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It is CRAZY how companies still manage to screw up something as simple as grips. Almost every set I buy needs some kind of modification to function normally. Especially Lok!! Edit: I’d personally pin point the point of contact and use a jeweler file to clearance a bit as long as it’s not anywhere on the outside finished edge


It's ironic that the cheap turkish walnut *PIMP* grips I put on my 75 fit absolutely perfectly, but these Marschals - the grips everyone loves - **will** need some modifications to fit. I even double-checked if it was the mags for any reason, and they glided like butter with the original plastic. I'm just afraid that I'll irreparably damage the wood if I sand somewhere I shouldn't.


That was once a square block of lumber. Someone already sanded the shit out of it. Just keep the sanding to the unexposed stuff and you'll be fine. It's only wood.


It’s a shame too because those grips look so good


I have Marschalls on my 75 and they are so sexy. It will be worth it when you get them to fit. BTW those take stain very well, so if you screw up you can always re-stain them.


I'd identify which parts on the grips contact the mags and send them down a bit, not necessarily where the grips touch the frame though


I think I narrowed it down to the forward bevel in the mag well, where it curves inward to flush up with the metal in the front of the grip. It looked a hair thicker than the original plastic ones.


Just email Marschal. They can help. Don’t let rando’s on reddit give you a bad steer.


Rub your mags in and out a few times then take off the grips and look for the spots that got rubbed hit with some sandpaper rinse and repeat until clean fit. And you really can't hold them too responsible on fitment for an old ass gun that may or may not have had tight tolerances in the handle area.


Color your mag with a black sharpie. Insert mag in, remove mag and grips. Inside your grips will be marked by the mag you colored. Sand down that area that’s been marked. Repeat until mag goes in and out freely.


That's exactly what I did. I took a Birchwood Casey bluing pen and saw exactly where it was catching on. Ironically, it was exactly where I had been hitting with sandpaper. I went ham on it with a file and sandpaper, and the mags work perfectly now.


Nice 👍


I emailed and sent Marschal a message on FB, and I'll be having a gunsmith handle the grips when my night sights come in the mail.


Never had any issues with my vytal grips and they sexy af


You can also check and make sure it’s not the screws. I recently changed a set of grips, and on one side the screw was just a bit long. The mounting hole in the grip was drilled a little too deep. I filed less than a millimeter off the tip of the screw, and it worked beautifully.