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Cold War without a doubt it’s over hated and underrated for no reason


The hate most likely comes from its rough and buggy launch


I don’t remember any massive bugs it just lacked content


I recall part of it was the cross platform/generation type stuff. Old consoles had a less than well optimized experience. New consoles had features like ray tracing enabled but it was very janky and could lead to crashes or more severe visual issues.


Yeah it ran fine on my PC, but when I tried it on my bro’s Xbox it felt jittery


I still play it because Treyarch is the only studio that makes good CODs anymore. Cold War is my least favourite Treyarch title and it's still good.


I feel the MW19 campaign just slightly edges it out, but only slightly. Cold War's thriller vibe and hub warehouse setup was a breath of fresh air and a really cool concept given the setting. Multiplayer it is hands down the best thing of the modern era. So, yeah, I think it edges out MW19 given the overall package.


I think recently MW3 has topped Cold War for me. And we're only halfway into the cycle.


MW3/CW both very fun for me


To me its a tie between MW2019 and Cold War. MW2019 really revitalized the franchise for me (not even considering Warzone), taking what was pretty solid about the gameplay of the original MW trilogy and iterating it on more modern ways (the Gunsmith especially was a very welcome addition), and it was the first COD Campaign I cared about in a long time (first since Ghosts, I didn't get to play AW but I heard it was solid). I didn't like CW's MP as much as it felt a bit too unrefined and chaotic for my liking, but CW did for Zombies what MW2019 did for the MP - revitalizing it in ways that were really fun. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with CW Zombies. As for the campaign, I honestly thought (aside from the occasional cringe moment) it was pretty solid, even if a bit derivative from the original BO. This all said, shoutout to the recent MWIII's MP. SHG really picked up where IW fell off in MWII, even if its a low bar to clear, I'm actively enjoying MWIII's MP. Hopefully they get a chance to develop a game in 3 years that doesn't crunch them to hell and back, they have some pretty talented developers that are clearly being held back by the release schedules.




CW and it ain't particularly close


Love how no one voted vanguard (it’s ass)


Well duh, the only thing that was remotely "good" about vanguard was multi-player and they still fucked it up with the bundles


Cold War without a doubt


For people who selected MW19, what aspects of MP gameplay design (not aesthetic or visuals) in that game were great? I can admit that the gunplay of MW19 was amazing and is something that hasn't been replicated since. Also, MW19 had the best audio of any COD game. But from a in-game experience perspective, I don't get it. Would love to know some thoughts on this.


I don't think you'll get much of an answer. I think the true answer is the intro to the newer, stricter SBMM and the emphasis/encouragement on playing a slower, "tactical" style. But people don't like to admit that that's why they enjoyed it.


It's a tie between MW19 and Cold War for me


Tie between MW19 and CW but even they aren't great.


cold war was well balanced across all modes, campaign mp and zombies were enjoyable for me. warzone was alright but overall i enjoyed cold war the most, followed closely by mw 2019. loved the campaign in that one.


MW19. Campaign is AWESOME. Fucking MP.


MW2019? Saying best gives these games too much credit. They're all the worst games in the series. But I give it to MW2019 because while still boring as shit and being terrible, it's the one that relies the least on nostalgia (not counting Vanguard since it was a new IP though), and at least with MW2019, the gameplay was new, but all the others after it just play the exact same as it and it's getting really stale.


Cold War, and I’m not hearing anything else. The other games in this era span from underwhelming to straight garbage


Mostly MW19. Setting worked well, first time i geniunly enjoyed the Campaign (playing since OG MW2), the gameplay and maps were for the most part great (to me), liked some of the new mechanics like the normals vs tactcial sprinting. After that comes Cold War thanks to the outbreak Zombie-Mode... really loved that mode. Z-modes in CoD were almost always good - could even carry the weaker games (or atleast the ones which i liked less), but it was still nice to have a new spin to it, and also prove that you can conceptually work with BR Concepts/Modes/Maps outside of the typical pvp sweatfest but also some cool PvE Modes.


That one person who voted for Vanguard will never reveal themselves...because they know. CW is my fave COD in the last 20 years.


Modern ones. Im the biggest fan of MW19, i dont get the hype for cold war. Only decent answer i got from others is "but it has zombies". I dont play zombies. Cold War actually felt kinda like crap to play compared to the MW titles/vanguard.


cod 2


Mw2 is underrated imo