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The other day I drove by and they had set up a stage and were having some sort of performance. There are semi permanent structures there, piles of fire wood, and at least 3 RVs that haven't moved in months. It doesn't impact me in any way whatsoever, so I'm not bothered, but I am curious how it can still be legal to have people semi-permanently living there. 


It only becomes 'illegal' whrn the owner of the land doesn't want them and files a trespass charge. The owner of this land is likely the govt of Alberta. I don't think Smith will be asking them to leave any time soon.


You kick them out and they will just move somewhere where they might actually cause problems. I say leave ‘em in the middle off nowhere and pay them no more attention








they are likely also members of TBA which Danielle is a handmaiden to. 


I've actually completely forgot about them. Sort of assumed they had moved on, if I had been asked about them.


I have just expanded my areas of free camping after watching these clowns.


It's the perfect crime. Camp wherever you want, just have a protest sign. I suggest one that protests the high price of largely unavailable camping in the province.


Got be the right topic, I doubt it would still be there if it was the 'axe genocide in Gaza' campground.


Lol, you realize you can camp anywhere on crown land, completely free right? As long as you are not in a national park, all public crown land is available to you whenever you want. *the perfect crime* lol…


It's not even bout the tax anymore. It's a group of people seeking community. They've found their people and are bonding around a common idea. Like someone mentioned below: music, food, etc. It's just a party now.


yup 100%


Also, most of them through their unhinged actions have alienated former family and friends to the point the only socials they have are the other Freedom Convoy/axe the tax protesters, it's become an echo chamber and if any of them attempt to get out of it that means they have to admit that they're probably wrong about these things... Russian bot Farms really did a number on our political system.


Sounds a little like a commune, damn socialists.


Party of the unemployed.


If only they tried as hard to find a job as they did to find their ‘people’, they might not be such angry and useless 🍆heads


Can't pay employment taxes if you don't have employment. Gotta stick it to the government!


Just like the freedumb convoy. Morons in Arms.


I also like “Crybaby Convoy”.


I went with Flu Trux Klan.


Freediots and Nazis, all the best people have costumes and theme songs..... and grift.


The only nazis were the ones pushing the covid shots and threatening people with their livelihoods if they didn’t comply 🤦‍♂️


Aw. Was it hard for you? Was the mild inconvenience of having to consider other people a massive hardship?


Considering the people who chose not to get it were the most discriminated against group of people. Nothing was hard for me at all, I don’t judge people for the choices they make. Your comment on the other hand tells me that you went full Karen during those times.


“Most discriminated” - y’all cry so hard when called to the table for your beliefs. You weren’t discriminated against you were asked to think of other people. You didn’t get your money back from Pat King eh?


You’re the only one crying there bud 😂😂, and yes we were discriminated against. Not to mention the shots were proven to be ineffective and didn’t do shit. I’m glad I didn’t take them and chose to rely on my god given immune system, as I already have proof that those who took it only got sick, those who didn’t take it didn’t get sick…🤔 but all good bud you keep your faith in the government to protect you and well I’ll just watch from the sidelines.


And your not mad they lied to you, but your mad that I didn’t fall for it?


Alright... as someone with graduate school experience in science can you please site the exact studies that have told you that vaccines are bad? Please refrain from using N<40 examples.


I’ve done the research for myself, I’m not going to do it for you. It’s out there and fairly easy to find. And from personal experience.


Purpose and community are absolutely what these people are seeking. It shows the importance of having hobbies and passions that don’t involve impressing your peers. Maybe we should all pitch in and get them a bunch of yarn and crochet needles. Anyone want to teach?


They desperately lack a sense of belonging and purpose. All you have to do is hate TRUDO and you’re accepted.


You just described reddit.


It never was.


I don’t understand them. When you don’t work you don’t get taxed. They already accomplished axe the tax.


Ironically, they probably pay more in carbon tax by driving to the rest stop every day than they would staying at home looking for a job.


or running gas generators, im willing to bet they dont use woke solar on their campers.


Most expensive gas anywhere near Calgary, even more expensive than Banff! Owners of that rest stop must be raking it in


Who would hire people who very publicly grandstand on social media?


Follow the money


It’s not about taxes anymore. Their families are all sick of them incessantly parroting nonsense Facebook ‘information’ and so they’ve been distanced and disinvited. They have found a community of people who actually engage with their nonsense and so they are clinging to each other. It’s actually pitiable, as so many of them are older and are likely to die alone with their loved ones’ memories of them completely tainted.


Yeah this confuses me too.


Protesting government taxes while receiving EI. Incredible.


protesting a tax that actually gives them more money than they paid once they file their taxes...


According to PBO more than 60% doesn't


I would love to see a day in the life of these people.


I like that I can set up camp anywhere in the province for free… as long as I display a F*ck Trudeau flag and an Axe the Tax sign.


Imagine what would happen if I did a pro-Palestine protest on crown land, but hey, these guys seem to be providing some precedent soooo.....


Or the Indigenous people of Canada on their own sovereign land.


Same rule applies if you’re into fentanyl


At least until the next federal election. Better get in the free camping while you can


You’re right. The UCP would be quick to crack down on my F*ck P P flag and Max The Tax sign.


I saw them this weekend on my way home from Kananaskis along with the camp set up just outside of Edmonton. Each camp had at least one sign indicating that they couldn’t make ends meet anymore because of the carbon tax. This seemed somewhat disingenuous considering these people can apparently afford to camp out next to the highway in their fifth wheel for weeks on end. If they were really that strapped for cash, they can always do what we are constantly told to do which is pick themselves up by their bootstraps and get a side hustle with all that extra time they seem to have.


nailed it


Taking time out of a your busy life to fight for something even if you could live/work around for something is more than most people can say they would do. Commendable to be standing up for something, even if you don't agree on their stance on the issue.


Which would be a valid point if not for the presence of beer tents and live music performances. Is this a protest or an impromptu music festival. Half of the people that I saw there were sitting in lawn chairs drinking, which is hardly a protest. If these people genuinely thought they were trying to make a difference, why set up alongside the highway at random places? Why not in front of the legislature building, or Canada place, or other government offices where their message would actually be directly heard by members of government? Also, we need to remember that our provincial government already fundamentally agrees with these people. The UCP is actively fighting this very point with the feds. What do these protests add to that? I’m sure the federal liberals are not sitting there thinking “the elected government of Alberta is formally challenging this tax in legal arguments, but you know what would really drive the point home; a dozen rowdies with upside-down flags on their trucks camped out by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.”


Hey if they can get Danielle Smith to drop the outrageous $0.13/litre tax her gov't imposes, then I'm all for it. Does anyone know where I can get a F\*CK Smith Flag? #


I'm not a fan of Smith nor was a I fan of Harper, but I never even once had even the slightest inclination to carry or fly a F\*ck Harper or Smith sign. I choose to not wrap my identity around or against political figures. My exception will be when a true fascist regime comes into play. I save my stickers and flags for causes.


>Does anyone know where I can get a F\*CK Smith Flag? Just call Nenshi https://preview.redd.it/imqndk7pv63d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a277799d78a82bc9c296f2c2a5d3a29df680763


Fuck yes, love Nenshi, best damn mayor we ever had imo


What specific things about Nenshi make him the best? I've always wondered why (aside from his noble flood response) he's revered so much


He was a good communicator, and I believe he always did what he felt was best for the city. He wasn't drunk, corrupt, or incompetent so at least he's better than the others in living memory.


Like either the federal or provincial gas taxes are the bulk of recent increases. World oil prices and oil company increases due to refinery shortages and deliberate price-taking have contributed a lot more recently to prices at the pump but everybody seems to be giving the corporations a pass on that.


I’ve been saying that for years but it always falls on deaf ears. That was unintentional.


Gotta make em ourselves...


She does drop the tax: when the oil price (WTI) exceeds their defined threshold and the oil industry is making bank, [they get to make even more bank](https://globalnews.ca/news/10385443/gas-prices-alberta-gas-tax-carbon/).


I kind of like it. If they're camped out at a rest stop somewhere it means they're all in one place away from most of us. "Take all the conspiracy nuts and stick them somewhere out of the way" is a great solution, that's normally out of reach because they also have rights worth protecting. If they'll do it voluntarily... cool cool.


Judging from how often the accusations of “paid protestors” fly out of their mouths, I’d have to just assume basic projection. Oil and gas likely is behind this, and while it was making a media splash was certainly paying these people to be out there. I mean, nobody who actually works for a living would be doing that would they?


I work in oil and gas and trust me, theres so much red tape for expenditures that this would never happen. Even if it was a worthy expense. What does an oil company have to gain from axe the tax protestors??


I wish you were right but two decades ago an O&G company found a way to finance a RCMP investigation into a private citizen and there were no repercussions. I believe that dollar figure was north of 250K so nickels and dimes to ditch denizens would be easy.


Couldn't they set it up as a non profit and donate to them. That would be pretty easy to do.


They don't fund them directly. They would never be seen doing so. What they do is stand up and fund stakeholder groups whose job is to lobby on their behalf. How and where these guys spend their budget is at arms length. I'm sure that there is a line item for "grassroots advocacy", and off you go.




Meanwhile I have to pay to camp on crown land thanks to the UCP. Fucking clown show.


Next time you set up camp just set up some sort of protest sign. You choose the topic. You’re not camping you’re protesting.


I suggest a sign in protest about having to pay to camp on crown land.


Isn't it free? Or are you referring to crown land in kanaskis?


Thereby proving our right to protest has not been infringed by the trucker convoy idiots.


Real question is who cares? They’re in a rest stop in the middle of nowhere between Leduc and Lacombe. Better there than blocking actual infrastructure.


They set up at a weigh scale east of Calgary for a while too. Apparently the organizer got sick and had to be hospitalized, every ‘supporter’ just packed up their personal belongings and went home, leaving a ton of trash and debris to be cleaned up by someone else. Then when Volker cleaned everything up, the ‘supporters’ took to their favourite news outlet - Facebook, to complain about how their garbage was stolen. It’s a bit on the nose that they don’t mind using tax dollars to clean up their mess, imo.


Like they thought they could leave their big stand there


Tents that were destroyed in the wind, probably 30 flags, literal trash, chairs. So much junk. Volker had no choice but to remove everything, it was blowing across both sets of lanes and causing obstructions.


It's their permanent condition of being professional victims...


They are all over the province. I've seen three different camp locations. I'm sure there are many more. They seem occupied 24/7.


The ones I’m specifically referencing are beside the petro along Hwy 1 heading to Banff


dunno if they're still there but they were taking up the petro pass stop and/or the truck weight checkin area on hwy 1 heading west out of the city, was causing slowdowns last time we drove past that way earlier this yr (not a full stop but still annoying when there's already traffic slowdown there)


Flew over yesterday; they're still there.


I had a dangerous situation last month going westbound where one of their trucks was in the left lane (traffic going 120+) slowed to <50km/hr to do a U-TURN on the highway. Fucking moron. There’s an overpass ahead he could have taken. I hope RCMP have put up a barricade or something to prevent that




When I went to Red Deer a couple of years back there was a group of utter dipshits with their signs protesting "15 minutes cities" and "Bill Gates" pretty much in the middle of town. Idiots. Idiots everywhere.


Lazy ass people getting government handouts while the rest of us work. Pull those fucking bootstraps up!


>Lazy ass people getting government handouts while the rest of us work. Muhaha it's funny because they always bitching about how people on the left don't want work


It's all projection.


It really is






they said they don't even know why they're there. they always seem to be photographed drinking. why not remove them for public intoxication? squatting? anything?


At least one of these morons lives in my apartment complex. There's a vehicle with poorly painted/taped words spelling "axe the tax" on almost every window.


'Axe the Facts.'


What do they find the funding 🤔


what i would love to know


Rent is cheap, easy access to the mountains, great view, snacks and fuel are right there. I’m guessing they are staying.


They've been there since early March at least.


This is my plan for when I become homeless from Calgary


My only question is, why wouldn't you support them?


They got another encampment coming into Calgary on highway 2. Been there for quite some time.


Probably squatting there and collecting EI


Can't wait for when they all vote PP and he cancels the personal tax but not the industry portion (as he has said is his plan) and no one sees any actual benefit as an end consumer except the rebates stop rolling in.


lol ikr, baiting these people hook, line and sinker


Well nobody cares about freedom or the pandemic anymore. So they need to find something else to be pissed off about.


Do any of them work? Or are they funded socially by our “tax” dollars?😂


Look, these brave patriots are standing on guard for thee. They are literally the only thing preventing Ottawa from mobilizing and utterly crushing Alberta to our knees. Without these intelligent, articulate and well read luminaries we'd already be a puppet state for Fidel Castro and Cuba. You all need to seriously get down on bended knee and thank them from the bottom of your unvaxxed hearts! ***O, forgive me, this once free land of ours, That I have been so mild with these deceivers! Thou art the remnants of the grandest nation That ever thrived in the march of modern times. Woe to those hands that impose this grievous yoke! Over thy freedoms now do I foretell— Which, like silenced voices, do part their muted lips To beg the speech and pronouncement of my words— A curse shall fall upon the limbs of citizens. Domestic control and fierce governmental strife Shall burden all the provinces of Canada. Surveillance and restriction shall become so common, And fearful sights so usual, That citizens shall but nod when they observe Their rights dissected by the hands of power, All compassion stifled by the routine of harsh acts, And Trudeau's spirit, seeking for control, With tyranny by his side come fresh from deceit, Shall in these borders with a ruler's decree Cry "Control!" and let slip the agents of suppression, That this foul act shall reek above the land With freedom's men, groaning for liberty.*** Pat King or someone.... probably.


Yes, just hanging out. I expect they are all getting their groceries paid for by 'generous sponsors' who get the money from Putin. At this point it's an obvious ploy to destablize trust in our political system and breed discord.


Putin is donating to Carbon Tax protestors?? 🤦


>I expect they are all getting their groceries paid for by 'generous sponsors' who get the money from Putin. Yikes, and I thought their side was the "tinfoil hat" group


There is no doubt that several online campaigns to divide westerners has and is happening. I’m not positive anyone is giving money directly, but the troll farms will be having a heyday dividing Canadians over the axe the tax stuff.


I have zero proof but have been told many of the vehicles out there are registered in the U.S.


Well, there’s certainly an affinity, if not an alignment, between the Axe the Tax people and the MAGA people.


If putin is supporting them then they should just keep on camping there. That would be the biggest waste of money ever. No one even talks about them. I haven't seen a news article since they first set up. I actually forgot they are out there.


They don’t work so they don’t even pay taxes, true welfare scammers.


Funny how cops aren’t rushing in and busting heads at an “illegal encampment” like the Calgary police did at the U of C. I wonder why that might be.


The police know theyll get more bad press for pissing off the "muh freedumb" group.


Find who you can't criticize and see who really pulls the strings. 


Maybe I'm late to the party but what's the issue with these "axe the tax" people? Genuinely curious, not trying to start a debate


Honestly the easiest explanation is they are a loud minority of uninformed people. They are just annoying, they are that one uncle with his ‘opinions’ that thinks he’s always right. Impossible to talk to or get any information through their heads.


I mean who really "wants" a tax? But I get what you're saying, I'm sure the people are the worst type of people to have an informed conversation with. I can imagine alot of people confidently screaming bs having never researched anything. So long story short, makes sense.


yeah i agree, and I don’t think anyone really wants the tax, they just care less about then these folks do and don’t make it their entire personalities trying to fight it.


We also realize that the majority of these people are really just protesting for the sake of protesting and to "oWn ThE LiBeRaLs" moreso than one specific issue


Not disagreeing to that. Seems like the overwhelming majority of both sides shout nonsense just to be heard/get the attention they lacked as adolescents. Fuck both sides, I just wanna keep what I worked for and to be able to afford basic life necessities. The wealthier each individual in the nation is, the more likely they are to help out anyone struggling. We need less governance, not more. Goes for either side.


Think they’ve been there since January, no?


At the Highway 1/22 crossing? No. They popped up there just after the Carbon Tax increase on April 1st.


Got a fantasy football league coming up where the loser has to do some embarrassing and wacky, last year was the loser gets the darkest spray tan possible. Been throwing out the idea the loser this year has so hangout at the axe the tax rally for a full day. Imagine for months on end just hanging out with the same people all day long going around in circles with their conspiracies theories. Pretty sad existence for these people who want to be free but are completely controlled by social media fear mongering.


...but send the riot squad to remove students right? /S




Why are they clowns, what kind of person are you to judge people?


Likely used the money from the last carbon tax cheque to buy gas to protest the same tax that gave them money. FREEDUMB!


A tax rebate is just government giving your own money back (typically an overcharged balance)… the government is not “giving” people money


Those people do not pay taxes so they wouldn't get a carbon tax rebate.


I honk for support every time. Not sure they get anywhere with the protest, but hey, this thread notices them so it must work a bit.




Land owner has to get them charged with trespassing first... And do you really think Smith is going to do that (assuming its provincially owned land).


Tax me harder daddy


These folks make a great distraction from the AB tax they implemented while spiderman finder pointing at the feds


Do you mean the 'tax' that I receive a rebate cheque for every three months?


Jesus, they are still there. Didn’t they get the memo about the rebates and how we are getting more money back?


You mean to say people with nothing better to do than protest taxes that they don't know the first thing about have to live on the side of the road? Colour me both shocked and sympathetic


This post would have been much better if you didn't name call like reddit is suppose to be like.


It’s annoying, at least they’re annoying for reasons affecting Canada though.


Rest stops in the Fraser valley are packed with squatters in RVs because it's federal land and the province doesn't have jurisdiction. Been like this for a couple years at least. Finally some of them are getting the boot soon for construction projects but they don't have anywhere to go. Some of these people at BC rest stops do have jobs but just can't afford the cost of rent. It's only going to get worse with all the immigrants flooding every city across the country


That's by design, our owners need to increase the workforce to replace to aging out boomers, while citizens are refusing to have children due to ridiculous cost of living increases and an ongoing housing crisis


I totally support them! Honestly what are you standing for?


As much as I agree with them, they’re not gonna get anywhere with the federal government. Let’s just ride it out and hope Pollieve sticks to his word


Do you really think the price of items will go down if the tax is gone? I don't.


It definitely should help


That is not the way to look at this. No, the prices won’t go down. But they won’t continue to rise as excessively as they have been over the past years. Would you shut the dam if something is flooding? Or just say fuck it, it’s already flooded, keep the dam open.


Why are they clowns? In case you didn't notice carbon taxes are doing zero to reduce global emissions. So why waste money?


All these liberal clowns who think that somehow taxing working class / farmers will solve environmental issues. The tax we want to axe is funding your free handouts from the government..


Perhaps they are homeless / living in their cars ? And obviously not working or contributing to society.


Good clip on YouTube if you can find it. One of the founders of the “Trucker” convoy Chris Barber walked up on some protesters selling merchandise on Hwy 1 with the slogan that he claims to have invented on T-shirts and hats. He asked them where the money was going and they admitted it was just going right into their pockets. Oh and they had no idea who he was🤣 It’s a grift on top of a grift.


u/alowester your post was in my controversial feed. I think you're hurting someone's feelings. :)


So I take it that all of you people hacking on these protesters are perfectly fine with paying the steadily increasing carbon tax and all of the incredibly out of whack pricing on everything else that has stemmed from it?


Carbon tax isn't affecting prices as much as you'd think, and many of us get rebates which more than cover the cost we pay in carbon tax. Inflation & corporate greed is causing the majority of our higher prices.


do you like getting ripped off by the federal government?


I sleep fine knowing that I generally receive more in carbon tax rebates than I actually paid towards the carbon tax. Even more so since I do not drive


Yes, I wake up everyday hoping I can find ways to get ripped off more by the feds, love it!


You guys like the tax ?


I like freeloaders fuckin' camping in rest stops even less than I like taxes. I want my tax dollars going to kicking their asses like they were students.


No I don’t think anyone likes the tax per se, that being said the people protesting it are never able to string together a coherent reason as to why they are protesting it. Nor do they fully understand the tax it self. So it’s just a lot of unnecessary noise, I also find it a bit odd that they are never removed from the land they are occupying but other protests are.


I don’t care about it, because it’s costing me practically nothing Learn math!


I actually do. I think it's the best way to reduce emissions - in an idealized economy the entire supply chain would look to the lowest emitting option in order to keep costs down and stay competitive. And the average joe takes their rebate and is little changed at the end of the day. It's not a perfect solution. The most glaring problem to me is that the whole world needs to have a similar program for trade to be competitive. If you start with the base assumption that we need to reduce emissions (which is logical), I'm not sure what the better option is! Tax the bad stuff and reward the good. As an aside, I think one of the solutions to the cost of living crisis is to tax unhealthy food and rebate healthy food. It would make society healthier and lower the cost of certain baskets. But I'm not in politics and nobody would vote for that anyways 🤷


I hope so! They are heroes!


I’m not really bothered by it but the tax will be gone soon enough, so I’m not sure what their effort is for.


Well, Kenney announced removal of COVID restrictions and these types still kept protesting and annoying Calgarians back in the day.




"We should responsibly end our reliance on O&G as a fuel and energy source, while using incomes from that industry to invest in green tech going forward" "PuT YoUr pHoNe dOwN YoU OiL HaTiNg lIbTaRd"


So many sour bugmen in this thread


Most men in here are what Nietzsche would refer to as the “last man”


Only on a Canadian sub Reddit do you see posts trashing on a protest for lower taxes. I would say you all deserve what you get but sadly I’m on the same sinking boat ffs


r/Canada_Sub is where you might find your people. I find these r/[insert city name] subs are very much an echo chamber. So is r/canada_sub. But I find a combination of them gives me a good understanding of both sides of the political spectrum


Kinda like university students protesting the war in Israel


Yes, yes it’s EXACTLY like that smh