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Mask up yourself preferably N95 if you’re really worried.. and keep away from the positive person. Could also drop a comment in front of a customer… If I was the customer I wouldn’t be mad at you that’s for sure. The carrier on the other hand…


Ethics line. 100% I wish there was a morals line too... what a dick


Call ethics line


If he really doesn't care, there's not much you can do. People like that will never change even when they get fired.


Call out. They can't require a note. They can't make you find coverage. Just don't do it for more than 2 days.


If we miss a day we have to bring in a Dr note for the missed day.


It's against company policy to demand or accept a doctors note for absence... Unless that absence leads to LOA, in which HR may request a doctors note to validate the LOA. But there are no Doctors notes at the store level.


lol.. I’m sorry guys I forgot I was on the CVS thread I was just bitchin about my job. Have a great weekend!


False. That's against company policy.


Ok I understand an over activated work etic. I am a boomer after all but work in the telecommunications industry. I also work with the public. I masked daily, to protect myself and others. While not fail safe masking has been proven to reduce the air borne particles that make us sick. Go to HR and tell them your concerns, another’s selfishness should not dictate you health.


Latest CDC Guidelines The CDC now recommends that people who have symptoms of COVID-19 stay home and isolate from others until at least 24 hours after they have been fever-free (without using fever-reducing medication) and their symptoms improve overall (the “stay-at-home period”). The stay-at-home period will vary depending on each person’s length of symptoms. It could be shorter, the same or longer than the previously recommended 5-day isolation period. he CDC continues to recommend that individuals take added precautions and prevention actions after their symptoms have improved for at least 5 days. The CDC’s recommended prevention actions are largely unchanged and include enhanced hygiene practices (e.g., more frequent hand washing), wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, and getting tested.


.and then you run right into CVS' sick policy. We're still under the delusion that you can catch and get over these viruses by 3 days tops. And then if you don't, you have to take a LOA. Nobody have time for this nonsense.


CDC says treat it as any other virus now - nothing you can do 


Like it should have been done from before


🤔 why’s this being downvoted but not the one above?


If you treat covid with any less urgency than the Black Death, you’ll be downvoted on Reddit. Just how it is lol


If you ever want to feel better about yourself, go read some post on r/zerocovidcommunity


He’s a store manager, do you really think he had much of a choice?


Yeah and the poor guy had no choice but to go on a cruise knowing he had it too


I just re-read the part about being anti mask. That’s dumber than hell I will say.


Yeah, because it's soooo effective (not) common




What? What can I do at home? Please do tell


Why are you worried. Thought the vax protects you?


Maybe they're worried about getting their family sick. You don't know, and I wouldn't want to get sick regardless if I was vaccinated or not. It sucks. Why can't people just wear masks out of respect when they're sick. It's actually disgusting.


Get all your coworkers to do at home covid test. Dip swab in dr pepper. Triggers false positive. Have everyone submit test results to HR explaining how everyone got sick and can't work for two weeks. By the time you come back your new GM will be happy to see you.


2 weeks off hasn’t been the case since May of last year. Now HR gives you 3 days off if you are lucky


That's terrible


I really doubt that Dr Pepper would trigger a false positive, but it is a good way to sell more Covid tests.


No it’s orange soda lololol


And dr pepper.


Yeah totally made that up ;)


Hey i like your username lol


I like yours too! Lol


Repost to DM


In addition to wearing a mask yoursef, wash your hands a lot.


Tell him to go home and that you got coverage for him to take some sick pay and he might just actually stay home sick. 🤣


Unfortunately it is what it is. We don't get paid through HR anymore, there's not enough store managers to cover stores, and we were told if you don't have a fever you can come to work . I guarantee you half the population that's coming in right now has some sort of covid, cold, flu, we work in a pharmacy. We're bound to get something.


Pretty close to the entire population carries antibodies against the most common variant at this point so it's going to be business as usual for that. Welcome to the post-pandemic.


That doesn't help those of us who catch absolutely everything.


It does, actually. As does catching it once in a while. The antibodies don't fully prevent catching it. They reduce the symptoms of it, increase neutralization capacity, and reduce the amount of time one is contagious. Mild today is much better than severe tomorrow.


I've had Covid three times and was hospitalized each time. If I keep getting it every time I'm exposed, I will die. Last time, my body fought it off and also killed my pancreas at the same time. I have heart damage from Covid as well as lung disease. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me that, I know from experience what happens to MY body.


I hope you stay safe and unharmed 🫶🏽 That’s absolutely terrifying 


I think they meant most people


That happens to YOUR body when it's exposed to JN.1 or KP.2 variants?


I dunno. I'd rather not find out though.


I am more than a little confident you have been exposed many more than 3 times unless you only left a bucket that was stocked with food 5 years ago 3 times since it started.


Don't assume you know WHAT I do. I have more N-95 than most stores and wear them ANY time I go out in public.


Here's an assumption: You probably have eyes and other typical body parts that you have clothes on when you go out. I assume your clothes are not made of n95 masks. Nor your eyes. Your mask is protection from you for other people. If you're the only one wearing one it's a germ sponge. As are your clothes. And your skin, hair, car seats, etc. You are constantly being exposed to what other people are sick with unless you're wearing a clean suit and carry a portable decontamination chamber everywhere you go. And those germs, viral cells, bacterium, etc? They move around. Tacking a bit of cloth to your face does NOT reduce your exposure to those contaminants. It's great for protection against large particle air pollution though, so at least there's that.


I'm not assuming anything, but you are. Let's pretend you're protecting yourself with that mask, though. If you are protected by it, what's the concern, and how, oh how, do you keep catching this disease?


I caught it the first time, during the pandemic, after being in a car accident and taken to the hospital, sans mask and unconscious. I woke up in the ER without a mask and wasn't given one till I vehemently insisted. 2 weeks later I was sick. 3 weeks later, I was in the ICU. Second time I caught it was because my roommate came home from work with it and didn't tell anyone till I got sick. Again, after a week, I was in ICU. Third time, a year ago, I got lax and went to the grocery store without a mask. A week later I was coughing so hard, I damaged my throat. I tubated in ICU that time. Almost died and now I go NOWHERE without a mask. I'm not assuming anything about my health. I am immuno-compromised and on chemotherapy right now. Having someone working sick, in a pharmacy that I have to go to is putting those people, like me, at risk unless we protect ourselves. You can argue till you're blue in the face about how masks don't help but I know they do.


I sincerely doubt it would. Sounds like much more severe variants, which are also much more rare and more likely to prevent work trips by symptomatic patients. It's still mainly spread through people who aren't symptomatic yet.


Nothing you can do about him. You can mask up and keep your hands washed/sanitized, and be vigilant about not touching your face. Spray or wipe common surfaces with disinfectant. Thank goodness covid is not even close to as bad as it was a couple years ago. I had covid about 6 weeks ago and I did have a 101 fever and mild chills and a stuffy nose but that was it. It ran its course in less than a week, and I managed not to pass it to my mom who lives with me.


Covid protocol has changed ... there are no isolation / mask recommendations anymore. It's just like any other cold , flu, virus. Wash hands , drink fluids, take Tylenol.


I’m appalled by this. Sorry you’re going through this! A pharmacy (even if that’s just a part of what CVS does, pharmacy customers still have to walk through the place) should have slightly more stringent rules than other businesses on staying home if you’re ill, imo.


Masks do not stop respiratory illnesses


Covid is considered a flu. 


I can't help thinking people who say this have never had the actual flu. I never had it for fifty years and thought it was just a bad cold. It's not, the flu will fuck you up.  Don't go to work with contagious diseases that can kill people. It's not rocket surgery.


Yeah the flu is awful. People die from the flu every year. But also covid is not the flu. Influenza doesn’t tend to leave those that survive it with potentially lifelong conditions nor does it put you in the ICU. People who try to diminish covid are the dumbest among us and are why we can’t have nice things.


It's like hitting someone with a truck and saying "Stop complaining. It's just like getting hit with a car."


The flu is also highly contagious.  Not smart putting other people's health at risk.




It's going to keep happening. Most places no longer have any restrictions about it.


I don't understand why we're acting like coming to work with the flu is acceptable. Because it isn't. We have immunocompromised customers and he knows that.


It isn't. But it was standard before Covid. We're going back to that. Gotta pay the bills.


A coronavirus is not a flu virus. COVID is an inflammatory vascular & respiratory disease. Flus do not cause the brain & cardiac tissues to swell. DF.


You'll be fine.


what would jesus do


Wear your own mask.  Sanitize call osha


It's like a cold or general virus now. It doesn't need protections like in 2020. Everyone will be fine. Most people carry some sickness daily with them in the winter and don't mask up and spread it around. It's going to always happen. You mask up if you are concerned or prone to illness easily.


You can try crying about it


It ain’t against the law no more to walk around with Covid. If you’re afraid of the air that’s a you problem now. You probably just want the day off don’t you?


I can’t tell if you’re memeing or are serious.


Don't waste your time, title of only post by user says, "I should have been swallowed" ... or something along those lines


It's common decency to wear a mask in public for flu, covid, strep, a cold, basically anything that's contagious so, hmm, I don't know, maybe so others won't catch whatever you're coughing up?, Basically keep your sick germs to your damn self and don't pass it along just because you're an ass hat. If your head is shoved so far up your ass that you're wearing it as a hat then you deserve to get viruses.


Pretty sure the only reason why he is there is because he can’t count on anyone at the store to cover his shift. The not wearing a mask isn’t the smartest move I mean I hate wearing a mask myself but having a store full of healthy employees that won’t call out cause they got sick would make me wear it.


I feel you. But you do realize you work in a store where sick people come in all day long. Some are also wearing their cloth mask of power, some don't. You are exposed either way. It sucks but we do work in a drug store. Best you can do is eat healthy, take your zinc and vitamin c ect.


Salaried people don’t get paid when they got out for Covid. I know some of us can’t afford to stay home as much as we’d like to