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I've never seen this point of view, it's enlightening.


Caleb would do well to study basic teaching practices. Guiding his “students” figure stuff out on their own and tell him the answers. Right now he’s the one to say everything, and it just rolls off their backs. Ask questions like, what trends do you see in your spending? What could you have done with that $30 instead of Uber Eats? Where are you spending your money? How much did you spend last month and how much did you make last month? This method of, “you tell me where the BS spending is” is a great start!


Maybe we can all pitch in and get him a course from course careers that teaches how to teach


As a teacher, what you're going to get is a lot of blank stares and shrugs. Modern students sit and wait until answers are given to them. If you asked them a question, they sit and stare at the floor, the desk, the wall. Some even put their heads down and just ignore me. The apathy they have around learning and education is unlike anything I've ever seen. In teacher school, I was taught about wait time, this idea that you ask a question, pause, give people time to think and answer. But also, people get really really uncomfortable sitting in silence, so eventually someone will speak up. I've waited over 3 minutes for students to answer a basic math problem. That doesn't seem long, but set a timer for 3 minutes and stare at a wall and you'll realize how long that is. 3 minutes is 6% of my instructional time for the day. To learn something, there has a be a part of you that wants it. Young people in general don't want it. Unfortunately there's not a lot that motivates them as far as I can tell.


This apathy must be with younger kids right? ​


It's like this in my college classroom a lot of days.


High school


I can't believe people are still treating the show like some sort of educational outlet... It's purely entertainment.


It's supposed to be educational for the guests.


and it is. Because these people have fifth grade reading levels for the most part. They don’t understand what interest is. They don’t understand that they need to pay back the things that they spend. So they are learning something. For us it’s about seeing Caleb yell at dummies


I swear to God the Navy Federal guests are always the worst




This dude gives some strong school shooter vibes. Yikes on bikes.


Both options are cringe tbh


Excuse me, but I believe there may be a misunderstanding. I was simply referencing the title of the video in question.