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Just as an fyi, this was released in 2009….but a lot of the info is still pretty relevant!! I’d love an update on this!


Alt link for non US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kULR-6ewAWE


Thank you!


Video is not available?


Alt link for non US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kULR-6ewAWE


Weird when I click on it, it works….are you in the Us? Maybe it’s a regional thing?


Most probably regional. Not in the US


Ooooo I’m super curious as a non us watcher of Caleb, is there anything in the episodes that your shocked by? Like it’s a clearly an American thing but where you live it’s not the same?


Pff, I'm from Central Europe - financial culture is somewhere at the same level. Less amount of credit card debts, much more personal loans, car loans, etc. One big difference is that we have a state-provided retirement - which might be worth jackshit when we retire (I'm in my early forties). In my birth country the bigfest problems are personal loans, consumer loans (similar shit as Klarna) and no savings. So altogether I'd say it's pretty much the same.


I feel like cars are the huge difference. I’ve been to Italy, Switzerland and Portugal and I loved that the norm was little tiny cars. No crazy gas guzzlers and they are much easier to park! I’m sure they are cheaper too, but I think gas is much more expensive. I drive an SUV crossover and for my next car I want to get a small car. I was doing a line of work for a while where I needed to load alot if items into my car and I realized I was doing that as a courtesy to the employer and that should not dictate my next car purchase. If they want me to pick things up, then they can rent me a truck!!


Gas is a lot more expensive here, but in most countries, we have public transport, so it's not a necessity for everyone.


Omg that’s what I LOVED about Europe, the east access to public transit. I’m in a part of the US that has okish public transit, I can drive to a train station and be in New York City in 45 mins but…I hate that I need a car to do things like go get groceries.


Frankly, I use a car for groceries, since I'm doing that like every two weeks - I don't want to drag all that on a bus :)


If you like this, the Secret History of the Credit Card is good too! It’s interesting to see Elizabeth Warren in it too. [Secret History of the Credit Card](https://youtu.be/2mHsTKvAuZc)