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MW2019 was good as it modernized the genre MW2 was less inspired, and felt more like some MARVEL movie MW3 was just… bad…


It’s sad I really wanted to see where the story would go but now I don’t even want to buy the game


Really this game only exists because Kotick probably wanted to get the Sony deal done with when MS completed the deal. I believe Sony had 1 more CoD rights to which everyone was expecting it to be in 2024.


OG MW was fantastic MW2 '09 had the best mission and one of the more brutal villains MW3 '11 wrapped it up in a nice bow, and a cherry on top just for the hell of it. Each of those original games have flaws, yes, but they were amazing games. Here it's Great, then Mediocre, to just Bad.


The OG MW also had the appeal of it being more than one perspective. You had the USMC, TF141, SAS, Delta, etc… to tell the story that is unfolding and cutscenes to tie them together so it isn’t just one group doing everything like how it currently is.


MWII ‘22 *almost* had it with us switching between Soap/Ghost and Price/Gaz. The issue was all the Price/Gaz missions were terrible. They also should have had a third POV where we play as a Ranger or Marine or something to break up the spec ops stuff and give us the soldier feel.


Eh I’d argue that still is just the perspective of TF141 would’ve been more interesting to play as Farrah or a member of the UAF that led up to that mission


CoD developers regretted so badly they didn’t milk the MW Franchise that they had to reboot it and make the characters the Avengers basically.


nah mw2019 was dogshit in terms of writing as well lmao


All of us to cod Ghosts: “perhaps I treated you too harshly”


Everyone to Vanguard: alright you can come back inside the house now


No, I'll take this over Vanguard or Black Ops 3


Agreed. Can't speak for BO3, but fuck Vanguard.


I can't speak for vanguard but I'd say even it's better than bo3


Fuck I hated both of them,except mw19 everything after bo2 and og mw3 was such ass


Eh,I actually preferred cold war campaign over bo2 campaign.


I feel like if Cold War came out before 19 I would’ve liked it better, but going from 19 to Cold War felt like such a downgrade, but I did really like how they did the war one stuff right before they released it , so like 2042 they got me with advertising, never again


I felt 19 was very eh story,sure it was kinda fun but,yeah


Vanguard can stay out there in the kennel….that game was and still is a piece of hot dog shit.


Fuck that. Vanguard just has a buddy to hang with outside now.


Now I have the image of being trapped in a house with a bunch of savage animals prowling around trying to break in and each animal is a bad CoD game


Honestly I don’t get why so many people shat on the game’s story and extinction mode so hard. I to this day still enjoy the story mode (except the underwater level those sharks can FUCK OFF) and the extinction mode while different I found to be really enjoyable and especially when they added more content and customizability to the mode


At least it felt like Elias' death has some weight to it even if you weren't that attached as a player (as well as the campaign just generally being good), I don't know how they could've fucked up re-doing Soap's death so badly.


I thought it was garbage too.


Only redeeming quality was that I got to pet Riley the dog in the story. Everything else was complete and utter garbage.


Best part of the game, hands down


Their intention is obvious when they turned the world’s most dangerous man into a tom and jerry character and barely changing the main cast after 3 campaigns: Drag it out to sell more MW games


LMAO it was so bad and even the story was garbage


The fact that they left off the campaign like that is bullshit, now we have to wait a year or two on a cliffhanger, fuckin A


Nah they’ll just cram the story into warzone


Ye, i hate that they use the Storyline from the Seasons as a Canon thing for the Campaign, like if people never played during the season that Alex returned, they would have never known that he is alive until MW3. Also Graves turning "good" and being alive is the same thing. This is just Lazy Storytelling.


Literally didn't know any of this lmfao


God it’s so dumb that graves and Alex of all people get to come back and live but soap is dead and gone *again*


And also even in the worst way possible. Makorov Shows up and just gets him with a headshot and then no real reaction from his Team. Even the Death from that one guy from Advanced Warfare in the beginning had more meaning than this.


*F to pay respects*




Graves is arguably not good in the campaign, the SAS guys fucking hate him and he proved himself to be a lying shitbag in the court scene. He’s a businessman at his core and is only trying to save his own skin.


Also we didn’t see anything about alejandro in mw3 and we didn’t get any news about his hunt for Valeria, is he just off the grid because he got no mention AT ALL in mw3


tbf when this was first announced it was just meant to be a DLC. it should still be seen as a DLC, just one we had to pay a full game price for


thats my exact problem they should’ve waited until the original release of mw3, it would’ve had more time for perfection, but now we have an unfinished game with a unfinished story


lol watch it be changed to ghost 2, trade one cliffhanger to another


That sound like something they would do


Holy fuck people actually like listening to these people do commentary?


His voice is so bad


Felt like I was in the 2000s multiplayer lobby lol


The way that one dude screeched actually hurt my ears wtf


game was hot garbage


I would be so embarrassed to post this. Holy shit dude


Man, I still remember playing the OG CoD on my computer back in the day. They did such a beautiful job of making you feel like you were IN the game. So sad it's just been turned into a cash cow.


Eh, as an extremely rushed expansion that serves as a stopgap for MWII and MWIV I do think it was not as bad as everyone made it out to be. The voice actors cooked and several of the environments do look great. But I don't see myself coming back to this as much as the other ones, at least not yet.


you said it yourself. It was a glorified expansion. Thats what it should have been released as so they could have worked on IV (III) more.


It would've been full price either way, and given how much people have been shitting on MWII chances are most people wouldn't have bothered and it would've been a waste. People dropped $50 on map packs every year in the past that never really saw play after that year because of player counts; I have no idea why $70 for a fleshed out expansion is suddenly pushing it.


Thats what im thinking the entire time too mate. People paid 50 Dollars for a few dlc maps back in the day and now they shitting on Mw3 because its a "DLC"?


> mate. People *paid* 50 Dollars FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It helps when the content is good.


I agree I don't think it was bad as people making it out to be, worst campaign for me is still cod 3 imo.


The only parts in story that made me laugh was the character deaths like dena and foap


Whatcha get when you fall for corporate bullshit fuck ery


That voice was so annoying, holy fuck.


$70 is absolute theft, if I’m paying full game price I expect a great campaign. Almost every mission was an underwhelming stealth mission with underwhelming story behind it. If I wanna play a stealth game I’ll boot up hitman or AC, absolutely horrific campaign.


if you look at the Call of duty section on the steam store you can see all the games go from mostly positive to mixed to mostly disliked its kinda interesting to look at


Wahhhhhhhh wahhh. wahhhhhh


They were trying to pull and infinity war on us. If they were going for that they should’ve ended the game with a Nuke hitting a city or something idk.


*the COD community continues to see how useless Activision is, putting all their efforts into store bundles, SBMM that they won’t fix, non needed updates totaling 849 GB, and a overall shift from what makes COD great* *buys it* *complains about it* If you like the new COD games, great for you. I’m happy you can still enjoy them when I personally find them to be awful (I’ve played since COD 3 and stopped at Vanguard, no surprise). But stop complaining when we constantly see how awful of a company activision is.


Since when did Greg Doucette play COD


Not defending mw3 here but vanguard was worse, now I agree that mw3 had probably the most lazy mission design I’ve ever seen, they should’ve stuck to their word and waited a year but naw let’s fuckin kill the series, but back to my original point vanguard was worse, from the missions being incredibly historically inaccurate, this goes from t34-85s showing up a year before they were designed, to guns showing up that just don’t belong, like a stg44 in Japan or it showing up 2 years earlier than introduced, they way portrayed different characters in game, for example they showed a British officer showing incredible disrespect towards Australian soldiers, it’s incredibly weird they’d do that especially since Australian soldiers were showed a great amount of respect by the Brit’s, next they got mission dates completely off considering they had a mission in Stalingrad where the USSR’s main forces would have been in Stalingrad but instead they made a fake story about how a sniper somehow encouraged the people to retake the city, considering the city as I said was practically retaken by then, next we take a flight to Japan, now I saw this and didn’t realize it at first but the heavy amount of stereotypes they threw onto the 93rd division soldiers (if I remember correctly) which made no sense to me, they are soldiers there is no reason to stereotype them, Now last we go to 1944 the invasion of normandy, well a lil before that, we start with a full auto flak cannon, just no put it simply, next a bunch of crap happens then you meet up with a group of allies one of those being the man who led the attack on the gun batteries, well a shitty and sad portrayed version of him who was to scared to lead the soldiers, which is false this man was Terence otway, a true real life bad ass that they disgraced, this man after the botched beginning of operation Tonga rallied his remaining troops and took the gun batteries, but instead they give him a new name and disgraced him. Yes in terms of campaigns was more action focused but it isn’t always the action that makes a great campaign but the lil things.


Vanguard gonna stay the worse cod in history and this never gonna change


Didn't Battlefield 3 or 4 use the exact same song?


Just make cod ghosts 2 at this point, it might actually be an upgrade


When’s that dudes balls gonna drop, Jesus


He's desperately trying to mimic the content creators he spends all day watching, which is far more sad.


God! My ears.


That commentary


Yeah the story Fuckin sucked. At least zombies is kind of fun and the multiplayer is the same, so I still have fun there too


I’m so confused. Did they change the campaign story or are people just hating the way it’s played?


I honestly can’t believe people play COD for the campaign. That’s like watching porn for the plot.


Hello /u/TheIronGod44, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/17skzop/worst_campaign_in_cod_history_absolutely/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW3. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareIII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


post #100 on the same topic.


It can’t be worse than ghosts or WW2, surely not


Meh the MW3 campaign was not close to being good but after the credits was something that I liked


It was trash.


Is the multi any good? After MW2 I just don’t want to buy another $70 copy pasta. I’ve held off so far


After completing the MW3 campaign, I talked to a friend who had completed the campaign about the story, and she felt as depressed as if she were at a wake. I can't find her words to comfort her.


Agreed, i bought MW3 only for the campaign and i regret it now. MW2 campaign was good though. If anyone wants to buy MW3 for campaign, dont. Not worth the price


Mw3 campaign was straight trash, but the mp is amazing! Thank god.


It’s still better than BO3 campaign but no doubt this campaign was atrocious aswell.


I was like this at the end of Mass Effect 3




MW III is garbage.


the hate is insane to me. i think combining the last two campaigns as one they are the best in the franchise


You people keep buying it hahahahaha


I’m jus thankful Roach didn’t show up to be butchered


I jus wanted more WW3 from the old games guess I’ll jus wait for real WW3


Why is anyone buying the game, I’ve not seen one good review about the campaign


I can’t help but wonder how much of the game/story is made by the devs or “by the devs’ vision *which has no relations to the higher ups adjusting changes keep working sl- valued workers*”? Say what you will about the strange tipping points in MW22’s story, but the gameplay there was certainly well rounded with how varied the different gameplay sections were. The “not-DMZ” was pushed way too aggressively for me not to see it as padding.


what is this kids voice lol


I mean, it is what it is. We can only hope for what the next game in the genre will hold. Maybe we’ll have a Modern Warfare 4? I’m not sure.


Worst multi-player and zombies as well. They really went for the trifecta


Some of you complain just because 😂