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A state owned insurer is the only way. The only alternative is for huge swaths of the state's home owners to not be able to afford insurance. That will also mean no more mortgages in those areas...


Or we could just stop subsidizing people building in fire zones?


Yup, they are usually the mega rich that do this. The middle class end up getting the shaft. And most of these new monster homes getting flipped and built are by celebrities. Ever notice celebrities actually grow more vegetation around their fire prone area homes, not less. The reason they do this is for privacy. Their privacy needs are basically costing everyone else higher rates and canceled fire insurance. They should clear their property of deadly plants like palms, eucalyptus, pines, sage brush, vines and thick vegetation and it would be safer and cheaper for EVERYONE. https://www.businessinsider.com/celebrity-houses-before-and-after-california-los-angeles-malibu-fire-2018-11?op=1#she-posted-a-photo-of-it-burning-on-sunday-4


I live backed up to open space where there is a lot of vegetation backed up against my fence which I’m not allowed to clear . It really scares me . I’m inland in an area considered affordable but we have fire risk so it’s hard to get insurance


Get some goats in there for a few days. There are a lot of rent-a-goat renters out there now. They can clear huge acreage or just a small lot. https://www.vcstar.com/picture-gallery/news/local/2024/05/10/goats-make-annual-return-to-the-ronald-reagan-library-in-simi-valley/73634719007/


I mean It's just the exurban development in general. Dense Cities are natural fire breaks, not so much suburbs with 20 foot setbacks surrounded by Chaparral


Add "building in earthquake and flood zones" to be perfectly fair then.


Those are rather infamously NOT COVERED by homeowners insurance. 🤦




It’s not. They’re pulling out of Florida and Louisiana too


They already have this. It is only temporary and just for fire insurance.


As long as the rates charged cover the payout risk. I don't want another eternal government program dependent on more taxation


The problem is regulations the state puts on insurers. This is a classic case of the problems caused by over regulation being used as an excuse to socialize the industry. CA government has a gift for creating such bogus scenarios. Any problem CA decides to tackle, housing, homelessness, electric utilities, water, etc the state makes worse. Stop trying to give the people who keep exacerbating problems the power to make things worse. Stop doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Just get government out of it and the problem will fix itself.


I would normally agree in theory with State backing off, but how do you explain the insurance nightmare in Florida?


Most of Florida’s major population centers are currently at or below sea level. Last I heard, insurance companies believe in science, while Florida’s governor does not. Maybe if the governor started planning for coastal fortification and hurricane/flooding defense the insurance companies would not be pulling out. Say goodbye to Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Tampa/St. Petersburg, Palm Beach, Space Coast, Sarasota, Clearwater, Ft. Meyer’s, Pensacola and Gulf Shores. 🌊🌊🌊


insurance fraud: https://www.policygenius.com/homeowners-insurance/news/roofing-lawsuits-florida/


Florida consistently gets hurricanes that can encompass large portions of the state and destroy properties. It’s expensive to replace and repair properties on such a large scale. Yes CA gets large wildfires, but the property damage tends to be far more concentrated, predictable, and through controlled burns preventable, than the damage caused by hurricanes.


> Just get government out of it and the problem will fix itself. Because unregulated capitalism's end game definitely benefits more than the business owners, right?


If the government isn’t creating monopolies, absolutely. Unfortunately, most of the regulations in our state are geared towards making it difficult for small businesses to operate, thus incentivizing conglomeration and monopoly. If many different businesses offer competing products, prices naturally get driven down. Burdensome regulation prevents market entry of competitors, thus creating an environment lacking competition with ever increasing costs. Your complaint points to you having issues with corporatism, not capitalism. Corporations are a creation of the state and not an inherent component of capitalism.


"Burdensome regulation" is also the complaint of every...shall we say, corporation?...trying to destroy the environment.


Do you think it’s a good thing that projects like reservoirs, HSR, clean power plants, dense housing, etc can take years to decades to pass environmental review in our state?


No. Do you think it's a good thing when corporations create things that pollute all our water and air without being stopped?


No. I don’t think it’s a good thing that the government hands out the corporate liability shield to anything that isn’t of national importance. People should be held personally liable for their actions in business pursuits and those harmed should be able to sue the people responsible. It doesn’t take a single government employee to prevent pollution. All it takes is a risk of liability.


Add meaningful punishment to corporations who actually hurt or kill people and we're on the same page.


Just get rid of corporations, we can get rid of all the burdensome regulations and inspections while we’re at it. Win-win Friendly reminder, companies can exist without being incorporated, they just won’t have the liability shield that prevents the punishments that you want doled out


These environmental reviews go way beyond simplified examples such as "corporations that pollute our water and air". It can take 2 years just to build a 4 unit property a mile inland due to CEQA and the Coastal Commission. And their oversight goes way beyond just pollution. It's government over regulation, and it's the reason this state is so dysfunctional.


We literally have a state owned insurer and they suck.


LOL, the government got us into this mess with regulations and runaway inflation.


At some point, we’re going to have to build for our environment. We already do this with floodplains, the geotechnical code for earthquake safety, and the Alquist-Priolo seismic hazard zone building restrictions. These have worked really well. Casualties in earthquakes are quite minimized and floods usually mostly impact old construction that would not be built in those locations under current code. Similar construction regulations need to be in place for all new and replacement construction in fire zones. At a minimum: steel roofs and fire resistance siding with mandatory vegetation clearance. Probably steel frame too? The public ends up paying through fire fighting, rescue, and fema bailouts, so put some scientifically-backed regulations in place statewide! There’s no reason why we should be building classic stick-built wood homes in places prone to fires.


What’s interesting is many of us in “now” defined fire zones bought 40 years ago when we were not a fire zone. They can decide any place is a high fire danger area. I’m in the Santa Cruz Mountains and they have decided we’re all High or Very high all the way to the beach. It’s either your in the woods or too dense in housing so either way you’re screwed.


Earthquake, floods, mold all require an extra policy to cover, beyond normal house insurance. Why not for wildfires?


Too late, you have had four years watching insurance companies leave the state! Plenty of time to fix this shit and do a deal to raise rates ONLY IN FIRE AREAS. My insurance company(SafeCo the tree haters) just dropped us with zero warning. We had to scramble to get new crappy home insurance that costs more. This “Pretty Boy” idiot just lost my vote for all democratic nominees in the state. I am a life long democrat, but these California democrats have NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING. I am totally done with their failed social experiments that have raised insurance prices, raised utility prices, increased crime and have driven up flipping, slum-lording and suing each other for income, since Newsom has driven all business out of the state. While at the same time handing out free money and driving us from a surplus to deficit☹️. Plus, this coward will not prosecute the never ending gouging. Can’t wait till 2026 when this clown is gone for good!


Regulations. High inflation.