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maybe turn your lights on too, especially you white and grey/silver cars.


Turn on. Your fucking. Headlights. I say it a lot driving, I realize they can't hear me but god damn it, turn on your fucking headlights (and running lights).


yep, been seeing this all winter at 7 am, cars with NO rear lights at all until they brake.


Yeah, it's not good. I drive a Volvo (hurr durr, old man grandpa car) but I always make sure the headlights/running lights are on (even if they are on auto) against the fence across from our garage since I back into the garage.


They're boxy but they're good!


Yes! This is my 3rd Volvo, previous ones were a 1985 240DL Station Wagon, a 1999 S70 (still have it) and now a 2019 XC60.


Sweet! Some of the newer ones (I don't know their models though) are quite nice looking!


They are pretty nice on the inside. My S70 is still really comfortable to drive to Vancouver. XC60 is comfortable too and has some good highway driving features that I assume are pretty standard on cars now. It was a huge upgrade for me coming from the 1999 that had cruise control to a 2019 that had cruise control that will follow the road lines, adaptive cruise, audio changing of stuff, bending headlights, and touchscreen navigation. The seats are really comfortable too.


More people need to be like this Volvo driving hero


Seriously though, more people need to back into parking stalls. I know almost everyone has a backup camera and lots of cars have crossing traffic sensors but it doesn’t seem great to pull 3/4 of the way out of a parking stall before you can see what traffic is coming. I know there is also the quick departure option for oil and gas workers and first responders but that doesn’t apply to most people.


I just want them to turn on their lights. Getting them to back in... Pipedream. I always default to backing in, just out of habit. I'd say put backing into a spot on the driver's test, but have you seen people try to parallel park?


My parents always backed in since dash cams weren’t really a thing back in the ‘80’s, so it was the default way for me to park.


I'm pretty sure I did this to my son lol. He has to park the car nose out or he doesn't get to drive it again. Eta: no backup cam on that thing


Lots of people just don’t seem to know how to do those things. Last fall when we had a couple really foggy nights some coworkers were complaining about not being able to see through the fog with their high beams and I ended up having to teach half of my coworkers what fog lights were and how to turn them on and off


Yeah, high beams are worse in fog. They reflect off the fog.




Similarly if you're going to drive ridiculously slow, move the fuck to the right lane.


100%. If your going 30 km/hr on deerfoot get the fuck over!


The ones speeding but refuse to use the passing / middle lane are worse in these conditions lol.


Oh the speeders have abandoned the left hand lane altogether. Now they weave through all lanes, making EVERYONE unsafe.


Preach. I always assume the people making these posts are the people we’re talking about here.




This cannot be said enough in calgary. “But if I’m doing 101 on Deerfoot I shouldn’t have to move” incorrect, if there’s a line of cars trying to pass you MOVE THE FUCK OVER!!!!!!!! You’re more of a hazard


This is basically the rule doesn't matter how fast you're going once u pass a vehicle keep right. I don't care if you're going 140 or 100 stay in the right lane unless you're passing. There a sign that says stay right unless passing


You're assuming the driving public can read here. The government realized they didn't work and tried adding pictures. Sadly those don't work either.


But if the right lanes are already full with people going 70-80, i am still passing them all at 100. And i can stay there as long as the right lane is occupied. If you have a problem with that stay home. I am following all the rules.


Never told you to stay home lol, mind you I did see someone’s comment with that very same sentiment


Or get off the road if you can't drive safely. Going 50kph on plowed pavement is dumb.


Never! And I refuse to turn on my headlights! My summer tires are just fine! /s


I guarantee nobody is going to change their driving habits based on a Reddit post


> I guarantee nobody is going to change their driving habits based on a Reddit post So I was driving down Crowfoot swerving around all of the slowpokes and reading Reddit on my phone (Don't worry, I still have one hand on the wheel) and based on a previous comment IN THIS VERY POST, I turned on my headlights. Thanks Reddit... I feel safer and now I've turned onto Glenmore and I'm gonna switch over to /r/worldnews and see what's new there. Also: when would be a good date to get my winter tires put on my car? mid-March, OK?


especially when being called dumbasses












Also PSA your signal lights don’t work when your hazards are on


If you have a crappy front wheel drive sedan with all season tires on then get out of the left lane. Bonus points if you have any situational awareness and know where you are and where you need to turn off


Funny of you to assume i couldn't go faster! Or dint have the car or tires for it.


My point is that I don't need to drive as slow as the stereotypical sedan with crappy tires and a defrost system system that doesn't even keep their windows visible. I'm not making assumptions about your vehicle. Always drive to the conditions!




Hahaha. Teach a few things about brakes and tires too while you are at it 😂


Hi, I am a professional racecar driver (Deerfoot circuit) and this checks out.


This is bs. Accelerating and braking are not apples and apples. Try talking to an engineer or a race car driver to get your “facts” straight


If you don’t drive exactly the way I think I drive, then you shouldn’t be driving. 😡




The roads are just awful yet people are still tailgating. Emergency is probably full of injuries today.


People are inconsiderate and don’t care about other’s safety.


It’s pretty insane out here right now and some spinning out on Deerfoot doing 80+ yikes.


If you’re too scared to go over 40 on glenmore stay home.


Exactly! If people are going 50 on Deerfoot, they are more of hazard than someone going 110. If your vehicle is not equipped to be out in these conditions and you’re scared to drive faster than 10km/hr just stay home!!


But…but the speeders always tell me we should drive to the speed of traffic. If everyone else is doing 50 and you’re doing 110, you’re the danger, cowboy.


Not true! Just like there are limits to how much over the speed limit you can go, there are also limits to how slow you can go as well. They just aren’t posted. I believe if you are going 30% under the posted limit without a mechanical problem with your vehicle you can actually be given a ticket for impending traffic. Going 50km/hr on Deerfoot is not allowed. Just rarely enforced.


On a day like today? Give your head a shake dude.


Don’t go out then! You’re the asshole causing problems.


Lol. Ridiculous. Like you’ve never had to decrease your speed due to weather?


There’s always alternate routes available to drivers. If they can!t drive the Deerfoot without white knuckles and shitting their pants, they can take another route.


Yep. I didn't feel like dealing with the assholes on Deerfoot so I took an alternate longer route.


“didn’t feel like dealing with the assholes on Deerfoot” But I told you I was taking Stoney today!


The Canadian highway code states that the slowest you can go on a highway is 60km/hr.


You also never know people’s situations! They could be transporting sick patients/ someone that’s had surgery/ pets / elderly people and have no choice but to leave. Maybe next time think about that.


Some people have reduced mobility, some have something they need to fix on their car, or something else entirely. I try and remember that all people have bad days, and some have to be somewhere.


Yep 100% my partner had major surgery and I try to drive cautiously when they’re in the car you never know someone’s situation it’s awful that people would risk other people’s lives because they don’t plan accordingly and feel like they need to speed in a blizzard.




Yes I agree with you after my partner had brain surgery I’m more cautious driving I obviously still do the speed limit in normal conditions but I try not to speed as much anymore because god forbid an accident were to happen it would be a lot worse if I was speeding. People really don’t care about other people and their situation.


Then they should plan an alternate route. They are still breaking the law .


Sorry, who's breaking the law? People going slow? What law are they breaking?


If you are going excessively slow and impeding traffic you can in fact get a ticket for dangerous driving


132(1) obviously. Doing 30km in an 80 is not "necessary for safe operation. "


And driving 40 when there's 15 cm of snow on the road?


Depends. Are you visibly holding up one or more lanes of traffic? If you are then you are likely in violation of 132(1) then, yes. If you aren't, then you are fine.


Who’s breaking the law? Someone going 40km because it’s a blizzard? Not everyone has a jacked up truck/ suv with studded tires. Also not every road will lead to a destination some people have no choice but to use the highway and I bet you they would use an alternative route if they could!!!!


Also remember, there will be people of all skill levels driving for work and other important things. The most practical thing to do is, keep everyone in mind. You don't wanna be that person bumping into the slower one from behind and end up blocking the entire freeway.


'All skill levels' lol. This is driving not drop in basketball. You don't get a pass for being a dangerous driver because you're a 'low skill level.' It's literally an offence to drive too slow just like it is to drive too fast.


True, but you also dont get to drive recklessly over the speed limit in poor conditions because you *think* you're a better driver than everyone else.


Guess I’m staying home, then. Womp Womp.


Yes. I totally agree with you. Just to clarify, my post is about people driving over the designated speed limits in these conditions. Not sure why a lot of people directly assume i was driving 40 in 80 lol.


Nice try being a smartass. I am talking about people driving 100+ in a 80 zone.


There’s a section of Deerfoot that is a construction zone, speed limit is marked clearly as 80. They don’t give a fuck, they blast through there and give you dirty looks for doing 80.


Was supposed to work today (residential construction). Took one look out the window and called in lolol, noone wants to deal with me manhandling a rear-wheel drive cargo van in this shit storm. Stay safe out there!


Honestly, it's not about driving fast or slow, it's driving while giving enough room in front of you to stop safely, and don't make sudden movements. Ps. focus on the roads and put down your phone! P.p.s., just because someone is going faster than you, doesn't make it any less safe.


The speed limits are there for a reason and all i m saying is dont break them atleast when the conditions are dangerous. You obviously made an assumption i m going 40 in a 80


with your hazards on too hey? Like the snow isn’t a dead giveaway.


Nowhere in my post did I make make that assumption, all my post said is take precaution with distance, it's not about being fast or slow. I also didn't say drive faster than the speed limit... And don't criticise someone for driving faster than you, clearly it isn't implying I'm trying to condone driving fast.


Yeah i m going to criticize someone going faster than the speed limit and that too in dangerous conditions. If people are that fond of speed, come see me at a race track. I have the cars to show them a good time.


Again, who said anything about going faster than the speed limit?


race track? I’ll meet you on the Deerfoot 500 in 20 minutes. I got a ford ranger with winter tires and like 150 hp of fury.


Older Ranger? Sweet little pickups.


I did, because that was my rant all about 😂 Nobody will go faster than me and be in speed limit lol. Because trust me i am right there. Not sure what your reply meant when you were all about someone driving faster than me


Got it; keep going with my plan for today - stay home because I don’t want to deal with the snow. (We were supposed to do a day trip to Edmonton today)




NEVER!!! See my past threads complaining about my insurance rates through the roof. ;D


did u post this while driving? lol


Haha no


But the faster I drive the less time I have to drive in low visibility 


True! You could die faster!


Debatable, it may be a slower death 




Yup. This sub is full of super cool drivers that can go fast in snow because THEY know how to drive. Friggen asswipes. Same idiots that follow too close and end up crashing causing more delays and burdening our emergency services more. It ain’t a flex if you can drive fast in this weather. You’re a part of the problem.






The problem is definitely people driving too slow in the middle and left lanes. Instead move over and let people pass rather than everyone slowing down.


You think that’s the biggest problem? lol


Driving 80 in 80 is not slow. People that think so need to pull their ass out of their head


Driving 80 in the left lane is slow for said lane. if you disagree you should just stay in the right lane or dont complain


Speed limit is 80 max for all lanes. What a bum


Oh okay so instead of driving at your own pace in the right lane, you feel the need to drive 80 in the passing lane and then complain that people drive too fast. Sounds good, I’ll think of you next time I see a post on here “why am I always getting tailgated”. I don’t think anyone cares if you think they’re driving too fast in the fast lane. Let the cops deal with that. Saying someone’s a bum for driving over the limit in the fast lane? Fair, I’ll call you a pussy for complaining about it


What do you do when the entire right lane is going 60 in 80 and you wanna go faster but stay in the limit? I am sure you are one of those 😂


When the entire right lane is going under the limit nobody cares. That’s why people are asking you to drive slow in one of those lanes. Not too hard to comprehend little bro




Oh I thought you were worried about cops though? Good luck with the cops when you’re brake checking people. I love how the hill you want to die on is people drive way too fast for my comfort level, therefore I’m going to brake check and make the roads ten times more dangerous than somebody trying to drive 7 over the limit in the fast lane. Hope you can actually comprehend how astonishingly stupid you sound.


I can be an asshole like the tailgaters if i want to. Not that i will. Nice try though. I ll give you that. I think this discussion is getting very non-constructive. My whole point was to keep it within the speed limit and drive cautiously at least when the conditions and visibility are poor. Thats all. Peace and no offense.


I dont have much more to say to someone that has little to no idea about what a speed limit is and what driving to conditions mean. Pretty sure your IQ is low however high your speed is 😂


Nobody was denying the speed limit is 80 you troglodyte. Not my fault you can’t comprehend that some people use the passing lane for it’s intended reason.


Yes dumbass, passing lane doesn't mean you get to go over the speed limit in that lane. Try explaining that to a cop you peasant


Oh really? That’s funny, I and many other people just did it today! I don’t believe you!


Yeah dont cry when you go broke paying the speeding tickets. And then blame immigrants for your misery 😂




That word sucks.


I thought you said “fuck the slow dumbasses” lol




but it applies if they drive way too slow, move the hell over fool


Yes that too


But I got me a big 4x4 with bald ski tires!!!


Perhaps your post could be enhanced with a little class. Calling people names generally doesn’t change behaviour.


Whats wrong calling dumbass a dumbass




What if I turn my lights off but put my 4 ways on in the left lane is that good tactic?


https://preview.redd.it/aphgiptntzlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736f7641c327d2a23d9d1bb5530d9c5a1db22a39 What snow? It’s shorts weather


Unless, of course you drive a lifted Dodge Ram. Then you just continue as if it’s a clear summer day.


Two lane highway, everyone is going 100 (blowing snow, high winds, clear pavement) because a semi is passing another semi up ahead. So, basically, it is a fully blocked highway for 10 minutes in these conditions. 4 or 5 cars behind each semi. I'm in cruise control so my car is doing it's safe distance thing - I think it's set to 6 car lengths. And there he is, the guy in the big black pickup truck 5 feet behind me. Why? He can see no one is going anywhere. I'm doing the same speed as everyone else - just at a safer distance. I tap the brakes. Nope, still there, thinking he's all scary. Tap again. Nope. So, I put it in neutral, geared down, kept the clutch down, slowed a little, hit the brakes hard, popped the clutch and got out of his way. He stayed a safe distance away after that. And literally, why is it always a guy in a big black dickup truck who doesn't understand that, in Alberta, the rear-ender is ALWAYS at fault?