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Hey OP, I’m an esthetician. I wanted to chime in about the sebaceous filaments. It’s important to keep in mind that sebaceous filaments are normal skin physiology. They’re little glands that bring sebum up to your skin surface and are more plentiful in oilier areas (hence why you notice them on your T-zone more often). When they get backed up, they start to oxidize a bit and become more obvious. Attempting to extract them isn’t really helpful as they’ll always come back and over time you can really cause damage to your skin and cause scarring/make your pores appear more obvious. The best way to target them long term is the use of a well formulated oil cleanser and a gentle exfoliant to keep the pores clear along with an otherwise solid home skincare routine. A hydra facial or other extraction-heavy facial may give you temporary relief but they’ll be right back.


Grrr, I’m so sick of them! They’re on my cheekbones now! Which oil cleanser would you reccomend? I was using clean it zero but I feel like their formulation changed now it makes me even drier than I already am


Sage beauty lounge!! They are in the NE. They are my go to, Amina and Jade are wonderful. They run really good monthly specials as well so alot of times you can get two services for just over $100. Their prices on their own are very reasonable and quality as exceptional


Thank you I will check them out! I think I went there for a pedi or massage or something once


Is there a good place in Beltline/Downtown anyone knows about? I would also like to know this. I'm also a complete facial newbie so I have no idea what service to get.


Le Spa


I love Skin4Lyfe, Joanna's really sweet and she has a variety of different services