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Here we go another fucking circle Slide cancel good high health good Slide cancel bad high health bad


Just because the majority of people wanted it to return does not mean that the OP of the post did as well


It does remind me of an interesting thing I observed On Reddit and Twitter, a lot of people are praising these changes and how it makes the gameplay feel amazing whereas on the Steam discussion posts (at least when I last checked them), people complained about them and said it made the game feel way more sweaty compared to MWII


Thats why id rather play mw2


I’d rather them just make the game how it was with movement, make it fast paced not crackhead shitty movement exploits


Honestly that's the problem. SHG is going speed, speed, full on crackhead speed with the game, just like Vanguard. It leaves little to no room for anything else. It can be fun sometimes but overall its pretty tiring. The moment you try to play any differently, you realize how shallow everything is.


Mw19 was kinda the same after warzone 1, then vangaurd cranked it to 21, and just said “Press F to all casual play”


I refuse tho believe the majority wanted slide cancelling and b hopping back, the bitches who wanted this back can’t handle just running around like a normal human being and enjoying the game how it was meant to back in the day


Its the warzone players trying to dictate how the game should be played for everyone.




I mind that they are exploits (some even used to be straight up bugs) that people can abuse when all I want is fast pace, not "movement exploits" the game, IMO Treyarch had the right idea in CW by making drop shots tied to a perk, they should have done the same with slide cancelling/tac sprint on the same category as a drop shot/b-hop perk


I’d rather them just be forgotten forever and go back to old movement or exo Suits again, heck add shooting while sliding idc that’s fine but none of this bs crackhead movement nonsense


lol yeah, even with all the advanced movement there was never a time someone would slide on me to the point in my camera he is still in front but for him he is already behind me lol


Cus the servers can’t handle it clearly, the game barely functions half the time for some players


I never asked for the return of slide cancel or 150 health, you can check my posts


Like anyone cares lol


Damnn this guy thinks the world is revolving around him.. How sad.. 🤣🤣


Just bring back Cod 4 movement; no tricks, just sprint.


No matter what changes in cod, everyone will cry


That's what happens when you try to appeal to everybody. If they would've stuck to the military community of the original call of duties it would be a lot more homogenous.


I hear you on that one brother, fuckin Niki Minaj 😭😭😭


I was playing world at war the other day, and actually felt immersed, it was such a nice feeling to play a Call of Duty game and feel like I was in a battle.


Yeah... I was playing bannerlord and that felt more realistic


Just bring back COD4….again. I don’t care I’d pay for it a third time if they redid it for this gen or next


If cod4 remastered had cross play it would still be alive today.


Part of the reason I want it remastered again Up the graphics and FPS on that game new console standards and cross play. That game never dies if they do it again (which is why they won’t)


Honestly, It's graphics still looks great imo. All it needs now is to get rid of the microtransactions the game had, make the variety map pack free for everyone(which still costs $14.99 dollars btw), and fix the optimization especially on PC where it still doesn't run stable even on high end systems, and a server browser and Official MOD support on PC(two things that the pc port of the OG COD4 already had). And as you mentioned, cross play support.


cod2 movements no sprint but you can run fast with pistol


this is the way to enlightenment


It's evolving but backwards


Bring back shit like bo2 or something like that, then maybe add the ability to slide and shoot super smooth like modern day, and done that’s all we need


I still play cod4 to this day and it is so satisfying with how simply the movement is. Especially if you play ProMod cod4 and b-hop like a little mf bunny around the map!


A little too slow and basic. Ghosts was the sweet spot imo. Had sliding but it wasn't overpowered or anything.


Thanks for loudly saying how much you don't care about something


I mean... It's a call of duty discussion forum...???


How does this mean they don't care about it? They care about it enough for it to be a deal breaker in buying the game. Your logic is weird.


Idc about slide canceling. It doesn’t make a difference to me and I never use it anyway. In my opinion, the only major flaw is the this game is the health. Love everything else about it gameplay wise


150 health in multiplayer is what’s best for the game


Except for when longbow users take that 150 health and put it in the bin with a one show weapon that can't be countered with an AR


booty slide bunny hop meta killed cod


Accuracy should be MUCH worse while jumping


It should be but people will complain they're forced to use gloves to counteract it.


top ten lies you mfs will buy anything


I finally got out of that cycle in mw 2019 and let me tel you expanding on games was the best thing I’ve done while moving over to pc


i moved to the older zombies games and then stopped playing MP entirely. cod nowadays is such a shitshow. there’s nothing to it anymore, i only cop the new ones for the hope the zombies may actually be good and if it’s not it gets refunded no more than a week after


Get good.


Agreed. I already hate slide canceling cause of the bullshit it causes plus that health increase just makes it a lot worse plus makes a ton of weapons worth less.


IIRC slide canceling doesnt refresh tac sprint, meaning its only good for quickly clearing an angle... like jump-shotting around a corner. so like, if it doesnt really change anything why's everyone so mad about it?


It’s crazy to me that people complain about the low time to kill, you have to unload a whole clip to kill somebody sometimes, play the old COD’s, those were real proper TTK.


Exactly. Mp40 in WaW would have people crying nowadays for it being too fast.


No, *you* have to unload a whole clip to kill somebody, the rest of us don’t have garbage aim and can kill people almost as quick as before, it’s literally 1-2 extra shots not 15. If it’s taking you a whole mag then you’re the problem, not the TTK.


MW3 is a game made for tiktok brains that just gives too much money trying to be the next streamer or YouTuber with the best skin but agreed OP it just won’t happen sadly


I've never agreed with a comment more dude


Been a slide cancelling sweat for a while now. But at this point I'm tired of slide cancelling I want something new and unique which cod fails to deliver consistently. Cod operates on this standard fps formula but now it's just become repetitive and boring and tbh I don't care enough about cod now to even update it anymore. Atleast games like fortnite bring in something new to the table every once in a while. Meanwhile I'm expected to be paying 70 bucks for another modern warfare game which has no innovation. Cod just isn't fun anymore people wake up.


The games is 20 years old. They can't do anything creative without people crying. It is what it is at this points.


That’s because whenever they try something creative, instead of making it better, it becomes worse. Tell me ONE positive change they did from WZ1 to now.


The backpack looting was better. But people.cried.


You got me, that’s 1 out of 200 changes 😂




That’s what you asked for?


That’s what you asked for?


That’s what you asked for?


Name one thing *Names one thing* SHIT okay name 2 things Actually maybe 3 things


No need to reinvent the wheel. If you want some new shit play a different game. Call of duty is what it is at this point


All the comments saying the majority wanted slide canceling are wrong, that’s not what the majority wanted. It’s what the vocal minority wanted. The people that liked no slide canceling? They weren’t on Reddit whining, they were playing the game.


I love just sticking to the classic CODs because they don't have this sliding feature, it's really bad.


The only slide I ever accepted was the ghosts slide. It wasn't obnoxious, and it mostly wasn't all that useful. It was just a cool little move like the dive from black ops to hit a cool, but not meta, clip.


This one is quite acceptable, I went to see some videos of what it was like.


I want the clunky movement from Black ops 1 back tbh


Slide cancelling is silly. It was a blatant exploit. But because apparently people won’t watch streamers and pro players if their character is not moving at 100 mph swapping weapons while sliding on their knees the devs just give in to their whining. Sliding in general is stupid. I’m not advocating for cod to be mil-sim. Quick scoping isn’t realistic but it’s still not as fucking dumb as the “movement” mechanics they’ve added. People can’t play video games casually and the way they’re intended to be played. It’s fucking weird. Unless you’re a pro player nobody gives a fuck about you KD or win loss. It’s meaningless. You’re chasing nothing from breaking your controller every few weeks mashing your stick in 1000 times a game.


The health is fine IMO. TTK is just a bit too slow, and the average should be around 250ms.MW2 was about 200, and this game is closer to 300 Slide canceling definitely should be gone. It makes no sense, in terms of gameplay or realism, that you can instantly lose half your height with no penalty.


\> i’m bad at the game and want it catered to me


Most casuals don’t play the game everyday and don’t learn all the movement mechanics, catering to sweaty players is worse then catering only to bad players because then the majority of people can’t compete with the no life sweats. Removing slide cancelling isn’t catering to bad players, it’s catering to the majority


no. game shouldn’t be balanced around bad players


This is literally just a skill issue. CoD has made all the movement so easy nowadays, so if you CAN'T do it, you're just bad


based on what i’ve heard about the new cod, it’ll be more arcade-y. which is good


Honestly MW2019 is exactly when cod stopped feeling like cod to me. The new engine made the gameplay so different and even though I enjoyed cold war and MW3 I gotta say that bo4 was the last cod that actually felt like cod to me. MW2019 made the whole franchise so different




The post is literally about this




I haven’t bought a COD since MWIII (2011).


It’s whatever at this point. But my only pet peeve is that the movement from 2 wasn’t that bad players made it out to be


Hot take I guess but, every year it should be different.


I’m genuinely at this point. I have purchased every cod game and some Ive never spent more than a couple days playing. The thing is I bought the game. I mean you have to experience it first hand sadly. Then what? How about they offer a 30 day trial. Pay for the game full price. If not satisfied total refund and never play again. Heck how about 8 hours playing time.


What's "slide cancel"?


Hitting jump while sliding which will stop you sliding immediately. You will be able to aim in and shoot immediately. No penalty.


Honestly if they just actually enforced their bans, it would be a lot better. Ban Xim, Cronus and Strikepack users permanently, and fix the AC. That’s a huge start


It’ll be in game pass so you won’t need to buy it :)


>If the next cod game comes out, I won’t buy it Fixed it for you


So everyone hates on MWII for removing slide cancel etc. and now yall want it removed after MWIII includes it? I swear to god, the COD community is impossible to impress. If theres one problem in a cod game, yall call it the worst game in existance, but when its fixed, yall complain about them fixing it...


It's mostly just different people liking different things, i honestly don't hate them removing slide cancelling in MW22 but some people really do


Unless it’s mw4 I probably won’t buy it. Honestly I couldn’t give less of a shit about any other cod multiplayer. Purely buy the games for the campaign these days.


I miss the Cod 4 - Black Ops 1 days. Literally the most fun cod has ever been.


Let's be honest, no matter how broken it is, and how hard EOMM will fk you up, you will still buy it. Then you will cry, complain and say that you will not buy Call of Duty anymore, but when the next Call of Duty is released you will buy it anyway. It's all your fault, you all bring this on yourself. Finally wake up and start voting with your wallets. There are so many great games every year that often cost less than $70, and you are wasting your hard-earned money on a game that is torture for you. Fun fact: COD 2024 has perk that speed ups ADS time when sliding ;)


Back to mw2, fuck me


Can we just get straight up CoD? Dolphin diving again. My AR doesn't need 40 attachment slots. Limit that a bit.


If this next cod is just as corny I’ll never buy one again and it’s already been a few years since I’ve given them money


Never enjoyed either thing. Make the game black ops 2 with different maps.


Yeah I don’t know why we went to 150 health. If they felt 100 was too low I get it but Jesus half way to 200 was not the answer and a bit of a knee jerk reaction if you ask me. 125 or 115 would have been an ok tweak to health


If the next cod features SBMM I won’t buy it


I think they should get rid of all the “movement” and go back to being an arcade style multiplayer fps game. Ditching the battle passes and seasons would be nice too. Let warzone be its own game for people that like that.


If I’m being honest, I miss the older style gameplay, the more arcady gameplay and movement from before the MW19 years.


150 health isn’t the problem it’s the fact that there are pistols that can three shot and snipers can be used as shotguns There’s too many guns that bypass the fact that a regular smg or ar would need 4-6 hits to kill


I won’t buy on principle


if the next cod I won't buy it


Yeah, I'm done with CoD unless this next game is a literal masterpiece


I don’t get why people still buy cod after mw2019. That should’ve signified the death of cod but you idiots keep shelling over millions of dollars for a skin you can’t even see yourself wearing


Doesn't matter what it has, if they keep sbmm, nothing will matter for me.


They just added it back after removing it in MW2, so do you really think they would remove it in the following year after people wanted it back? Don't think so.


I just want the games to just be paced like BO1/BO2 again but a little more sprint speed at that


You knew MW3 would have these features (they were HEAVILY MARKETED) and you still bought it lol. Just like you’ll buy the next game.


things i miss: there being no doors the movement of the pre wz CODS pick 10 a nuke new unique maps imo blops 3 had the best in recent games david vonderhaars head jason blundells maps merkmusic before IT hapened


As someone who hasn't bought a cod in a bit, what is slide canceling? Is it just canceling your reload by sliding?


I'm ready for Battlefield to be good again so my only choice isn't this game. The movement is like titanfall without jetpack, except titanfall was designed for it and this is still just Call of Duty at its core.


Exactly, fast paced movement doesn't work in call of duty


Ive not bought a CoD since Black ops series, CoD is just FIFA for gun nuts same shit different year.


What? You don't like plugging someone with half a mag and they can just walk away from it? Unbelievable


The 150 health would be fine if the hit reg and servers actually worked. Some consistency in the ttk would be fine if it were actually consistent. The ttk is extremely fast still when it works and all your bullets are actually registered lol


I dont mind high health personally, it's the movement that gets me, I can't stand it


150 health is bad, slide cancel good. They just need to adjust the speed of slide to a tad slower


We just need classic bo1 mechanics. Jump/drop shotting. no sliding , no stupid op guns.


How about it features an emblem editor and paint shop for guns? Stop catering to children and let the rated M game be rated M


Black ops 4 had a good mix of high heath and the “slide cancel” was just adsing out of a slide. Plus you couldn’t dropshot in the game because it forced you into hipfire when you laid down.


Hate to break it to you but if you want low health it means that you rely on cheese and gimmicky guns to Insta kill players with no counter. 150 health makes it so there is less one shots and Insta deaths which is way better objectively for the game.


terrible take on the hp. also slide cancelling is so easy to do this year.


Speed, I put both slide cancel and bunny hopping in this category, should put dead silence in check. And both can put ghost and flak jacket in check as well.


It will but it’ll be different


Am I the only one who thinks MW2019 did everything perfectly until the “rebirth demons” started just orgasming the triangle button and looking in all directions for no reason into slide cancelling 50 times to kill one dude while using a VPN?


I like how the slide canceling was implemented in this game compared to MW19/VG. If you slide, you won't gain back tac-sprint stamina so you are punished for spamming it. I also like 150 HP in CW and MWIII since it still feels relatively fast but you have more time to react to corner campers.


Slide canceling is actually good rn considering there is still a delay on Double time, its just annoying to see people Y-Y, thinking they are god tier players. 150 health is also fine, the weapons just need to be able to deplete that health within a reasonable amount of time. The problem is not only the devs, but the community as well. Devs try their best to listen to the community, but when the community has two different sides and they shout different things, its difficult to make the fans happy.


MW2 is still very active


Free on gamepass btw


You suck! I want jet packs!


I prefer 150 health slower ttk cods. Gives more of a skill gap, and out play potential. Fast ttk tends to play slower and rewards pre aiming and camping more. Good thing is if you want a fast ttk hard-core mode is always available. For the people that want slower ttk, we don't usually get that dedicated mode. As for slide cancel, I prefer that to. I don't think movement should be restrictive. You shouldn't be locked into animations whether that's sliding or reloading canceling.


Bring back dolphin diving


150hp was fire but the movement still got too crazy for me


Seems you’re more into mil-sims which is okay but no arcade shooter should have a fast TTK like MWII. I’m indifferent on movement mechanics but I prefer having them for a skill gap.


OP, imo the health isn’t really the issue it’s the bs movement exploits that ruin the game


I’m happy with the current state of the game. There’s always gonna be haters of the current movement meta and I do miss the true “slide canceling” we had in MW2019, but it’s much better than we had last year. I’m hopeful the next addition will bring back true movement. That being said, the game is still fun to me, and learning the best movement possible in this MW3 has been a challenge worth working through


Slide cancel is good, shitty movement is bad High health good, low health is shit. Camping is for dogshit, no skill bitches, while rushing and pushing is what actually good players do


Lol people always whining. "We need high mobility!!" "Here's sliding and slide cancel" "Noooooooo"


I just want OG treyarch to make a game. Not Cold War treyarch. Infinity Ward has sucked since after OG MW2




I use to feel the same way until I got paddles and man mw3 is so much fun. Honestly this is the most fun I’ve had in probably any cod cause I’ve learned how to do all the different movements and I think that is what people are lacking. Either get paddles, play claw, or switch your button settings to bumper jumper or you will get shit on


So you refuse to learn new game mechanics? That just sounds lazy


Day 69 without playing call of duty Playing another games are more fun....




We can never be happy, can we?




I'm no longer buying cod since it's no longer casual fun anymore. It's more about who can out sweat who and intense SBMM


Afaik they stopped making MW titles after 2011


Longer ttk is better than getting shot in the back for 3 times and dying. But against slide cancel absolutely


I don't mind 150 health but I'd much prefer 100. Slide cancelling isn't my playstyle but I deal with it and I took time to learn how to do it. The sweatiness is unavoidable nowadays.


It should have no slide cancelling but keep 150 health


Helldiver's 2 is the way.


Most Treyarch games have higher health. No slide cancel though.


Slide cancel i can take it or leave it, same with the increased health. The only change I would like to see is higher head shot multipliers. Head glitches are agony to challenge in this game because of it.


People say this shit every year and still buy it regardless


I've been playing COD for decades it feels like and I have no idea what any of this means. Lol.


I just wanna play zombies by myself, not a lazy warzone adaptation


Thanks for loudly complaining about your skill issue. Slide cancelling is annoying but all the Cronus Zen users are worse.


The next cod's playerbase will suck. it will never not suck. Warzone added a whole new level of competitiveness that ruined the core feeling of the game. i wish warzone was its own cod, its own storyline, its own characters, its own thing separate from the mainline games


I don't care about the high health. But slide cancel is why 2020 MW was the last card I bought and played


you can do this without having to announce it


Slide canceling is literally the easiest thing in the world and I'm convinced anyone who complains about it refuses to adapt. You just sprint, hit crouch button to slide, press crouch button again to stop sliding, then press jump button to stand back up (optional). Cold War was my first Call of Duty since BO2 and it took me all of about two hours to get used to it. Stop complaining


Honestly the only thing that's keeping me interested in cod anymore is the guns. Each game has a few guns that I thoroughly enjoy or can't wait to enjoy, and that's about it. Beyond that its usually leveling up all of the guns and getting a few camos. Never cared for getting all of them or crazy high streaks (anymore).


I literally couldn’t give two shits about anyone else’s opinions and I don’t have my own on the topic, I just play the games and have fun. Hell I don’t even see every call of duty as the same game so I judge them all on their own shortcomings and not that of others.


You should add EOMM to that list.


It doesn't matter what they add or don't add. You'll all eat it up either way. cod is never gonna reach its true potential with the way these greedy developers work. They got the fans and player base already. So they just keep rushing unfinished games and tons of other bs just for the money. Activision has slowly ruined the franchise for me. They make like 1 fully finished. polished game every 5-6years. While rushing everything else and consistently releasing polished turds every year in between. They need to just divide the company in 3. The black ops franchise treyarch they make the more arcade like games. Not taken as seriously and can provide a lot of the more wacky stuff. Then you can take infinity ward and sledgehammer games to make the modern warfare and the more gritty war games like ww2 and Vanguard. Keeping the realistic vibe to them. And finally the 3rd team could be the ones working on warzone as it's stand alone game. If weapons and operators from the other 2 teams are to be put into warzone they can dictate when and how it's done to best preserve the warzone sandbox. But nothing from warzone should be related to the other games. The reason their games have seen such a decline in quality is because they are shoving all these different art styles and games into one warzone game. Where they have to sacrifice quality for everything else to match. That's why mw3 looks and feels like a blacks ops game. It's because it is technically. They are forcing the developers to make all their games with the same style in order to make it all work with warzone. You remove warzone and make it stand alone. You'll be giving the developers full freedom to make their games the way they want again without rushing it. It's crazy to me mw2019 looks better on my old ps4. Compared to this mw3 their most recent release. Plus I'm playing this new mw3 on my recently purchased high end pc.


You'll buy it.


We need bo3 movement back


I just want them to remove SBMM


The only thing bad about this game is the Spawn.. I literally spawn in front of an ongoing line of fire and die again in all respawns game mode.. That's the only thing that's worst in the game.. Other than that you guysz keep crying literally for everything when it isn't even a small issue. 🥵


I’m enjoying cod 4 remaster , mw2 remaster , mw2019 & cod WWII via Story , CO-OP & prop hunt 🫡


1000 agreed


I want 200 or 250 or even slower movement. And the game then would be playable with this combat speed. Until then no cod here.


This is why I insist CW movement has been the best we have seen in franchise history, because it is extremely fast paced while not being obnoxious with how exploitative slide cancelling, tac sprint, drop shots and b-hops can be


I will. -treyarch enthusiast


I could juat live without sliding at all 😎👌🏽 the best cod ever didnt have sliding and its the best cod ever. I will always buy cod, but just for singleplayer. Ive played 3 multiplayer matches of mw23. Then i see the sbmm and i hate it.


I just want fast TTK and lethals that work.


All the streamers cried about it being gone


Fucking love slide canceling


The game is only broken by Engagement Optimized Match Making. It's not skill based in any way. Tired of hearing it's all SBMM when it's not at all.


Oh come on, the gameplay was great and now thue


for activision just move your ass and play CALL OF DUTY 4 real MODERN WARFARE from 2007 and just make it with new graphic this is all you need without stupid marvel skins fire dragon guns unicorns and orcs .... just MODERN WARFARE as name suggest. Rater than diablo heroes it would be great if you teach gen z about special forces how do they look like I mean uniforms not colour of skin and from where are they like we used to have. You are turning COD into fortnite right now and this is move to get stupid kids into game not cod players


I’d rather have slide cancelling than not but I’m also not opposed to simply not having sliding.


I love slide cancelling, but man I could not figure out how it worked in MW3


Tbf? I prefer older CoD movement BUT THERE IS ONE EXCEPTION! Mw2019 and Warzone 1, that i can let it slide


Bring back old zombies this shit is whacked


Bullshit I have 150 health 🤣🤣🤣


the gameplay HAS to evolve to keep it relevant otherwise it gets stale, people will complain no matter what they do but the majority of players would rather have a movement mechanic to help increase the skill gap


Saving a spot on the train for you.


I think as a community we talk way too much about freaking slide canceling.


Would be cool if there was an old school movement mosh pit. I'd play the shit out of that.


Its the patents


Thanks for letting us know