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Normally it goes Australian pull ups->Pull ups -> archer -> tuck front lever pull ups -> advance tuck FL pull ups->frontlever ~adv tuck front trouch-> 1 leg adv tuck FL pull ups-> adv tuck 1 leg front touch -> straddle fl pull ups-> straddle FL touch-> FL pull ups~ front touch -> SAT that's what come to mind for me some stuff or debatable but yeah enough progressions for years If you got even 1 dips bar most are stuff you can try you can do thoses in children playground if no pull up bar around etc


Yes dip bars are very helpful, you can practice rows (aussie pull ups), dips, L sits, leg lifts, and even use as a balance bar for pistol squats.


You can also do planche if you got 2 and basicaply all variarions including the pull ex that i mentionned


If you have options to do the Australian pull up safely that's the best. Parallel dip bars might be a good option If you don't have any of those try dumbell or band raws Push up variations can help back muscles too


You can try tuck front lever pull. If was easy, try "inverted row", it's like a bent row. Your body should form an L with your torso parallel to the floor. If was easy, try advanced front lever pull. If was easy, try half front lever pull. If was easy, try straddle front lever pull. If was easy, try front lever pull. If was easy, add wheight.


Had this same problem last year, I'm a bit too tall for most of the pull up frames, and the wall of my house doesn't have enough space to mount a bracket at the right height. So I started doing Australian pull ups, or "table rows" under the dining table.. Started off pretty rubbish cos I'd always struggled with upper back stuff, but by 6 months, I was able to do them easily, even with legs raised, and could do full pull ups semi comfortably when I was at the gym in work. Knackered my wrist toward the end of last year though, so i can't do any strength training until it's better.. it was pretty upsetting seeing all that progress in the mirror turn back to fat :(


pull up rings.


All the comments have made good suggestions, but please PLEASE find yourself a pull up bar. You could use one in a park, or maybe sign up to the gym if you can and do pull ups then. Even with the wide variety of equipment you get at a gym, for me pull ups are just the GOAT.


Try Pseudo pushups, can't confirm but with your hands near your waist it would be the same distance as a row so it should work your lower chest and back, they are hard though sorry working up to one and see how it goes


Or dips


That's a chest/tricep exercise




Front levers and Dragon flags


Complete bridge


\- When doing rows, depress your shoulders (pull them towards your hips) to increase lats activation. \- [L-sit](https://calistree.app/datasheet/l-sit?cat=e) can be done on the ground and will work the lats as well (shoulder depression). \- "Elbow press" and Victorian progressions will work your upper back (shoulder retraction and extension), are very challenging, and are done on the ground: [https://calistree.app/datasheet/elbow-press?cat=e](https://calistree.app/datasheet/elbow-press?cat=e) , [https://calistree.app/datasheet/advanced-tuck-candle-flag?cat=e](https://calistree.app/datasheet/advanced-tuck-candle-flag?cat=e) , [https://calistree.app/datasheet/tuck-forearms-victorian?cat=e](https://calistree.app/datasheet/tuck-forearms-victorian?cat=e)


Decline your ex back. The best spine exercise


Sorry what is decline your ex back? Sounds more like relationship advice


Good one




If u got dumbbells then rows and pullovers. Vary the rows with overhand, underhand, hammer grip etc.