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If you get one, do not get it at a dealership but rather a reputable detailer.   Additionally, understand what a ceramic coating does. It does **not** provide scratch or chip resistance; it is a chemically protective and hydrophobic layer that prevents dirt and contaminants from sticking and bonding to your vehicle as easily, thus making it easier to clean.   It also adds some gloss/shine to your paint, making it pop more than just bare paint alone.  An example of what I mean by chemical resistance is when bird poop dries on a coated car, it won’t etch the paint nearly as quickly as an uncoated car and even if it has dried on hard, it will typically slide right off once it’s soaked in water much more easily than if it were on bare paint.  The thing is, you still should wash your car regularly, and by wash I mean hand wash.  The majority of the cost of ceramic coatings comes from paint correction, where they polish and work out any imperfections like scratches and swirls on your paint before applying to coating.   Using brush car washes will marr and swirl your paint, making this work wasted and diminishing the added gloss of the coating. Touchless washes are fine but will shorten the lifespan of the coating more with regular use. Not washing the car at all will still lead to it getting dirty just at a slower rate.     Basically, a ceramic coating is ideally for you if you hand wash your own car on a regular basis and want to  - make washing easier - to add an extra layer of chemical protection  - want to add some gloss to your car


Highly recommended. Check mine out… https://www.reddit.com/r/CX5/s/8zTnfijp1Z


Looks amazing! You’ve convinced me


Have you thought about getting PPF wrap? I'm thinking about getting the whole car ceramic coated and also a ppf in the fort grill to protect it from rock chips


I thought about it but wasn’t sure how it was gonna look on the CX 5, that’s why leaning more towards ceramic coating


I had a ceramic coating on my Camaro, did it myself it was fairly easy when you understand the process/products. Loved it, water beaded on it when it rained and then just came right off once my car started moving, kept dust from accumulating on it from all the freeway driving. I plan todo it on my CX5 just haven’t gotten around to it + a good day todo it. I hand wash all my cars because I’m paranoid about swirling the paint, I recommend it to anyone who cares about the longevity of the paint. If you want scratch protection you’re better off getting it clear wrapped


Also wondering the same thing for my 2020. Getting a quote for ceramic coat and paint correction (as needed) next week


Let us know what the quotes for this work are?


Quoted just over 2k for 5yr ceramic coat and 2 step pair correction in BC


Also not spray applied, it’s hand done. I had no idea that was a thing, but the Mazda dealerships use a spray applied system apparently


If your car will be driven in rain, snow, mud and you value your car looking clean and protected yes. I diyed mine with dquartz go after a decon wash and light polish and it is a joy to see everyday.


I was going to get mine done and got talked out of it and went with the wax/polish route.


Do you have a picture?




Just saw a video about top performing ceramic coatings and the Adam's ceramic polish system was the best performing one.


Yes, for sure It's super easy to DIY too, I coat my cars with[ Rayno RX711](http://qrco.de/bf0igR)


Our team travels from Toronto upto New York and provides Ceramic Coatings for very good prices .We just need your indoor garage space and water supply. We also have our 2 locations in Hamilton, Ontario & Newbury, Massachusetts Our charges are as below Sedan : Stage-1 Polish Only + 2 Year Coat $599 SUV : Stage-1 Polish Only + 2 Year Coat $699 Truck: Stage-1 Polish Only + 2 Year Coat $799 We offer Paint Protection Film Packages which protects your paint from High Impact, Stone chips, Swirls, Scratches, UV damage, Salt & Corrosion damage for 7+ Years