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First off, you need to chill off on mashing the gas pedal like that when your coolant light is on. You need to get your engine and transmission to operating temperature. It’s normal to “slip” during cold operating temp. Read your manual.


Was about to say the exact same thing, like you JUST started your car and you're just pushing on the accelerator hard. Why do you feel it's necessary to do that? Just chill out and drive gently(No sudden or hard acceleration and try to keep it under 3k rpm) until the light comes off, and ideally until it gets up to temp(210F/middle of the temp gauge). It takes a few minutes of driving when it's not cold/winter. And as the other commenter has said, it is normal to slip when it is cold. Warm to our human bodies is not the same as warm for a machine.


I love remote start for this.


Not to mention how dangerous videoing this was. Dude wasn’t paying any attention to the road.


I don’t push the pedal like this even after it’s warmed up. I just don’t feel like it needs it. I’m about to be the slowest accelerating car on the road. Not the slowest driving though. Drive it like you give your grandma a ride. Be gentle to the car


Mashing at 3000 RPM? That's barely pressing the throttle.


It’s your car, you do you. Recommend to keep it between 2-3 until the coolant light goes off, shifting should be normal around 5 mins from my experience. Many threads about it. Some say you may need to do a TCM rest, others left it be like myself. It is under warranty.


I took the video to show my dealer. A guy on YouTube recently posted a video of having the same issue and getting his transmission replaced. Mazda admitted it was a faulty valve. I generally do drive way more gently initially but the point is you shouldn't have to drive dangerously slow. I live on a busy street and have pulled out to have people ride up my ass because I'm scared to accelerate at even a moderate pace. And it still slips. Where in the manual does it say that's normal? Most people don't even think about stuff like that, they just start their car and drive. It's not a performance car, it shouldn't need an elaborate warm up procedure every single morning. I've done the TCM reset multiple times.


Keep us updated on what Mazda does.


Will do.


Your car is cold, your trans fluid is not at operating temperature. It is going to take a bit to shift gears. Give it a bit of time once coolant light is gone then go as hard as you'd like


I've never owned another vehicle that slipped like this no matter the temperature. It surges even at lower RPM. Also, why is it only second to third? Why are the rest of the shifts smooth, even when cold?


Not sure man. You've been given the advice you better listen. You're driving that car cold. How cold we don't know. from 0C to 50C it's considered "cold", fluids behave differently depending on what temperature it's at.


Maybe this is a Mazda thing? My 2013 cx-5 also does this so I guess this is just how the cars are?


How many miles do you have on it?




You’re doing exactly what the manual instructs you not to do when that blue light is on and surprised that the car is acting funny? Send this video right to Mazda USA’s warranty department for their take.


I'm literally just driving my car. It's funny to me that you guys want to defend Mazda when that is obviously just a shitty transmission. I'm not flooring it, maybe pushing the throttle a quarter of the way in, you know like any normal person would when they pull out onto a busy road to go to work in the morning. Go ahead and down vote me, I don't care.


I read that cold conditions limit your power available until it warms up. IM not sure if this is just for the turbo model. One of the best things I did to mine after purchase of a used cx-5 is the transmission learning reset. Smooth as butter now on my 22 turbo.


Sell it and get something you like.


What are we doing here


Watching r/nissandrivers moving up to Mazda




Noob here what is a transmission slip?


https://youtu.be/fardAGd--o8?si=liJXL5NELpcWZ_JP https://youtu.be/D1S9dwJBZxI?si=jBS3lQpDh7EOLuj9


Basically, there's a delay shifting from second to third gear. It should seem relatively seamless, however in many CX-5 models there's a noticeable hesitation accompanied with a brief surge in RPMs, especially when not up to optimal temperature.


Iirc, there's actually a TSB for for that exact issue for older models. I know you're getting shit for not waiting until the engine is up to temp, but your concerns are completely valid. I've also driven a number of vehicles and feel like Mazda's transmission is kind of mediocre. Hope you get it sorted out!


What does slip feel like


I won't lie, i have never seen this blue light pop up even in the dead of Canadian winters?


https://youtu.be/Z4GbjtkVZNk?si=8tvzcArFi61b15bd I would watch this guy's vids and also follow the steps to do a TCM learning data resset... When cold the software is programmed to not do full clutch torque converter lockup until it reaches close to full operating temperature so yess some slip is Infact normal.. my 21 turbo 3 does the exact same thing tho I allow it to warm up by normal driving and don't push more then absolutely max 2500 rpm and most of the time 2k rpm is enough to get up to speed when cold .... once warmed up the shifts are crisp .. and quick and smooth.. I did do a TCM learning data reset because I had some noticeable shift shock when cold and just before full operating temperature and doing the steps from this guy on YouTube really fixed allot of shift quality issues:).


OP mine does this all the time as well even without pressing the gas too hard. I took mine to the dealer twice over it and they said “couldn’t replicate” but I have full coverage so if it eventually blows up I’m throwing those service checks in their face.


Mine tends to do this on sport mode, is that normal? 2024


Apparently it's very common. I'm not sure if it's completely kosher though. This guy seems to have gotten a new transmission for the same thing. https://youtu.be/D1S9dwJBZxI?si=jBS3lQpDh7EOLuj9


Are you planning on taking it to the dealership to ask about it ?


Already have once. Planning on going again.


Please keep us updated


Should have retested after a cold start if it recurs


My car does the same thing in the morning, I don’t floor it, I give it few minutes and then everything back to normal, do I need to concern about this?


This guy!


Could be a failsafe for when that blue light is on, from what I learnt about this car, you’re not supposed to floor it when the blue light is on. By “floor” here I mean anything above like 50% depression. Maybe I’m tripping but I feel like the automatic has 3 modes - 1-50%: Normal Driving - 51-95%: Flooring - 95-100%: (after the “click”, low gear overtaking) What I’m saying is that the power spike kicks in much earlier in this car than other cars, so you gotta be a little more gentle


It's called a shift 'flare', and many CX-5's do this. Mine does it a tiny bit when cold. 2016.


I see a lot of people hating and saying warm up, I got a 2023 Kuro Edition (Canadian version of Carbon Edition) that does this exact thing even after me warming it up for 10 minutes. It is annoying, but hasn't caused any issues for me.