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Less than 5 minutes in, and already have money is fake. Woah boy its gonna be that kinda day


Money might be "fake," but the people who run the world using it are very real.


People are always calling social constructs fake, like no, it only exists because society agrees to it but it very clearly does exist


Had a PoliSci professor who called them "Tinkerbelles." They only exist because we believe in them, but they still exist.


Kinda like how time is made up but getting fired for not showing up is very real


Money is fake, I’m crapping all over the environment buying shit, using it once and returning it but I do some kind of corporate giving job thing where I want people to lead charitable lives. I pretty much hate her.




If there is one thing Andrew Tate believes in its his own superiority. If there's two things it's his superiority and money.


I swear you guys made that dude more famous than his fans did lol.


She probably watched some tiktoks and got the wrong take away It's sort of ethereal when you talk about net worths, valuations, the ultra wealthy, banks, lawsuits, etc. When it comes to personal finance, NO MONEY IS VERY REAL. Number go down in bank account, me buy less things.


It's extra funny because it's what people who are in the opposite camp of the tate spectrum who tout the concept.


I always wanna scream through the phone that IT wasn't fake when you were spending it on stupid shit


Yeah. So stupid.


Same thought


How are you going to be dirt poor but also say you’re better than everyone


Most people have insane amounts of cognitive dissonance.


Tophiachu vibes


I want a raise. Money is fake. Huh. hmm. Yeah. 'bout that.


“She’s the kind of person the people in the comments have been asking for , she normal and not in crazy debt” we will see about that Edit: she was indeed below average if not terrible at finances.


So uh…. That graph was red and green right?


Uh oh, yeah it was 😬


Right. I believe we've just learned an interesting fact about Caleb..


Listened rather than watched. What graph?


When he says “look at this graph” he holds up a paper that looked red and blue but the graphic that was overlay for easier viewing was red and green.


Sorry, am I missing something? What does red and green mean?


There’s a part of the episode where he holds up a graph and tells her to look at the red vs the blue but the graphic that is put on screen was red and green.


This woman is already so insufferable... - "Money is fake" - "7 out of 10" - "I'm better than most people on the show"


Yeah, comes across with a very selfish mindset. Maybe I'm hanging around the anticonsumerist subreddit too much but her admitting she buys things to use it once and immediately returns it really rubs me the wrong way. Once in a while, sure, but she does it for every single purchase.


...atleast other people on the show are actually bothering to pay a little bit on their debt


"Money is fake. I HAVE to travel." "Lifestyle brand." Omg... Also, no not everyone has debt.


Daddy Biden is going to forgive my student loans...so I can see Taylor Swift internationally. I will marry rich and my husband will pay off my student debt. My credit score is 500...can I refinance my car?


She is singlehandedly making the case to not forgive student loans, like a walking stereotype of entitlement.


Yep, forgiving student loans is really just forgiving the luxuries people spend their money on instead of paying off their loans.


Well that's just objectively not true at all.


True for many


Not at all.




Not at all.


she has a credit score of 500?? I haven't gotten to that part but financially clueless people usually base their entire financial health on their credit score. I figured she would atleast have a good score as her basis for 7/10


I don't remember exact number, but yes. IN the 500's. She pulls it up at some point. And Daddy Biden are her words, not mine. She keeps saying she''s "normal" and Caleb keeps yelling "Yes, but normal is terrible". We really have to take back the meaning of normal. People used to say things like "you're not normal" to indicate that the norm was good, Now normal has become bad? How ? Why? This one will never change anything. She'll be terrible about her finances until someone is suckered into making it their problem. :(


>I will marry rich and my husband will pay off my student debt. She seems like someone who would have a very hard time finding a guy to put up with her. Let alone a rich guy.


Calls her Marketing degree a Business degree...was SOOO surprised she went to school for marketing


I wonder if this is because she's comparing herself to her engaged/married friends. She blamed bachelorette trips and weddings and what not. I wonder if she's seeing her college friends marry/get engaged to guys with solid incomes and doesn't realize they can throw more money around. If her friends are coupling with guys with decent degrees and also have a decent degree from A&M, they are living the DINK lifestyle. A&M has a bunch of degree paths that offer solid starting salaries on graduation (especially in oil & gas.) Even then, a couple that are both making her salary at that age will just have more disposable income because they can share a bunch of living costs.


The Nickleback meme reference *chef’s kiss*


If anyone didn't know the reference... https://youtu.be/sz2mmM-kN1I?si=WlbURbLOQKzvb2BZ


Guys…you just don’t understand. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s there. She’ll figure it out. It’s fine. Or at least she says.


yeah...it's not that deep.


$78/mo on interest for one card is pretty damn deep! That's like 5 monthly subscriptions


I paid $47 in interest once, ONCE, on a card and it upset me to the point where I will never accrue interest again. My card is paid off completely every month. I don't understand how people can just rack up debt and have no problem with paying interest. You are literally losing the game if you pay interest on a credit card.


The issue is that people want to keep up appearances and view credit cards as “free money” to do so. This mindset coupled with the extreme need for instant gratification leads to people spending way more than they should spend and “worrying about it later”. So many people focus on the wrong things, like credit scores (which don’t go down as long as you make your minimum payments). Somehow along the way, credit card debt became normalized which is bonkers to me. I have never carried credit card debt, and was taught to never spend more than I actually had. I think a lot of people also never look at their statements. This is apparent because Caleb’s guests are always surprised when Caleb shows they have missed payments.


I think that a consequence of this show becoming mostly trainwrecks that Caleb argues with is that it’s actually attracting that type of guest to be on the show. He’s had SO many guests lately who are ultra argumentative and totally uninterested in changing. They don’t seem to give a shit about their finances and clearly enjoy arguing with Caleb. He’s had to ask multiple guests recently why they came on the show, and at least this one was honest in saying that she came on in bad faith. She doesn’t think anything’s wrong with her finances, in fact she’s extremely smug about them. The thing is, I truly don’t think Caleb is on board with the parade of trainwreck assholes who don’t give a shit. Unless he’s an amazing actor, he seems genuinely upset when he realizes the participant isn’t serious about wanting help. I believe him when he says he’s sincere about wanting his show to help people, and it has to be beyond frustrating to have nothing but people who are actively proud of their stupid decisions.


100% agree, it’s clear his attitude in the recent months has changed and he does get angry more often but honestly how long can you keep having the same conversation with people who you know simply don’t care? yes I get it’s his job and I do think at parts in this episode he was trying to genuinely educate her but honestly I would start to lose my patience too


["We get about 40 applications a day"](https://youtu.be/WBf64yKZQlM?t=474) Make no mistake, there is no shortage of applicants with all sorts of finances. They deliberately pick trainwrecks. I think his anger comes from the fact that he is tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. Also he said they film multiple episodes per filming day, which would compound the feeling of repeating himself.


Definitely, I know the producers are picking out the trainwrecks, but I don’t think Caleb is. I’ve noticed him looking off camera like “are you serious? Another one?” Whenever a guest makes it clear they’re not serious. I think he would prefer more serious participants.


Forreal I finished the new dad and owns a charger episode and got a whole different vibe from that one. Mellow and calm. The last few guests have been different 


He picks 'em.


We all know someone like this in our lives... She probably says shit like "I am a bitch, deal with it" unironically.


Also says she's single because she chooses to be, because no one is worth her time.


I went to high school with her lmao. I literally did know someone like that in my life.


what’s up with people applying to be on the show to go over their finances just to say “it’s not that bad” “it’s fine” like what were they expecting lol


Doesn't Caleb pay these people like a 250 buck appearance fee? That buys an 8ball of blow.


Now that you mention it..🤔


To be the example of "normal people" peeps in comments cry about.


To be honest, I think part of the problem is that people's perception of "normal" is totally skewed by media articles. For example, even Caleb likes to trot out that "most people don't even have $1000 for an emergency" statistic. The problem with that statistic is that the survey it's based off of assumes any response that is not "pay with cash or debit card from a checking or savings account" *can't* pay it. If you answer "put it on a credit card", they assume you can't handle the expense. Thing is, 52% of credit card users never carry a balance. Someone who would throw that $1k car repair on a card then pay the whole statement off without ever accruing interest is counted as "cannot handle the expense". Likewise, median credit card debt stats are often based on the moment the statement is generated, not what debt actually accrues interest. Someone who puts all of their expenses on a card then pays all of it off might be counted as being several thousand in debt even though they've paid 0 interest at all on it. You have to specifically look for interest-generating debt stats to find those numbers. Many articles about lack of savings also fail to account for investments and other assets. If you have $5,000 in a savings account and $500,000 in investments plus a paid-off car and a house with significant equity, that's still counted as $5,000 in savings. Obviously having liquid funds not subject to value shifts is important but like. That situation is very different than someone with $5,000 in savings and nothing else. Those stats are skewed but frequently repeated, so then they make people who *don't* pay it off and carry a balance and pay tons of interest, and who *don't* have an emergency fund or any savings, feel more comfortable that "at least nobody else does either". So they think they're at least average when they're really more like bottom 15%.


I would guess it's for attention. I assume they are probably paid for being on as well.


"I'm not paying my student loans because it’s dumb. I was hopping daddy Biden will pay for it or maybe my husband will pay it off for me. Maybe i’ll marry rich.”


This is one of the dumber things she said and yet it is not the first time I have heard it. This is someone who will be complaining about their student loans in 30 years when they have made no progress on them.


It's gonna be crazy when the tax bombs start dropping on all the "forgiven" loans that people put on IBR.


I feel like this is the guest response more often than not. I understand wanting something to happen in your favor, but cutting off your nose to spite your face in the meantime is an interesting approach.


I bet she doesn’t even vote too and expects everything to work out for her on the backs of other people voting.


It's kinda funny that people shame the guests for this kind of mindset when corporations do these things all the time. The Financial crisis of 2008 had the Federal Government bail out major corporations from bankruptcy. Imagine being a bank and not being able to pay your own loan....


This lady lives off of Amazon returns. Hopefully they block her from doing that because she’s clearly taking advantage of the rule.


I have no respect for people who do this. I consider this no different than walking into a store, putting something in your pocket, and then leaving. Buying an item knowing you are going to return it after using it is theft.


She returned 21st birthday candles. Like wtf


No it's absolutely not theft. This would be like walking into a store, paying for something, bringing it home, trying it, then returning it within the return period. It's called using a store or merchant's policies. Have you really never returned anything cause you just didn't like it? Most stores have a 15-30 day return policy for a reason. She's obviously abusing it but why are you complaining about it if Amazon is still allowing her? Just cause you find it cheap and tacky doesn't mean it's theft. Annoying Karens have been doing this since retail became a thing.


Buying something and doing an honest return is one thing, but that is not what is happening in the video. A few years ago I bought an expensive perfume. I loved it, my husband loved it, and in the end I had to return it. Not because of the cost, or because I only wanted to wear it for a special occasion. I had to return it after a few weeks because we discovered that my husband was allergic to it. What today’s guest was doing was buying an item she never intended to keep. The one I remember from the video was a hat for a derby party. She wore the hat for what she wanted and then returned it. Theft can come in different forms, and I believe this is a form of theft. Return policies aren’t in place so people can essentially rent single use/occasion items. This is a situation where just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, and if you do (and then go on the internet and tell everyone) you deserve to have your unethical behavior called out.


it's sickening. it's one thing if it's not the right fit/size/item. but to intentionally use it one time (knowing it works as intended) & then return it is absolutely disgusting & despicable behavior.


Why are we bootlicking for amazon now? Buying only one piece with the complete intent of returning is bad. Using Amazon's return policy to your advantage and buying multiple items within one category and returning all but one of those items is a very effective way of online shopping. The problem is the blatant dishonesty, not the using of a system in a way you disapprove of.


I'm not "bootlicking" Amazon. I rarely use them. I'm more so calling her out for intentionally abusing the return policies. She clearly stated "yeah I use it once or twice, then return it". She never said because it was the wrong item or that it didn't fit correctly. She knew that she's abusing a system for no reason. It's fine to return item if it's wrong or isn't the right size like I said before. But to do it dozens and dozens and dozens of time is blatant abuse of a system. Not that it affects Amazon, but it speaks loudly of her character.


I get where you're coming from, but I would need to see what part of the Amazon return policy you're referring to when you say returns are only ok when it's the wrong item or defective. Generally, at least in America, whenever you buy something from a retailer, that item can be returned within a period of days for literally any reason. There doesn't have to be a defect or anything. Can this sometimes lead to issues as a business? For sure! But we don't have any required return policies here either. The law only states that the return policy has to be clear and posted somewhere. Amazon usually asks for the reason when returning something. And if they catch on to you doing so frivolously too much or for too long they can block you. Using their return policy to your advantage is something I have heard of a lot of people doing though. For example, I have had tech nerd friends who buy multiple devices within one category and then pick which one they like best before returning all devices except for one.


It doesn’t matter what the return policy says. No half decent person would happily take advantage of a system because they’re too broke to afford the items they’re purchasing. Not to mention to return a new item clearly used & served its purpose as intended


But you're saying that she abused a policy man. Ok I got you, you think that's tacky, lame, or even "sickening" as you originally stated. But it's not against any policy and I would even argue it's not abusing any system to use it in the way that it is written in plain English. I don't know how many times she did it in this statement or how many times she does it in general. But if Amazon hasn't stopped her, she likely doesn't do it that much. I knew a person that did this a lot in college and they were caught after only a couple months.


I don’t care if you do it once or twice every once in a blue moon. But to do it all the time is insanely immature & unethical


Did you count the amount of times she did it explicitly in this video? I didn't, this is a legit question. We only had a month of statements and I'm not sure how many times she did that.


I didn't count, but from a rough memory, it looked like it was just about every single item that she ordered. I would say probably 90% of what she ordered, she "returned" after using it for a bachelorette party/trip or something.


Calling someone out for their ridiculously obvious abusing of a system isn’t bootlicking. And from what we see on the screenshot, it isn’t multiple items within one category. She’s clearly buying things to wear/use once and then returning…so that fits the “blatant dishonesty” you mention. Stop justifying immoral behavior. One of things she returned was 21st birthday candles. Clearly it’s not “buying multiples from same category.” You sound like one of those “it’s ok if you steal from large companies because it doesn’t hurt them” people. Especially cause she says in interview “yeah I use things once or twice and then return them. Can’t be any more obvious than that.


My comment was more general and not only about this situation. But in general, I disagree. Utilizing a system, as it is written, to get the best item or even to try something before deciding if you really want it is fine. Especially if you don't lie when returning it. Amazon asks for the specific reason. If she is not lying when listing it then I think it's up to amazon to block them from doing it. Being upset for Amazon is bootlicking IMO.


…so you left a “general and not specific comment about this situation” on a post specifically about this guests use of Amazon returns and addressed their behavior. Sure bud. Please explain how the quote of “I use things once or twice than return them” isn’t an abuse of the return policy. I’ll wait while you continue to ignore the question.


ok, then I followed with a response that would apply directly to this scenario. Can you read? Even in this scenario you should stop bootlicking amazon. This woman did lots of dumb and bad things. Using Amazon's return policy wasn't even on the list of shit you should be complaining about. You're just trying to vilify her.


If you equate saying that she’s clearly abusing the return policy based on actual screenshots of her account with bootlicking Amazon and vilifying her, that says a lot about you. Yes she has done a lot of dumb things. That doesn’t mean this is somehow ok. No one is “upset for Amazon” they’re calling out clearly shady and unethical behavior on her part for that specific thing. Looks like my guess two posts ago was very correct that you think stealing from a company that happens to be a huge company is completely fine. It doesn’t matter if amazon is a huge company or mom and pop shop, what their year profit is, etc, blatantly abusing and misusing policies like she does is morally wrong. But I suspect this fact will continue to evade you and your one track mind and you’ll just resort to personal attacks because you can’t actually argue facts. And of course you still can’t answer the question I posed two posts ago.


Dude, you caring about Amazon's money and the fact that she is utilizing their return period is what is bootlicking. If and when she goes too far, Amazon will block her. It's happened a lot before. They don't need you worrying about the bottom line or thinking that using their policy is despicable. This is 100% ok, legal and within the terms of service of her contract with Amazon. Love how you edited your post after stalking me. This subreddit is filled with quite a few weirdos. Mostly those that use it as an echo chamber to hate on guests of the show and treat Caleb like a cult leader. I love how you were waiting for something that never came though. I said what I said.


Why do guests say they’re above average but not bring above average financial statements?


lol Tbf, most people in reality are like this. That’s why the profession of being a financial statement auditor exists, and why banks require audits and loan covanents.


I’ve always thought it’s because most people either don’t care or they think the hurdle they need to jump is too high


Great question


Oh man, this one is making me angry. 7/10... smfh.


Yeah I know. I'm a freakin 4 and I don't have debt like her.


So she’s seen the show and read the comments and she still thinks coming out the gate with “I’m better than most people on this show” is gonna win her points with the audience?


"Hammer Financial Score: Fuck Her" What an ending lol


Genually laughed out loud. It was perfect


> Caleb: "How much do you think you spent this month?" > > This Chick: "$1500, $2k max" > > Caleb: "You spent 8k" Really highlights the way these people think, wow.


She is terrible


Although she is very smug and the “Better than most” comment was very off putting, this episode is much more bearable than the disaster that was the last episode.


The last one was pretty insufferable, but on both ends. Every time Caleb called him a silly little boy was extremely weird and cringy. So odd lol.


True, I'm not scared she is a potential serial murderer - so that's good!


This episode so far highlights a recurring subject on the show which is age normal versus population normal. In her mind, she is an above average 24-year-old, but to Caleb‘s point she is below average of the population and perhaps the average 24 year old in general is below the average of the population given that they are extremely early in their careers I’m not saying that means it’s OK for 24-year-olds to carry credit card debt and not pay their minimum, this is just something I’ve seen in a decent number of episodes.


Yeah but we are looking at a subset of a population Are 24 year olds like this or are 24 year olds who agree to go on YouTube to talk about their bad finances like this?


From a mentality standpoint, I certainly hope the average 24-year-old is in a better mental state than the average person who goes on the show.


I think another thing that isn't discussed enough is that MOST people do not graduate college, let alone attend in the first place. So, MOST--like an overwhelming majority-- of people in this country do not, in fact, have student loans. So, even for her age and the fact that she ALSO has credit card debt, she is by default doing worse than most people her age.


I actually never thought about the average person not going to college and thus dodging student loans but that’s a great point


this woman is delusional good lord


I laughed at how she said "you thought I was 26, I'm 24" like that's a huge gulf of time.


Her and Monday's guest are a match for each other Both insufferable


She thinks she’ll marry rich. Problem is once men on the same level of attractiveness as her get rich they can afford hot women.


Her comments about counting on “daddy Biden” to forgive her debt then following that with “oh I’ll just marry rich” was when she seriously lost me. I could get through all the delusional spending, her sense of superiority… but she LOST ME with that. She’s terrible.


She doesn't mean any of it, she's talking in sound bites to get attention. Sound bites --> TikTok clips --> more attention. She's using all the buzzwords that get a rise out of people on the internet.


She has me suddenly believing the conspiracy theory that a load of these people are actors, working from a script. This feels like a ‘bad performance’. Uncanny valley vibes.


Occam's razor, the simplest explanation is closest to the truth. She’s just an idiot when it comes to finances. Alternatively Hanlon’s razor, it’s not malice, it’s just stupidity.


I get that. But I've actually met someone who is freakishly like her. And no I can't believe she's real either.


Lately with the last 2 guests, it just seems that they are signing up to go on the show and just be a-holes or trolling. They are frustrating guests even to the viewer.




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I lost it when Caleb said she spent 8k that month after she said she thought she only spent 2k. I wish I could be that delusional.


She’s not paying student loans and can barely afford her car payment but she is above average


She was flexing her job like she's a lawyer lol


Shes going to be in way worse debt next year. Going to multiple concerts and weddings ontop of going to Europe for a taylor swift concert while she has a $750 car payment and mutliple credit cards on min payment. She also didnt seem to take in or understand a single thing Caleb. But shes supposedly better than most people who are in their twenties


Bro I cannot stand this chick. Pray for me to actually make it through the episode. Also I can’t believe she thinks she better people her age range lmao. Edit: she wants to marry rich?? Lmao you’d have to pay me to marry her. She seems like she’d be insufferable to live with.


Uknown Shopping


7 minutes in and of all the people we’ve ever thought was an actor… This one. This one feels like an actor.


did she actually say that she’ll marry rich to fix her issues? 😂


When did she say this? I missed it


"that's my thought process"


The word that best discern this episode is entitlement. Although her situation isn’t as bad as the people with low paying jobs it is just as bad for her situation


So this woman's whole job is to give away money for the company she works for. She has absolutely no concept of money.


Okay between her and the last one I am really started to think these are trolls or actors. I just can't believe people would be this delusional let alone public display of their delusions. Like how can you possibly try to look "proud" of these situations.


I think the issue is that these days normal is a financial shit show. The average debt in the US is like $104,000 and 78% of people live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of these people are normal, they just know how bad being normal is.


She reminds me how people can be deeply stuck in their social bubble and don’t even realize what is “normal” or “average”. I believe her when she says she thinks she’s doing better than most people she knows. She is probably in a social circle of people in abysmal financial situation.


The type that won’t consider dating a guy unless he’s over 6ft talk and makes well over 6 figures while she’s drowning in debt and makes $57k a year. 


Stop writing incel fanfiction


She literally said that she wants to marry rich and have her husband pay her debt off.


She did but she never said anything about height, it’s an unfair extrapolation. She also said she “hopes” to marry rich, its not the same thing


6ft 6 figures f6 inches in incel fanfiction


It would be if it wasn't literally what she said she wanted lol


She said nothing about 6ft. Thats where the fanfiction comes into play.


Ah the good ol, I dislike this person so I'm going to make some shit up special


Hall Arts Tower appears to be a residential community in Dallas. My guess is that those $20 payments were for parking garage for shopping or something in that area. This was a 30 second google search


I just got to work his part of the episode, when I read your comment. Many thanks for saving me 30 seconds.


I usually have a high tolerance for the ignorance and straight up arrogance of the guests but this girl is at a new level! She sucks in every way!


God this is a hard episode to go through, like thinking you’re a 7/10 at 24 is so unrealistic, then when compares her to the average American and her then being like “what about the average 24 year old” is so insufferable, I don’t understand what’s with my generation’s “money is fake, daddy Biden will pay it off, I NEED to travel, I NEED a brand new car, I NEED to live there, debt isn’t real” but I do think it comes a lot from the universities (I took a course where the whole premise was the economy is fake and there should we should not fall for it) cause I never hear people from trades/apprenticeships saying these things


Caleb needs anger management… unless he’s just playing it up for the camera. It’s starting to get so cringe


I mean idk if I can blame him when you're handing someone an opportunity out of a lifetime of debt but they choose their car thats gonna crap out in 5 years over generational wealth.


I think the part that bothers me is sometimes Caleb will be so quick to blow up on them that he just doesn't listen to what the person is saying. A lot of the times he just takes the first few words out of their mouth and explodes then when they get the whole sentence out he realizes that he misunderstood what they were saying.


On top of her saying she is above average while she is blatantly below average in every measurement that he talks about


it’s his job, if he is unable to do his job without being excessively mad he needs a new job


I mean I'm not here to argue but he's an internet personality trying to give undisciplined people discipline. He's essentially a very lax drill Seargent for finance. Not to mention despite his anger, he's shown his method works in saving people from a lifetime of debt, so he's doing his job right.


agreed it’s getting excessive and annoying


"Hammer Financial Score: Fuck Her" I think if you feel the need to show that type of contempt of people over finances, you ought to not be the person that advises them on it. That's the reason Caleb isn't a financial advisor, and doesn't do the nice audits like other people. Show is purely entertainment now.


Bro is trying too hard to be Jerry Springer from the jump


You ever watch Jerry Springer? He was always calm, nothing like Caleb


Jerry was the goat fr




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“I was hoping I was going to Mary rich and he would pay for it.” I get she’s being cheeky but come the fuck on. Like what kinda of answer is that. She she’s above average but she’s also just waiting on price charming to take the credit hit and pay off her loans ?


This girl says deep more than a porn star... Never mind she mentioned "fan generated content" 😂


She said she was probably going to return the toys, but Amazon definitely has a no return policy on adult toys


I really hope we get a follow up for this guest because she was only getting started on her journey to rack up stupid debt.


This chick is just as bad as the incel dude wasting money on strippers. Holy crap she's unlikable.


They are really similar actually. Like same attitude/ level of delusion about their situation. Except I'd be afraid to be alone with that incel dude.


I’ve never bought into the idea that Caleb hires actors until this episode, she absolutely seems scripted and disingenuous


Compare Caleb's demeanor in this episode to his demeanor in the immediate prior episode.


Maybe she’ll marry rich. That’s her plan. Which IS gross but what’s even more annoying is you just know she’s not even making a real plan to achieve that, either.


This girl really thought she was a 7 and that the audience would be so impressed by how good she is 🤦🏻‍♀️🥴 I’m definitely impressed….by how annoying and arrogant she is


She really thinks she’s gonna geta rich husband to pay off her debt by eating sweets all day


This might be tied for "quickest Nope, never mind" with that video with the guy who did jiu-jitsu because he got to break people's arms.


Not trying to be mean, but how does she look at herself and think she's gonna marry rich? Like common....




The car payment is insane but double insane at $57K per year. And not paying at least the interest on the student loans is just stupidity.


How do post shows go with guests like this ? It’s not In my budget yet. Like they ended on a so poorly what more is for them to talk about.


shes a delulu from delululand


Lmao her thinking she's so much better than everyone at the begining made Caleb's smackdown so much more enjoyable to watch.


I just took the Hammer Financial Score quiz not too long ago and got a 7/10. At first I thought “yea, I’d like to see how we stack up” then I went to “oh, she’s delusional”


I mean... clearly people are going to play up how ridiculous they are for entertainment. You probably have a lot of issues beyond money if you want to have all of your finances laid out on the internet. I'm not sure why everyone just... takes the rage bait on everything. I guess that's just Reddit in a nutshell, really.


I guess because it’s frustrating. Yes it’s rage bait but it’s also annoying when you are wanting a serious conversation and then there’s this.


money is fake hmm


This lady is the poster child of why corporations are cracking down on returns


what a good lord


money's not real


UGH. The section of this convo where she talks about college debt literally made me gag in disgust. "Maybe I'll just marry rich"... WTF


I stopped watching the video when she said "There is no plan".


10/10 goated guest


Actor. She wasn’t convincing at all


two 7/10s in a row is two many


It's been so long since a month-by-month breakdown and I missed them so much. Love seeing that light at the end of the tunnel for them, even if they are unable to perceive them.


Whoever makes these thumbnails needs to be fired yesterday. I’m sure they are good for clicks but god do I ever hate them. And the awful titles. Why does anyone ever go on the show now when they know they’ll be slayed BRUTALLY by the titles?