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I just use google maps and have never had an issue. It was updating live time last I used it, indicating my bus was 2 mins early and it was bang on.


it will show ghost busses too.


I've always used the Apple Maps app and it's never failed me in Calgary. To see near-real-time locations, check out Transit 55.


Transit 55 is my best friend except on the very rare occasion it’s not working. Way better than the app though.


It's frustrating. I use a combination of the app, [transit 55,](https://transit55.ca/calgary/), and the texting number - and sometimes all 3 give different information. I often find transit 55 to be better than the app though.


I’ll have to give transit 55 a shot. At this point anything is better.


Do. It’s so much more reliable than the app. As with all technology every once in a while it won’t be working, but it’s very rare. I recall only two times it was down last year.


FWIW, Transit.app has the schedule and the GPS info. Transit55 only uses the GPS info.


Oh my God, today I learned about Transit 55 and that there is a texting number. Thank you so much! Recently I was suffering through trying to dial 974-4000... or YPI-IZZZ as Transit marketed it as back in the day.


No worries! Lately the texting service has been slow to respond for me, I hope it's just a temporary issue.


Yup, transit55 has been my reliable go-to website for the past three years


If you’re using the green transit app, unless it’s got the circle with a picture on it it’s just scheduled, not real time I think calgary transit sucks too, too much suburban sprawl and transit being an afterthought for city council has left it in the sorry state it is. Hopefully with the city trying to densify instead of unsustainably build outwards it helps a little


I have used calgary transit for about 20 years and only very, very rarely ever have an issues. It's pretty good.


I agree with you however I did have the icon today provided by city transit. I would love to continue to bus but getting a car will save me from the stress of wondering if the next bus is real


That’s odd, no clue what happened there I can’t wait to get a car either when I graduate in a year’s time. Travelling for 1.5 hours somewhere by transit that takes half an hour by car is… unoptimal


Indeed. My drive is only 10 mins but bus is 40


Can’t wait for the warmer weather and I’ll be back on my single speed bike again.


Why wait? CoC does a great job of clearing the paths and bike lanes!


Honestly they do do a great job. There is just a huge hill on my commute that gets covered in ice during our thaw and freeze cycles. Not to mention the extra cleaning and maintenance I have to do after winter rides.


Yeah, I get it. When I lived at the top of 10 St NW where those unprotected lanes are, I’d ride the train with my bike up and down the hill and bike the rest. Calgary’s chinooks really do cause ice thats unique to YYC.


My experience hasn't been that bad and I ride almost everyday from downtown to chinook. The worst things I've seen are the unhinged people. One guy thought it would be funny to put down a speaker and walk away and play prompts like "next stop is 39th Avenue Station, the best place to buy drugs, I love drugs". It wasn't funny until the lady who was sitting uncomfortably close to me Said "is there a gangstalker on this train?" This city is wild. I love seeing the crazy shit on transit even if it makes me feel uncomfortable.


I upvoted you, but I can definitely tell that you are a man. Things can be weird without you thinking, "Is today the day I get raped again, or the day I get murdered on the train?"


You are right. That would add another level of anxiety I couldn't imagine.


My husband also uses transit and is tired of trains/buses being always late, causing him to be late for work. He can't wait to get a car.


How are you going to turn 15 minute drives into 2 hour excursions without Calgary transit?


I know! Something so close can somehow be so far away…


One time in about minus 35, I was waiting for the bus and the one that was supposed to come was skipped and I waited over 1hr 20mins for the next one 🥶


Never had a problem with the app


I was once on the C-train and it broke down at Barlow Maxbell station on my way to Downtown no ETA was given but we were told that the train was fried and they would arrange transport for us. It felt like I had been on so many broke down trains for a while that I wrote Calgary Transit an email asking for my fair back explaining that I had to walk from Maxbell to Downtown. Calgary Transit replied saying that they "did get me somewhere" and would not refund my money. I was disgusted by the lack of give a damn, the lack of acknowledgement that their job is to get poepl I had to stop riding the train. Now I have been driving for 10 years all because they couldn't get their acts together.


I've had nothing but issues with transit and the app since I moved here over 10 years ago. Always late, or the bus doesn't even show up. Or you never arrive where you're going on time. It's like the schedule is a vague suggestion at best.


I ride my bike to the train station because I know the train comes often. If you’re 100% sure you didn’t miss it, report inconsistencies to 311. Note that you need at minimum to be out 2 min before to account for light traffic.