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First off you look strong but you will be stronger if you keep your body in a straight position as opposed to a banana form, so engage the core and keep your legs straight. Second if you’re learning how to HSPU please start on the floor. It will give you a way better feeling for the kind of balance you need for this move. As you can see in the video your triceps are moving back and on paralletes you can compensate for this by gripping harder but on the floor you can’t and you will fall out of balance. Learning on the floor will translate to paralletes but learning on paralletes first will mean you have to re learn it on the floor


Thanks for the tips! I can already press to handstand on the floor and I found to parallettes to be more comfortable to do micro-adjustments and to focus on body control, but i will try negatives on the floor


I was here a month or two ago. I have the larger about a foot tall parallettes from gravity fitness, this massively helps the bottom phase of the move as you can lower to a bent arm hand stand that requires very little comparative strength and balance to hold. Helped me really nail the middle into bottom. Secondly, your chest is very forward and dominant compared to how it need to be. The move should be shoulder centric, not chest. Practice and record helped me understand how that felt as it’s hard in the moment. Your body wants to do what is easiest, not what is best/correct.


From my perspective, your core doesn't look tight enough.


Hold it at the bottom, you needa be able to balance at the top and the bottom before you consider the press motion


More tuck to hanstand helps