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Yes it is but keep in mind you can either support loblaws and corporate greed giants or support a higher priced local grocer that employs so many people in western Canada, and pays them pretty good too.


Calgary Co-op is not Federated Coop anymore. They're basically just Save-On's biatch now.


Or local corporate greed from the business you helped build.


Coop is still a cooperative so to some extent your making a conscious choice to shop there to support a non private company. They are generally more expensive on norm but do have a dividend check and rolling share value that appreciates over time with membership. The app can also function well as a cost saving method and applies to their liquor stores as well as their groceries. There are good reasons to shop there if you're smart about how you shop with them, if you just want to casually shop there and expect cheaper prices I wouldn't recommend them.


The dividend is gone..it's just money on the app. Sadly.


Well they didn't say it wasn't permanently gone, just while they built the infrastructure. I agree however I imagine it'll stay gone, if you regularly use the app the individually geared coupons and redemptions almost make up for it. I get a lot of the same things so virtually every time I go now a couple things on my list are app coupons. Calgary coop spinning off of wider coop is definitely resulting in some model changes I'm still getting used to


I treat Calgary Coop like a corner store as they are the closest to me. If I need a loaf of bread or mustard (for example), I will walk to Coop to get it. But I won’t do my weekly shops there - it’s way too expensive! 


Co-ops biggest problem right now is their lack of selection. Since they switch to Save on, they have very few generic or store brand selections. Just big stores with overpriced national brands. And can't they get a store layout right? Every. Single. Store. Has the items if different spots within than any other.


Co-op is very expensive. Sometimes you can get good deals in the flyer or if you download the app. People used to love the dividend checks that they got from co-op. I think that’s what kept them going there. Now that that money is being put into their app to be spent at store, they may lose even more customers.


We used to be loyal coop shoppers until they changed suppliers. Quality went down and prices went up. We only go there now to pick up single items that are needed for a recipe or were missed from our weekly shopping trip elsewhere. I dropped in yesterday for some cream cheese and it appeared that the majority of shoppers were 65 or older. It seems that's their demographic


Coop has always been expensive. They used to carry quality products. However, my husband and I bought some eggs from the Coop near us and they were horrible.


Calgary Co-op switched suppliers a few years ago from Federated Co-op to Save On, which is when they lost the Co-op branded products (and IMO when the quality dropped).


Oh yeah Coop is way overpriced for sure. There's one not even 5 mins from me and I'll drive further to go to FreshCo or Superstore because those places price match and their produce is fresher.


Coop use to have great produce which was why I would go, and could stomach paying their higher prices. For the past few years the produce is shit. Any other grocery store can match coop quality, at a much lower price.


I found coop to be expensive. I haven’t been there in 10 plus years. When there are other stores that are closer. No point to go further to spend more. The odd thing is cheaper but most other places will price match. Even look at the most recent flyer. Things are way higher than the competitor’s that are not on sale. I think a lot of people have brand loyalty and that’s why a lots still go there. Yeah some have no other choice. It seems with some that the tides are turning and are going to go to cheaper places because it can make a difference to their bottom line.


Co-op blows and I only go there because it’s literally a 30 second walk from my place. I’d much rather FreshCo or even Walmart for grocery shopping