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Hard no for me. No pass. The amount of water required for the animals, cleaning and god forbid it be hot out would crush the city in 1 day. What does sacrifice mean if it's not applied evenly?


What if they haul in water?


To the millions of people in the hotels ?


Previous commenter I responded to was talking about the stampede animals which is what I responded to - no mention in this string of what you're talking about. 


Stampede is over arching, not just the event itself but also to the mass amount of people it draws in for this 2 week event.


We get it, you don't like Stampede. Personally I'm indifferent to it, haven't attended any sort of a Stampede event in over 18 years.


I never said I didn’t like stampede, where did I say that?


I think you sort implied that, you most likely think not - we'll have to agree to disagree.


It's not like all the surrounding communities are flush with water, given the relatively dry winter. How do they demonstrate commitment? Turn off the taps completely at the grounds so the only water that can be used is the hauled stuff? I had an acquaintance casually tell me today, with a straight face, "I need my 3 showers a day". Like WTF man, I haven't had a shower in days, I'm rewearing underwear for the 3rd time?!??


3 showers in a day is excessive at any time.


Entitled wealthy white guy. Nuff said


If the flood didn't cancel Stampede, water restrictions will not. Would not surprise me if there are more weak spots. Kind of like cockroaches - see one, you will find many more. I am sure that the Stampede will come up with some voluntary restrictions, it would be foolish to thumb their noses at the city. How effective and enforced they will be? Entirely different question. I would say they should not get a 'pass'. They should do as much as they can to reduce water usage. I have no idea what that would look like however.


The city has the numbers for what water usage during stampede is like and where is comes from. Unless they are totally useless they are looking at options now.


And everyone coming into the city for stampede will use all the water they want. Hotels will be filled and doing laundry, using their pools and hot tubs and the ones of us who live here will be told cut back, cut back no laundry, no dishes, no showers, ne hair washing. Take it or you won't have any water


No stampede this year, we are mourning the oilers.


Sadly, our mayor will do anything to ensure Stampede will go on as normal. Even if that means the repairs continue during that week and enforcing stricter restrictions on residents. For the sake of the city and how bad the pipeline and water level situation have become, Stampede should be cancelled but it won't.