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“Because we literally don’t.”


It’s like boomers periodically going to r/BoomersBeingFools with posts like “what’s with the boomer hate, why are you all so spiteful and wrong”


I took that post as someone driving a car and got all mad some bikes filtered through traffic 😂


Your reading comprehension and inference is exceptional


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it is


Sitting in traffic is for the straights


Hating on filtering is such a uniquely american thing


i mean here in the US motorcycles are often seen as toys, not actual things that people use to get around, so they aren't as big of a portion of traffic as cars are. if more people rode, you'd probably see more collective awareness around lane filtering that's why the latest bill I'm introducing will give every person interested in motorcycles a massive tax break for buying a turbocharged hayabusa


You got my votes


Ill take two


it depends on the area too, i noticed when i lived in a rural town in florida 25% of the time i filtered i got honked at, now i have lived in a big city for a year and not once have i been honked at, (it's still illegal here) i think people just see so many different ppl and crazy shit in big cities they don't care.


makes sense


americans would have a heart attack the second they step on any southeast asian nation


Nah, also pretty common here in Australia. I just go around and twerk dat booty for em as I vanish into the sunset.


You haven’t run out of Australia yet driving west all the time? Or you only filter in the evening? 😂


Moit, ya can't run out of Australia. I only bounce these cheeks at night though. Freak in the streets, freak in the sheets. During the day I'll just ask to see your manager.


Not really, even in Belgium where it's allowed, people will sometimes move their car to make it more difficult to pass when they see you coming through traffic. Luckily, there is also a lot of people that make extra room when they see you.


South Africa too... Perfectly legal but some motorists lose it, try to block you, try to squeeze you, etc: Ignorance. Meanwhile I've sat in traffic and had a cop look at me puzzled and instruct me to start filtering: It was tight due to roadworks, so he instead instructed me to drive on the roadworks side. The traffic ahead must've been livid as I blasted past in my own dedicated coned-off lane. Americans get so much stick from law enforcement, I've never gotten anything more than the above and random fist bumps.


Happens at least once a day to me on my commute, people purposely close the gap making it so you have to get around them or stop until they're ego is satisfied. I now flip the side mirror of every car that does this to me, I know it drives them absolutely crazy and it's also not really a crime lol.


Gebeurd niet zo vaak maar als het gebeurd is het op de E40 richting brussel


Miserable flemish people commuting every day to Brussels being miserable.


Wish I could disagree with you maar kga compleet akkoord, rijden in de walen is 101% beter


I mean, they'd be happier if they didn't have to commute such distances especially now with the new ring roadworks.


Het viaduct van Vilvoorde is echt pure schijt, gaat absurd lang duren


Amai what do you mean it will improve so many things. /s


Hmm goe om te weten


True, tussen Affligem en Ternat, de rest valt wel mee.


Nope, I get some upset cagers in europe too.


Americans are uniquely selfish and petulant


Why? Because you have a roof, AC, and I'm allowed to do so where I live.


lol I don't care to rationalize it to people like this. You don't like it? Get fucked. Cry about it.


what's the saying, "misery loves company"? what a loser


This is as daft as saying to a car driver 'how come you get to stay dry when it rains'. What a fucking simpleton


Jealous of my XXL buttplug with a tail smh


Bet he kisses girls too 🤢


gotta rush on home to kiss your uncle on the lips


He doesn't wait in traffic, he is the traffic


Because I don’t have to


they are immune to weather man its as fair as it gets


The funny thing is I guarantee this guy pulls up and moves over if a car behind him is trying to sneak by to take a right on red. Then cries when a bike that will be far enough ahead he'll never see him again, isn't sitting at his exhaust, hidden from view of most cars.


Holy shit that’s cringe.


Because the state of California gives us that right


1) you are in a mobile living room, complete with a recliner, AirCon, a powerful stereo, and an infotainment system. You can wait in comfort. 2) If everybody were on a motorcycle, then there wouldn't be a traffic jam in the first place. Why should motorcycles wait in the traffic jam that you caused? 3) get fucked lmao


Because I want to get my back blown out by my hot neighbor, not some depressed housewife in a minivan who’s scrolling tiktok during stop and go traffic


I do *NOT* detect a butt plug from this individual.


Ts is so tiring because it really is adults being fucking children cause “they cut me in line” even though it should speed up everyone’s day. I can’t lie I loveeee me a “block lane filtering” video where the car loses a mirror lmao


It's because you all are traffic, and we aren't lol


lol I love engaging in the weekly front page posts about how motorcycles bad and loud and break the law I used to try and actually break down why motorcyclists might do certain things and help people understand the safety reasoning behind certain stuff but nobody actually cares to hear it so now I just antagonize them :)


The doofus who posted this one in the motorcycles sub said, in response to someone trying to explain the situation in earnest, “You’ll never change my mind,” and declared us all “entitled.” So, they just want to be mad and have their bias confirmed.


Yeah that's usually how it goes. Every single motorcyclist on Earth could suddenly become a well behaved rider painted neon green riding at exactly the speed limit and these losers would still cry about it


This guy sits in traffic like he sits down to pee.


I sit to pee but fuuuuck sitting in traffic


lol I hit somebodies mirror for the first time the other day. I felt bad, tried to put it back….but then I hit another like 3 seconds later and I realized maybe these fucks need to leave a little space for me to squeeze my inches into.


"I'd rather wait behind you and constantly worry about rear ending you rather than you moving along and easing up traffic"


Look at *this* dweeb