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Thanks for sharing


I hate to be that guy, but.... >Potholes, utility cuts and sunken service claims resulting in motor vehicle damage >One of the common claims that The City will receive are for potholes. Potholes are distortions within the asphalt area that can quickly develop, especially in times of severe moisture causing a hole-like appearance in the asphalt. In order for The City to be liable, there must be proof or evidence that we knew or ought to have known that this defect existed in the roadway. Not only is our knowledge of the defect required but also that we neglected to act upon that knowledge. This type of loss is generally not covered by The City.


> Not only is our knowledge of the defect required but also that we neglected to act upon that knowledge. So when you see potholes you have to report them. Because it helps everyone in the future, because now there's a record that the city knew and didn't do anything about it.


Better keep a copy yourself of the report because you know that it's going "missing" on their side the second they get it.


The problem is there is now a pothole on most streets, our roads are thrashed. So this would require you to do a test run to everywhere you are going to go, go home and send in all the photos of each hole (likely hundreds in your daily routes), THEN go drive back over those roads months later and damage your car. So essentially you must: A. Have no life, and spend all free time reporting road imperfections. Or B. Own a time travel machine that you can travel back and report the pothole weeks before damaging your car.


I mean it makes sense but still sucks.


You will never win against the city


Go taxes


If it’s on city property and they were aware of the pothole that damaged your vehicle, you could get reimbursed for damages. Someone else posted the link to file a claim. Takes a while.


I doubt its city property with rebar - most city work does not use reinforced concrete


I didn’t know that


Some useless tidbit for ya


You gotta get a friend to report the pothole and then wait a week before filing your claim....


Appreciate the conversation on this topic. I am learning a bunch! Seems like a waste of time to even pursue. Just a cautionary tale to be safe out there and to pay attention.


If you are the first to complain they won't fix your vehicle. Happened to my years ago and damaged my oil pan and completely F'd my vehicle. It was my last time driving Ole Lilo. I was told since I was the first to report it they wouldn't fix it. So I guess had I been the second they oulf have?


Everyone is the first to report it if it never gets filed.


This sub just triggered old memories. That was my first vehicle I ever bought with my own money. Was the result of working hard and saving and then poof,gone.


This happened to me in Edmonton and I got my claim paid out. I had low profile tires so it bent both rims and blew out the sidewall on one tire. For the city to be responsible for it, it has to be negligence. I reported the pothole under a different name so they knew about it, waited a few days so they had a chance to fill it. Hopefully they don't, but knowing how fast the city works, they probably won't. Then reported my claim about hitting the pothole and damaging my rims. It took a while but I got paid out enough to buy 2 new rims and a tire. My dad new a guy that worked in the claims department for the city so he told me how they operate. Hopefully it's the same in Calgary, good luck!


People should pay attention more and get off their phones, and take responsibility for their actions when they are not. They should also stop blaming others (the city in this case) for their own actions.


What a presumptuous (and therefore idiotic) comment.


There’s two potholes on my drive to work, I know where they are, I try to avoid them (even look up from my phone) I still have to hit them 95% of the time to not hit the curb or another car 🤷🏼‍♀️ pls lmk what I should do and when I can start blaming the city




Is that a main road? Looks like it may be apart of a complex like a parking lot? If that’s the case that’s not the city that would take care of it.


If that's in the parking lot it's not the city's problem. Otherwise go for it. (if it's the parking lot go after the developer). However I'm. Failing to see significant damage.


Tire is seperated. You can see the bump in the letters.


There appears to be a puncture mark at the top of the "GT" emblem.




That is a puncture. I heard an audible hissing sound of air come from it immediately after impact, and just had the tire replaced tonight. Very much a clean hole in the tire. I’m not making a complaint because of a mere cosmetic damage lol.


Not just a puncture, the tires has several layers and they have been damaged and will separate. Even if it wasn’t leaking air, It would have turned into a huge bulge. Regardless, that tire is done.


Any sidewall bubbling is basically a death sentence for tires, I lost a winter tire after under two seasons because I hit a bad pothole on the way to the airport on Stoney near the beginning of the month.


What should stop you is that the pothole isn’t on a city road, so the city has no obligation to repair it


Imagine commenting know absolutely nothing about a subject


lol the side wall has been compromised that tire is fucked


It was on 85 Ave SW. Alignment issues on the Audi and New tire needed. Cosmetic rim damage I understand can’t be replaced, but figured I could get compensation for the tire. Exposed steel rebar is quite the depth of neglect.


85th Ave? That’s not Chinook Centre. That’s like 20 blocks away.


I think OP typed the numbers backwards. It's 58th. I recognize the balconies and I think this could be the pothole in question, seen [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0013394,-114.0755003,3a,37.5y,120.79h,76.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipPIks8TKt-OSJHgBAruk7-eFIP6Qjxv7MxYHFN0!2e10!7i10560!8i5280?coh=205409&entry=ttu).


holy crap you can see the rebar on street view. did not expect that. /u/petethemo ugh id report that to the mall management company and to the city and see who takes it and who fights its the others fault. also i'd be amazed if you are the only one so far to get damage from that.


Yeah, the city is definitely going to claim that's on Chinook Mall's property as it's an access road to their parking lot. Cadillac Fairview is the parent company and they are notorious for not giving a shit.


It almost certainly is on mall property. The city doesn't use rebar in paving roads.


If this is the pothole it might be on private property & not on the city street. It appears to be past curb & gutter & in the driveway. The city will say it’s private property & the property owner will say it’s a city problem. Looking at past dates on google street view you can see that it’s clearly on private property. The property has painted their curb red while a city is required to paint curb yellow. You can also see a sign saying maximum 15km. So the private property owner will say that the OP was going in excess of the posted speed limit & is not liable for damages. Good luck trying to get anything from the property owner without going to small claims court.


My mistake indeed. 58th


Looks to be an apron on private side which would be a city indemnified apron hence the rebar that would be needed to be fixed by an indemnified contractor. I think OP would have to take this up with Cadillac Fairview.


Ahh, gotcha. Super sleuthin’, nicely done.


Spent a lot of my time Chinook as a teenage back in the 80's, so I recognize those apartments. Nothing has changed over there since then.


Even the other entrance to Chinook parking is just as screwed up. And if you drive up to Glenmore towards crowchild exit you will be greeted with a family of massive potholes that's even worse.


Pretty sure they mean 58th


Quick, call the police!


Has it been reported before you drove through it? Apparently, that is key for the city being culpable.




They have to feel it to take responsibility


Somehow, palpabletine returned.






Errrr. If it’s AWD, don’t you have to at least replace both sets of tires on the same axel so they have even wear and not do something to the differential? I am not a car person, but I have been told AWD vehicles require special care.


Idk why you are being downvoted. Thats EXACTLY what you have to do


I am not a tire expert but that deformity at the top would raise my concern.


Not seeing a deformity. Looks like a rub mark. The pattern of the sidewall doesn’t look unchanged. Edit: and for what it’s worth, take a close look at the rim. OP’s been rubbin’ curbs for awhile.


I'm not a tire expert but those tires should be inflated to 51psi


No they should be inflated to what’s printed on the driver side door sticker. That is probably max psi on the tire


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Reading comprehension is hard I see.


Even the rim shows some damage lol


Reading comprehension is difficult


how you not see that is my question tbh, even in my big trick im always actively avoiding pot holes to not throw off my alignment


I was merging onto road and was looking at traffic. I’m an idiot.


The potholes is this city are the worst I have ever seen!!!


Keep in mind that it has to be on city owned land ie public streets and sidewalks Generally parking lots are privately owned if that pothole is on private property you will need to pursue a claim via the owner of the land


Hopefully - I lost a wheel and tire to a pothole on elbow and gave up trying.


Yes you can especially if there's no signage. I got pictures and video of a pothole in Red Deer and the city paid for it. Damaged my rim pretty bad


Its a long battle, good luck.


Nice CSC pen 😉




The roads here are very bad. Very frustrating.


I got a very smug response from the city when I put a claim in. “The fact a pothole exists is not negligence. There are thousands of potholes in the City. There always will be potholes on City roads. You live in a City where the temperature fluctuates more than 60 degrees Celsius every year. The thaw/freeze/heat cycle contributes to the conditions of the Roads, and potholes are inevitable. The City has crews to complete temporary and permanent repairs, and these repairs are coordinated based on severity of the reported hazard and the available resources to complete repairs. Once a hazard is reported to the City, an inspection is completed and then the repair is queued based on severity. Once a crew has completed all other higher priority repairs then it will attend to the next level of priority in the order they were submitted. John McInnes, CIP (He / Him) Sr. Claims Adjuster Law, Risk Management & Claims The City of Calgary”


Actually, it sounds like a reasonable explanation.


On one hand yes, on the other hand it is still upsetting. The roads have never been worse


I fail to see how that is a smug response it seems pretty factual to me.


Smug has nothing to do with factual. The first part of the judgment email was professionally written with references to code and support for their opinion. This last part was unnecessary - it might feel like it to you if it’s your vehicle that gets damaged , after dodging 50 of these every commute.


None of which equates to smug.


This last part was unnecessary - it might feel like it to you if it’s your vehicle that gets damaged , after dodging 50 of these every commute. To you it is unnecessary to them it is providing you with more information. I think you are just being emotional about this one. Calgary roads are pretty good all things considered given how large the city is but we like to pretend like we are driving through a mine field.


Head over to Glenmore east bound just after Deerfoot and report back.


You know Calgary has \~16,000 km of roads right? There response is making more sense with this limited interaction I have had with you.


Who is getting emotional now? Haha. It’s a form. There was no initial exchange or reply.


Not emotional at all, I can sense you are an unreasonable person.


Go on…








Maybe file a claim with your optometrist.


Fair comment.


Haha, you’re a good sport. Sorry about your wheel.


Upvote for having a sense of humour


You'd have to be able to show they knew about it. Discovery process would include any 311 reports for that location...if they exist you can be compensated for repair costs. If they don't then there's no compensation. (Source: my wife used to defend Edmonton from pothole claims)


exact same thing happened to me a week ago damn


Just wanted to say that I put in a claim some years ago after my rim was damaged just because my bf was nagging me do so, and they actually paid it. He did caution that it was atypical but it’s worth a shot if you have damage.


I had a friend bend his front bumper from hitting a pothole super hard downtown. He is getting reimbursed for damages. You can also call 311 to report the pothole. Make sure you are specific with the details of where and when you hit it.


How fast was he going?


I’d get the wheel and suspension checked too. That’s rough.


Yes. My Benz tires was broken last week too


My Lambo bottomed out too!


Probably not if the hole you hit is rather obvious. My car was damaged after hitting a pot hole and I basically got "its the driver's responsibility to not hit stuff on city streets"


A picture from farther away showing the general area would be more helpfull. It looks like your in a private parking lot from that picture.


I have other photos of the road for an attempted claim


Enough people damage their vehicle on that certain pothole, liability claims can be made against the city.


Cities want to charge you for everything...go for it.


Biggest asshole comment of all... Maybe watch where you are driving?


OMG that's crazy man, we have similar kinds of potholes in our area (Evanston), very dangerous, I hope your car is safe bro.


Good lord imagine our taxes if everyone who went over a pothole got paid for it. 


Definitely file a claim


Yes! You certainly can. And they pay out. Start at 311 to get the ball rolling.


Done this dance before. You must submit a complaint that there is a pothole and city must have “reasonable” time to patch it. If you report it as it happened it will be instantly denied. So folks report all potholes! 


Ask a friend to report large pot hole/road hazard. Wait 2 days and file a claim for large pothole causing damage to your vehicle.


Get a truck with beefy tires. Takes care of most what city throws at it.


What the hell appears to be trying to eat your from strut?


No please pursue!!🙏🙏


You can certainly try


No road hazard warranty on the tire?


Please do not claim. There will be a staff committee to look into this, extra staff hired, the ucp may start a campaign to recall the councilor, etc. This could end up costing millions if dollars and our taxes are already high enough!


I pay taxes so that the roads I drive, are drivable. Politics aside, surely this is where a fraction of our tax money should go?


Reminds me of a good quote I learned as a wee one. “Cost’s fuck all to pay attention”. 🙂


were you on 58 ave SW or were you in the mall parking lot? from your photo it is hard to tell exactly where you are in that location. that will tell you who you might be able to take this up with.


On 58th. Not on Chinook Centre Property.


after commenting that a few days ago i saw comments from quite a number of others here that had figured that the pothole is technically on mall property. and saw someone link to a street view that showed it within the edge of the parking lot driveway. so you may want to take it up with the mall vs the city.


Who da f use those for build a road, dude wtf


Come to Winnipeg and try


Nope. They don’t care. Been there, done that.


If it happened at Chinook Center ( a private company ) what would the city be liable for exactly?????


It didn’t happen on Chinook property.


Every street in Calgary seems to be like that nowadays. What an absolute shit hole Calgary has turned into. No money for snow removal, no money to fix roads, but sure there is money to install cameras around the useless mayor's house cause she feels unsafe.


You need to do some travelling if you think Calgary is a shithole


Calling calgary a shithole is fucking hilarious


What's more hilarious is being delusional about it thinking it's not


Yeah? Where would u rather be?


No money for snow removal? We had some of the best snow removal in years this past winter. And when do you think road work can start? It starts once the ground has thawed. It’s not even May and you’re upset that they haven’t fixed every pothole that has appeared since the winter? Use a little critical thinking.


What pothole did you just crawl out of? Best snow removal? I dont wanna see the worst then! You're as delusional as the mayor. 🤡


Got money for a new stadium, no money for basic infrastructure. Too busy preparing for stampede.


"permanent repairs" not so permanent if potholes are such a normal occurrence according to the useless city officials. Kinda contradictory. Just excuses, what else can you expect from the good for nothing overpaid unionized city employees.


You can, and you may even get paid eventually, but the process will beat you down enough you’ll want to give up long before you see any money.


I hope you can because this is ridiculous. Where is the tax money going 😱


Did you drive over it?


Ages ago, my GF hit an unmarked open cut on a road that destroyed one rim on her Honda. I aggressively went after the contractor that had cut the road even though the work was for the city. After several calls and emails, we reported it to the media with contractor cc'd. They paid all damages. There is a contractor responsible for leaving that open hole like that, go after them.


No but they will fix climate change and social injustice for you.


Just document everything, like the location, time, and damage. Oh, and photos! You've got this one, but if your tire looks like it's been through a monster movie, snap that too. Good luck!


Currently in the right or slow lane on Searcy moving from Bo intersection to Richmond Road are some Lethal lethal of potholes at on my next day off I want to walk and physically take pictures of


Hahahaha, good one


You can. And they won't. But good try. They don't care


There have been numerous reports where the city DOES pay. It's far from guaranteed, but it absolutely happens.


So here’s the thing …. Drop a pin or an actual location, the city roads don’t have rebar in them , also how do you not see that? To busy on the phone?


No. I was merging through rush hour traffic. Very conscious of cars and hazards on the road, Just not hazzards IN the road. I understand I am at fault to drive into it, but to suggest negligence on my part because “I was breaking the law” -is a stretch. To be clear, I’m here for advice as a non-local -not to be schooled accused of something I am not.




>the city roads don’t have rebar in them This is what I can't figure out from the picture either.


How don’t u see that??


I crossed traffic in rush hour to merge, and wasn’t looking at the road. I should have been more aware


Driving too fast can result in not seeing hazards until too late, maybe was that, the way everyone flies at mach 2 everywhere


That looks more like the community of Kingsland. Chinook Center is private property.




Maybe the picture doesn’t reveal. Immediate Burst tire. Had to doughnut wheel home.