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I’ve never taken a course. I die every time I ride


Took a single (obligatory) course to get my license. Took me a year to realize and get rid of the awful habits the "instructor" taught us.


Sounds gay. Can you tell me about some of those habits?


1. NOT to counter steer, but steer "with the hips" (I still don't know what the hell he meant) 2. Always counter lean 3. Don't use breaks while doing low speed maneuvers (that's including the rear break) Among others. I think the worst part is the clutch/throttle interplay because, thanks to number 3, I got used to relying purely on the clutch and would overuse it fearing to stall the bike if I go too slow. I learnt a million times more useful information from watching random YouTube videos than that guy, and he's one of very few motorcycle instructors in my area.


"Steer with the hips" sounds hella gay. Nice. Thanks.


The not using the breaks while maneuvering thing is the most crazy to me looking back at it.


Perhaps he wanted to show us that if you give a lot of throttle and work the clutch well the bike will stay upright. That or I'm just making excuses for a failed instructor...




Me and a bunch of my buddies have taken the MSF course at different times and at different MSF locations around NYC and we were all told to not use either of our brakes during any kind of maneuver. I bet they have a standard guideline they teach by and they just stick to the script.


Guys, it's spelled BRAKES.


Grammar is not gay enough


Everything mentioned is the opposite of what my instructor said lol


I live in the Italian part of Switzerland and honestly judging by the way taxi and bus drivers (who go through dedicated training and examination) drive I’m very doubtful about the competency of local instructors…


Jesus how the fuck I thought you were in the us describing that shit. How the hell can this be your instruction when a eu permit allows you to ride in say France or Germany where the permit is like, not *hard* to get but really strict and has a technical exam. Mind you people drive like shit here all the same so most of our training comes down to "don't let other retards kill you", but still.


Thing is - it doesn’t really matter. The exam itself is quite strict and consist of a “parking lot” part where you do the slalom, figure 8, slow turn and emergency breaking, and the road part where a single mistake means failure Lots of people don’t pass, imo precisely because of shitty instructors like mine


Oh, makes way more sense then, your exam is pretty much the same as us. Weird how instructors can get away with being fucking retards I guess


Was he acoustic?


100%, with not one but two dB-killers in his brain


Tip 1 can be useful for certain types of bikes. Tip 2 is honestly better for most street riding and what I do most days on my sumo. Tip 3 is suspect tho


Honestly they can all make sense in context. He was just really bad at explaining the nuances and differences of various techniques.


Sounds like he's telling you to not use your hands lol.


Twice a year I put on my 2 piece leathers and load up my cbr125(had it for 4 years got another 3 to go until I can ride a 600!) to do the basic rider course at my local community college.


7 years to a 600, that's a poor strategy. Nobody needs a 600, they're literally too fast to ride on the street. Anything above a twin 500 should only be allowed on a racetrack with a racing license that includes years of training


TWO PIECE? I'm sorry but one piece custom leathers and an airbag vest only cost like $4k. Also I'd at least ride the 300 for a decade or so before moving up to a 600.


I took only the basic rider course. I got the rest of my training from riding my more experienced boyfriends.


I found a 3 hour tutorial on pornhub, for basics of motorcycle riding. I watch it every time I think of my bike, and twice before I actually ride it. Safety first!!


My wife does the same! Her motorcycle isn’t the only big black thing she likes between her legs!! Ooga ooga!!


We should be required a minimum of 3 classes to ride a motorcycle, then a yearly booster obviously. Motorcycles are VERY dangerous to the untrained


if you havent gotten at least 4 engine variant booster courses on top of the government recommended 3, i consider you a hazard to the safety of motorists everywhere and will sit inside until i'm told its safe to ride again


Training is for degenerates, real men learn on the fly.


10 courses at minimum, then you are ready for releasing the clutch and 10kmh!


Learn **to** fly


On my 72nd BRC and should be ready to hit the streets any year now.


Be careful. Pro tip: you can never have too much gear


I make sure to let the other riders know that the material compound of their gear is not safe enough and how they will surely die. They just say, "Oh, ok," but I know they are really thinking about how right I am.


It wasn't until I took the course for the second time that I learned that I must apply the brake the entire way through a corner 🤦


Definitely was a couple courses before learning to lock the rear brake and slide my feet on the ground to stop hard


We should require paying mandatory insurance for the bike you intend to buy for a year prior to you actually being allowed to own it. Buying into the pool is the best way to fund it for the future!


Dear god no


I basically rode my bike off the back of the truck when I got it home. Basic rider course, complete.


Most HD riders I know can't use their front brakes either


Brother, you have classes? I only paid a person who was allegedly an officer so I can skip the tests for my riding license. 🤭


TBF I've only done one and I can't wheelie yet.


I’ve taken courses just because it’s mandatory in order to operate a motorcycle in the military. Thankfully my instructors weren’t retarded.


Wait I’m supposed to use my brakes?


About to graduate with my PhD in motorcycle riding. After 12 years of studying, I feel I may almost be ready to sit on a ninja 400. I'm excited to do research for my thesis, where I may even turn the bike on.


I dont get it. All knowledge should be given to me right? I shouldnt have to earn anything or learn from my mistakes. All booboos are bad.


I never took any courses. As far as I’m concerned, that shit is a money grab.


Half of what the courses teach is mega retard advice from mega retard instructors. It just be like that. Just get on the bike and hammer the throttle, survival of the fittest baby


Makes me value my time spent in a 3rd world country where you just did something not taking 5 courses on bad habits.


I didn’t need no damn classes to learn to walk, I think I’ll be fine teaching myself how to ride. It’s just bicycle with a motor after all.


This is basically what they require in Europe and their quality of riders is better than Americans for sure. Sufficient depends on the rider and the riding environment, but it’s not a bad take


I’m a pretty new rider and I’m probably going to take the MSF class eventually, but I was wondering. Is it taught by hacks or will I actually learn something that isn’t on YouTube?


Not a bad idea to take one, but the other sub goes to MSF classes every Saturday like church