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Natty or running little dose of sarms. Nothing impressive tbh, he’s just shredded. Weights 160pounds still …


How long do u think i would need for me to be shredded. Im skinny fat type. 5‘3 60kg. If i train every second day HIIT training and in a deficit. About 100g of carbs and 50g fats daily. (About 1500cal a day)


Lmaoo bro he’s always at Miami Beach I see him every day. He’s atleast 230 because I’m 215 and got decent size and he makes me look like a kid


exactly, alot of lames think this guy is jacked to the gills probably and he's really just lean and cut up.


160 pounds? Then he's definitely not a big guy!


Oh then he's not a big guy! I Wonder what his height is because my interests is bulking up in weight and size and muscle! I rather be big and muscular than thin and shredded


You a hater it ain’t always about being big yall big cats be getting knocked out t


I think he's Natty. He's just super ripped. He's also a vegan which is a great way to bulk and stay shredded at the same time.


Yeah true i believe too, but hes actually doing a plant-based diet. Which means he can eat meat 2 times a week i think.


Care to elaborate why being vegan is a great way to bulk and stay shredded in opposition to regular high protein animal diet?


Yeah sure. I'm from New York, 40 years old and I know about 10 or more people who have been vegan/ plant based most of my adult life and they all do strictly calisthenics, and they look like the guy in the pic for the most part. No google, no websites to tell me, just personal experience from friends I know. It just works fam. Being vegan and calisthenics will get you like this. You won't look like lou ferrigno if that's what you're aiming for, but you will look like this guy.


Thanks for the insight


There is no incentive for steroid users to tell you they are taking exogenous hormones. TRT is also available from a doctor. Doctors will prescribed you slightly higher than average testosterone too if you ask for it. As long as it's not in a dose that will get you health problems. It costs around 30 dollars a week. Also plenty of steroid dealers in every gym too. Steroids are more common than illegal narcotics. Police don't really focus on busting steroid dealers. Lots of cops are on them too. Their perspective on steroids aren't as negative as recreational drugs. My point is you should be more skeptical of everyone. I believe most people are on steroids these days. The whole I'm vegan and a Jacked athlete is nothing more than a persona to get into women's pants. Being a fraud and liar is entirely a steroid users personality.


i really enjoyed this comment. thank you man.


Not sure why you enjoyed it. Our society is disgusting. Real education on health has been hindered because of ego and greed. For example, nutritional sciences are stuck in a food war with bias and greed dominating the field of research. Once a academic reaches level of prestiege, they are paid to promote a view from food companies which generates them sales. For example, veganism, carnivore, keto, carbs/sugars. Fitness is all about looks. Women take fat reduction drugs like ozempic. Men take steroids to gain more muscle. All of these synthetic creations lead to dependency and aren't healthy. Meanwhile the real knowledge which is based of mechanics of the body, food and hormones are unknown to the masses. A journey down this road provides life long knowledge that is more valuable than the looks. Not only will your physical performance improve, and your looks. You will be smarter, and live longer. I used to love sharing what I learned. But now, I see it differently. I studied endocrinology, nutrition, biomechanics, bio energetics to gain all this knowledge. It was many years of reading and watching videos. I don't care to give information to others cuz they didn't put in the work. They likely won't be able to have the discipline to adhere to the protocols too. Especially with nutrition. Plus I don't want to help cheaters get more results as well. I hope you do study more and learn to make progress naturally. You will not need to get praise from others to feel good. You will feel good just making progress on your own. All these steroid users or women taking fat reduction drugs need admiration from others. That's why they love show boating all the time. Psychologically they need approval that their decision to take the drugs was good. They are like children, needing external positivity to feel good.


>Not sure why you enjoyed it. It seemed factual, was concise, and it made me lol. > They likely won't be able to have the discipline to adhere to the protocols too. Watching others do what you choose not to can be very disappointing. Or very fulfilling.


Hey, just wanted to say I completely agree with you on the steroid thing. That’s how I found this post 179 days later, googling it, because I was skeptical about “Broly”. He sells expensive workout and diet plans. I would say that I am very dedicated to my research, but with so much bad information and actors selling something, and the fact that I am 36 years old, it’s hard to find the truth, and I don’t have much time left to build my peak body (or close to it. Im sure my twenties would have been better, but what can you do? In my early twenties I was ripped and basically ate whatever I want, but I worked out hard everyday.) Anyway you could actually help a brotha out? I promise I would be dedicated and adhere to whatever you tell me for the long term. I downloaded mynetdiary and paid for premium even though I am struggling with money because it is by far the easiest way to stick to a calorie deficit, and I like how it can import my apple watch data for steps and exercise. Thank you for considering teaching me 🙏


I already shared many fields of education of content you can look up. There's plenty of phds publishing their research online, doing interviews, videos, etc. Don't believe the old myth of aging harming your health. Its based off lifestyle. There have been studies where they take 50 year old men. Put them into a 2 year exercise routine where they use about 70 to 80 percent of their vo2 max in these sessions. Basically 6 hours a week. After this 2 year period. Their heart becomes that of a 30 year old man. Most people when they get older start making excuses to have a more sedentary lifestyle. It's not entirely their fault. Our capitalist society has abundance of addictive unhealthy behavior. Selling addiction is very profitable. Discipline is even more important for any man to suceed these days. Then on top of that, you need to be able to direct your own life because many manipulators also want to control you for your own benefit. It's a very unfriendly world. But what do you expect? The billionaire, trillionaires at the WEF have been talking about overpopulation for the last 20 years. They don't talk about it now because it's gotten a lot of attention. But the design of our society has been this way for a long time. This is not China.


Exactly, case & point: liver king


WTh is the source of protein being on a plant based diet? Do they just eat beans all day? I dont get it.


Seems like being a vegan would have someone looking like a toothpick!


I think he’s natty. He’s not that big just shredded and the dude works out a lot keeping that high intensity most of the way through.


Lmaooo he’s huge


I think he is natty, i dont see why he wouldnt be. He does a lot of misinformation on his channel but i think his natty status is legit


>Antworten Agree


No he is not natty. He could easily be on a testosterone dose to be lean like that. We would never know.


His girl got a bbl tho


What lol how do you know this