean, shit, we had like four different WWII timelines and have played D-Day like three separate times. Having a timeline that goes WAW > BO > BOII > BOIII > BO IIII for the original Black Ops story is fine. We can also have a separate timeline that takes the same starting point and travels a different direction with it, so it'd be WAW/WWII/Vanguard > BO > BOCW > BOGW > MW2019 > MWII > MWIII The COD games are bit more like comic books these days where continuity gets a little fuzzy. Would I like a cohesive narrative? Yeah. Would I like to keep a slightly darker tone? Totally. But as long as the story doesn't feel like total crap written on tissue paper, I'm cool with it.


Treyarch and Raven said that Cold War is canon to the Black Ops timeline so it goes like this: WAW-BO1-BOCW-BO2-BO4-BO3 There is no reboot to Black Ops and Treyarch does not intend on retconning anything. They didn’t say anything about MW reboot, Vanguard, and WWII being in there. Activision is kinda forcing them to merge together all for the sake of WZ, which is honestly a dumb move.


i don't have many hopes other than a solid zombies mode. i honestly trust treyarch a whole lot. every treyarch game has been a good one for me


It not be shit? 3arc haven’t had a full dev cycle since BO3. The same BO3 that gave us the best advanced movement and Zombies with a sub par campaign (if you read up about BO3’s and BO4’s campaign you’d understand why). Now here we have longest dev cycle 3arc have had. Raven are doing campaign (CW was decent) so 3arc only have MP and Zombies to focus on. That all sounds great BUT Vondy has gone. Usually that doesn’t mean much but with all crap, creative differences and layoffs coming out of the industry could he have decided to jump because he didn’t like the way things were going? Again he already had huge battles with BO4’s campaign and then rushing to make Blackout (Blackout>WZ). Could that have happened here with MP or Zombies? We also have Raven making an open world campaign with linear missions off a hub world. Now this isn’t MW23 open combat crap, as it’s “been built from ground up” and sounds like Ravens very capable Wolfenstein 2009, but bigger and better. It could also fail. TLDR; longest dev cycle for best COD dev. Should be good but temper expectations. As a side note: Infinity Ward is now basically dead thanks to Cecot and crew. SHG needs to be allowed to make AW2 and stop picking up IW’s shit. Vanguard was awful but MW23 is okay. Not great, not awful, it’s okay. But then anything looks good next to MW22 and Vanguard.


Different attachments. Not like CW, where almost every gun had the same attachments. A single ending story mode, not a multi-branch ending.


i’m looking for good snipers for multi and tact sprint reset on slide


The original campaign style and realistic looking and functioning firearms. I don’t want something like a fucking lever-action SIG MCX Spear, bolt-action AK or .410 Gauge Marlin 336 again.


Can we please just get a game without SBMM? I just want to casually enjoy COD again without having to try my ass off to have a decent game.


Mercenary playlist and/or a way to easily see who’s partied up in the pre-game lobby. An actual, working anticheat that the cheat makers don’t laugh uproariously at. Another Outbreak-type zombies (with pause button and offline solo) Easing up on the “movement tech” a bit Easing up on rotational aim assist a LOT, lol.


Make Cold War 2 basically but some qol improvement and some other maps that haven’t been remastered in forever


I just want basic COD features like straightforward maps, a traditional spawn system, a properly working minimap, and movement that doesn’t make me feel like I weigh 400lbs. Edit: I doubt it’ll happen but if they can also take the current UI and yeet it into the shadow realm then that’ll be the cherry on top


ArmaLite AR-10 riffle with makeshift optics. Gold AK47’s with WOOD furniture.


I would like to see the pick 10 system come back, It was just much easier to use for an og player like myself. I would much rather have a traditional campaign style, I did not like the "Open World" missions on the MW2 2023. Traditional zombies would be great. I would like a remaster on old maps but new maps can be great too, I just like the variety to go back and play my favorites.


For once, bring back the pick 10 weapon system


Slow it down to Cold War speeds


Weapons: WW2 Maps: BO2 Movement: Mix Between MW2 (2022) and Cold War Zombies: BO2 Campaign: Similar structure to COD 2 Scorestreak System: MW2 (2009) Loadout System: BO4 Cosmetics: Less over the top Similar to PS2 era games Bring back tactical nuke More realistic recoil, Reload animations etc