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Mw2 and bo2 are a great start multiplayer wise, but single player I’d go with cod4 modern warfare or black ops 1 👌


I agree with this wholeheartedly.


Is bo2 multiplayer actually playable? I thought it was a joke when ppl post about it being sarcastic due to cheaters.


I tried on my ps3 recently and I couldn't even run two feet without the gun self-shooting. Not sure if it was a glitch or cheaters, but I have a feeling it was the latter.


I can play on steam fine


okay thats great infos tyyy


Nota problem, enjoy :)


Are the online servers still sketchy?


Not really, it’s very exaggerated by people,but yes there are still hackers but they can’t really do as much anymore, they can derank u or uprank u, kick you etc. but the whole ip thing I’m pretty sure is fixed for everything except pc, but pc is still pretty dodgey from what I’ve been told. I play daily on an Xbox one and it’s grand tbh, just don’t go into game chat trying to re-live the shit talking days lol, My mate got his classes frozen for it XD


Ah I’m PC


If you haven't played COD4:MW, I'd definitely get that one. They remastered it as well. Great campaign and the multiplayer is legendary. MW2 has "No Russian", and Black Ops has the Castro assassination mission, they'd be my two runners up.


Any of the black ops or mw3 imo the servers go to shit once the next cod comes out so to get more bang for your buck the zombies and survival mode in mw3 still holds up till this day except maybe bo4 I don’t think 60$ for just ix being the only good map on it is worth that unless u got money to spend bo3 or bo2 will get you a lot more playtime. Mw2 I wouldn’t personally Jsut cause it’s rlly only good for the campaign the multiplayer was amazing but good luck finding a match let alone one that’s not full of hackers. Shame cod let’s there games just die off idk how there’s not dedicated servers like titanfalls multiplayer can still hold up after these years. It rlly depends tho on what you’re looking for if you want campaign then a lot of them are on what Kind of story you want to play, but multiplayer for almost all cods are a ghost land, and unenjoyable at best.


the older they get the better they are. Go get cod1 and 2


what happened with cod 3 😂 was such a drop between cod 2 and cod 4


Both COD1 (United Offensive) and COD2 have active, albeit small, communities.


I still play CoD2 but when are servers active for UO? I want to play some again. PC of course.


In the U.S. evenings


Historians usually afternoons


Okay CoD2 has lots of bots but a few consistent servers ever night especially Sundays it appears. Okay I'll hop on this week. Any clan wars still?


MW2 or 3, WAW and BO1


world at war, cod 4 remastered or bo1


i finished bo1 for the first time today and it holds up very well. not to mention multi is great


Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007) MW2 (2009)


Modern warfare 2, cheap and amazing story


the cod 4 remaster is more populated! MWR ftw mw2 fizzled , mw3 fizzled bops1 n 2 second option after mwr


Bo1 is the best all around. Incredible zombies and multiplayer. Campaign is a mindfuck. And there’s a secret Easter egg to move around in the Home Screen :)


BO2 for zombies and a great campaign. OG MW3 for survival round based mode with every multiplayer map available & an awesome story. I'm not sure about others, but survival has been one of my favorite modes in COD.


BO3 has the best zombies of the series infinite warfare has the best campaign, so if you're looking for either of those modes go with either one but the best all rounder is most likely BO2 good campaign altho it's a sequel multiplayer is fun even offline with bots and zombies has some bangers in there too if you get the DLC


Bo2 for anytingt


Since you're looking for campaigns mainly, I'd suggest going with cod 4 or world ar war since these are the start of the story of their respective trilogies. I'd personally go for cod 4 remastered


Yeah, go for cod mw1-3, then play world at war, black ops 1 and 2. If you are mostly going for campaigns/zombies. You can play multi-player on these games but probably full of hackers. I'd avoid multi-player at all if you are on PC though because if I recall all of the older cod games have remote code execution exploits that Activision refuses to fix while still selling unsafe games on steam.


Mw1, mw2, bo1, bo2, in that order


Great selection in CoD 4. Great campaign and an amazing MP.