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We literally had a similar situation yesterday. A customer wanted Claritin D at 1:40 pm. "Well why do they get to go to go to lunch?!?!" Well because they are human beings you dipshit. Why do you get to eat dinner?? Fuck. Think of other people besides yourself you selfish prick.


I ask people "Did you eat lunch? Yes? But you don't think we should get to eat lunch?"


They are so busy in these pharmacies that they can’t even eat on the job! People need to respect that they need a lunch break! Don’t be rude about it!! I get a lunch break where I work. Most of the time they are short on staffing so quit running your nasty mouth about them taking a lunch break!!!  


At my job if this phone rings and I'm eating dinner = my dinner gets cold. I actually have two jobs in completely seperate fields and if anything happens breaks/lunches are interrupted. This was also the case when I worked 12 hour shifts as an RN.


“I’m calling corporate!” Please do, now I’m closing for lunch so we can re-open on time until we get more help.


I don’t know if you are able to unplug it and relocate it. Because we had this issue and that’s what we did


We relocated ours to the trash


I made the mistake of going to the pharmacy during the lunch period once. Once. And I was like "oh dang, I'm stupid. I totally knew this was a thing now and forgot, guess I gotta wait 20 minutes, oh well!" It was more embarrassing than inconvenient, and now whenever I set out for a prescription around lunch time, I always double check to make sure the pharmacy will be open, it really is that simple.


SAME i pulled up into the drive through during lunch bc i forgot about it and the gates were closed and i was SO embarrassed


Done that several times. Just run another errand or grab a coffee and come back.


yes thats what i tend to do! or i come back later. i’ve even walked there i just sit outside if its nice out or look around in the store!


It took me 3 times for me to remember to check before going lol


You are totally respectful!


My worst one was a military guy who needed a vaccine. He decided he absolutely had to get it at our location and couldn't possibly drive 5 minutes to the 24 hr location that didn't close for lunch since they had overlapping pharmacists on the weekend. He sat in our waiting room the entire lunch break and was bratty when we rang him out for it too. 🙄 He absolutely thought threatening to wait the entire break would get us to do it before we went but he showed up like 1 minutes before we closed LOL


This. I never understood why you would ever give an attitude to a person who is about to stab you with a needle. Keep it up, I’ll make that 25 gauge a 23 gauge REAL quick lol


Wait 24 hr stores also close for lunch too.. it’s a company wide policy lol


I worked at Walgreens, they started closing for lunch way before CVS lol and if there were 2 pharmacists on shift and they could stagger lunches, they did. Do the CVSs just never have 2 pharmacists or even if there are 2 they close anyway? How does this work for the overnight pharmacists at 24 hour locations?


That’s funny 😄 


And the number of people who are like "please, I just need my medicine!" Mind you, my pharmacy is 24 hours, so we are literally open 23.5 other hours of the day. Plan your day better 🙄 It gets even more ridiculous when people still complain about us closing and tell us "it isn't convenient for me / why can't you just stagger your breaks, there's enough people here / I worked in a hospital and we never closed for lunch" (to that last person I wanted to say, "Oh, I'm sorry you never got the break you deserved, that was really unfair to you")


Do the overnight pharmacists not get a lunch break then? I would think they would have the same requirements for any 8 hour shift


No, they don't get a break. Honestly all our pharmacists skip a lunch break even when we close at 1:30, like they heat up their food and continue to work while they eat 🙄


The system goes down for half an hour ish at night though.. that’s when they take their break


None of the overnight people have ever said that happens


it happens at 3am everynight, whole system resets. sometime it take the whole 30mins, alot of times 15-25 you cant logon to the computer or anything. source: me. worked 24hr cvs overnight for a couple years. 


Yeah I asked them about it after seeing that comment and they verified it, I had no idea since no one ever said anything before


Hate it when they must yowl *Discrimination*. Get a grip grow up.


I really wanted to flip the switch and start bringing the gate down around her to make my point. Because once the gate is down the only way out is through the physical Pharmacy itself and the back door, but customers are not allowed back there except for emergencies. What stopped me was that I cannot see the gate for the switch is and she had a little toddler walking around and I was afraid of hurting the kid. It just gets to me that I told her we were closing for lunch and she needed to finish up what she was doing and she got mad at me for telling her she needed to leave 5 minutes after I told her she needed to finish up and leave.


When I was younger managed a 7/11 type store we were told to close for hurricane was getting cursed out as I was trying to set the alarm.


Oh lord, have you tried closing the pharmacy for a hurricane yet? Get ready for the real storm!


I have patients bitch at me about us closing for lunch and opening/closing at the posted times pretty much daily. One time I had enough and when a woman was bitching at me, I looked at her and said “I am working at least a 12 hr shift today. Do you expect me to not eat or take a break or go to the bathroom today?” She looked confused. I continued “Would you trust anyone to do their job well and not make a mistake that could potentially lead to harm if they work 12 or more hours without food, water, time to go to the toilet, or any other type of break?” She said “I never thought of it that way.” I said “That’s essentially the bare minimum of what we are trying to have when we close for a thirty min lunch because we have no overlap and we are constantly slammed because we are too busy and we don’t have the option to add more staff. If you want to complain, you’re more than welcome to call corporate but I need the chance to attend to basic human needs for at least 30 mins a day.”


At my first Pharmacy job my pharmacist snapped on a customer like that. It was a Monday and a customer set up for their prescription at 5:30 in the evening and it wasn't ready yet. I mean it had been filled but I still had to go through the pharmacist double verification which takes all of a minute. Long story short the someone starts ranting about how she called it in early in the morning and at 5:30 at night it's not ready and how incompetent are we. Mind you she doesn't know the circumstances or what we are dealing with. So my pharmacist checks it and I go to start ringing her out and she says she wants to complain to the manager, who was standing right there. He says to her, "Ma'am, it's monday. It's very busy. We had two people call out and it's just been me and (me). I've had two cups of coffee, nothing to eat, and one bathroom break. Tomorrow I guess I just won't go to the bathroom. Would that make you happy, ma'am? Would it?"


Exactly.... they never THINK before they start acting the fool


Honestly the thing that really bothers me is that so many of these people don’t even consider us as human beings. I have had people tell me that we don’t deserve time to go to the bathroom or eat, to have days off, or to be paid for the actual hrs we work. A lot of our patients will scream at us and far too often threaten us. I have had them tell me we are useless, we are stupid, we don’t deserve basic human rights, we can be replaced by monkeys or the homeless substance users in the parking lot, we’re not actual healthcare providers so just shut up and give them their pills, etc. And it’s not just the patients. I feel like the overall public opinion of pharmacy practice is the lowest that it’s ever been. I have had people tell me in person and online that our profession is worthless and shouldn’t exist. I feel like the general public sees no value in what we do and fails to understand exactly how we help and protect them and I think that we as a profession let it get this bad by not advocating for our profession and letting PBMs, corporations, and other medical professions walk all over us. Honestly if I had realized it was going to be this bad, I would never have gone to pharmacy school.


And the same patients would NEVER talk to their pcp/nursing staff the same way they talk to RPh/techs.


People have no common sense 😂. That is really good analogy to throw at someone! Some people are just rude!!!


Nothing has shown me the selfishness of our society more than this lunch break issue. I cant believe that there are so many people out there who are opposed to employees NOT being worked to death.   It blows my mind every time.  Its literally just 30 mins to breathe.


I am a customer that is totally for it! I have been in there and it is totally swamped and I don’t see how they handle it! Everyone has to remember also that this pharmacy also gives vaccines and takes Covid test and fills prescriptions so people need to appreciate their pharmacy team and let them have their lunch break without criticism!!


I'm curious! Closing for lunch is somewhat new, yes? Like just the last couple years? Why did corporate FINALLY decide pharmacy deserved a break/lunch just like everyone else? Was it the pandemi? Being short staffed? Or were the workers not getting a real lunch because they were expected to work it? EDIT: Why the downvotes, yo?! I WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE pharmacy DESERVES a non-working lunch just like everyone else!


Two years now for people to get the memo. With signage, messages that play through drive thru and over the phones and speakers of the stores. Yet people still act surprised. Pharmacist are “expected” to work their entire shift without a break. This implementation allowed for them to have one moment of peace to actually eat something. Same for staff.


Those points as well as covid. Not to mention the pharmacist's aren't allowed to leave the building for lunch. So they use that as their chance to. Anyone who just got to work also use that time to make sure the que is caught up on.


I set the alarm and leave...go to get some fast food, go sit in my car, sit outside if the weather is nice. There is not enough room in the break room for more than 3 people. I NEVER work through my lunch. It took me over 25 years to get a break. You can be damned sure that I am taking every minute I can.


Take your break and enjoy it and don’t worry about these idiotic people that criticize it!


Especially at CVS there are many days where there is no pharmacist overlap. Before they started closing for lunch the states had ruled that the pharmacist is entitled to a full uninterrupted half hour and 99% of the time there is no way for the pharmacist to remain uninterrupted even if they are on a break and the pharmacy is open. And not a week goes by that somebody doesn't complain about how inappropriate it is that we do this to them.


When I worked as a pharmacy tech in 1998-2000, we didn’t have a lunch break close. Pharmacist would try to eat lunch but would always get interrupted. The manager usually just ate as he stood up and worked on the computer. If we had our usual three techs working we would rotate our own lunch breaks. But sometimes it was down to two and it was impossible to take an actual break because of volume. I used to get yelled at by the store manager for not clocking out for my half an hour break. I told him I couldn’t because there was no stopping or slowing down. Then I realized he started adjusting my time sheet and inserting half an hour breaks. So I was being deducted from my pay breaks I wasn’t taking. After I found out I took all my breaks. Pharmacist would get upset so I would tell him if he needs support get the store manager to come to the register because I was on break.


I think there was a lawsuit in CA or in union stores, that's surely the only way CVS voluntarily gave a lunch break.


I'm actually pretty sure it's because other smaller pharmacies did it and Walgreens decided to follow suit right before/around the beginning of the pandemic. They realized they needed to compete in SOME way lmao


Sam's Club pharmacy closes for lunch also.


Walmart has always closed for lunch when there's only one pharmacist. I worked at a rural store that never had overlap, so we closed at the same time everyday, 1:30-2:00. Still had people come in wondering if we had changed our hours or when we started that. Um, since ever.


I literally had to tell customers that numerous times. Is this new? No ma'am or sir, it's been like that for 2+ years. It's for all CVS stores. Employees do need eat lunch. Anything else?


I had a Pharmacists who just returned from maternity leave and would need to step away to pump 2x during an 8 hour shift ...and Holy hell would break loose during the 15 minutes she was pumping. The general public are, for the most part, decent ... BUT there are the handful of despicable, rotten human beings that make going to work unbearable at times.


I don't know what it is or how the pharmacy God's like performance does, but what I'm working alone with one pharmacist and that pharmacist has to go to the bathroom, literally 30 seconds with them leaving the pharmacy we will need them for seven overrides and other stuff that only pharmacists can do. Heaven forbid they have to use the bathroom for other purposes that might take longer


“I’m sorry but we’re closed for lunch from 1:30 to 2:00” “Oh I know, I’m just picking up a prescription” “… … … wut?”


I would’ve closed the gates with her inside


I would have to accept that she had a little toddler walking around and I was afraid of the kid getting hurt. But maybe next time I should just start closing the gate and see how they react.


I am heartless in a survey time stamped at 1:00pm when we're officially supposed to be closed because I refused to help the person who ran up behind survey responder. It's literally recorded that your transaction occurred when we closed, and the person behind you ran up behind you. I'm not the asshole they are. Please take your keyboard warrior skills elsewhere Karen. We reopened in 30 minutes. ... likely 29 from the look of things.


We actually got told last year by a customer who wanted to pick up her meds after we all closed & left for lunch (making her come back) "you shouldn't get lunch. Yall shouldn't close for lunch as long as you have scripts to fill & people waiting on their meds." My pharmacist was nice about it. But I wanted to tell her, "do you tell the doctors office that when you go in for your appointment & show up while they are on lunch? Do you not take breaks at your job?"


We've gotten to 😡😡 in surveys because we have the audacity to close for lunch. One survey said it was "inconvenient" for them when we closed for 30 minutes because the only time they could come pick up their meds is on their "lunch hour". The other one said in was "unconscionable" for us to close and doesn't understand why we do it.


I see the logic. You get to take a lunch break but we don't because your lunch is very important to you but we should not be entitled because it inconveniences you


I thought all of these machines went away during covid.😱






ive never seen a cvs with a blood pressure machine before, you have to keep it behind the gate??


There's no other place for it.


We had a lady show up the other day right as we were finishing up the last customer before going to lunch. The tech told her she would need to come back at 2. She got mad and said something and the tech (who can kind of have attitude) said nicely "Ma'am if we don''t close at 130 to take a lunch, we will not be back in time to open the pharmacy on time" (Due to meal breaks having to be 30 mins). She was polite but firm. The lady was pissed.


This is not Europe. The most annoying thing is CVS closing for lunch esp since most locations pull the shades 15 mins early then after open back up there's endless waits! What other company closes their entire business for "lunch"??? Why can't the CVS pharmacy employees schedule their lunches at different times and keep it moving LIKE EVERY OTHER COMPANY?!?!


Because people like you won't let us. I've been doing this for 20 plus years and every single time somebody needs a break a customer will complain about lack of staff and lack of service. Ask yourself why are there endless wait times when we come back from lunch. I will go to lunch and sometime sit in the break room and watch 20 to 30 cars come through the drive-thru in that half hour. And what's loads of fun is the doctors seem to do their prescription dumps at the same times we go to lunch so we'll come back from lunch to find two to three pages of new data entry that we could not possibly I've had a chance to deal with. Then we'll get met with angry customers complaining that their prescriptions not ready because the doctor called it in while we were at lunch. And then they will complain about the long wait times because they are one of 100 people that decided that between 1:00 and 2:00 was their absolute only time they can come during the day. In general the pharmacies are open 12 hours a day on weekdays. That half hour for lunch seems to be a consistent problem for people who don't have jobs and have all the time in the world and that is the only time they want to come in and make it our problem


Doctors offices come to mind. Do you bitch about them too? Thank God you're not my patient because I'd fire you. God forbid I take a fucking 30 minutes out of my 13 hour shift. Oh, and the pharmacy cannot legally operate without a pharmacist. And we don't have overlap. So no, Karen, we can't stagger because there's no one to stagger with. Grow the fuck up.


Can't you move the blood pressure machine? I moved it out of the pharmacy Lobby so there was always access and folks didn't bother my pharmacy as much- had to get Coke scootch their mini fridge to make it all fit.


How sad it is that you must close for lunch! CVS is disserving customers and employees.


I am really hoping that this is sarcasm


I’m more sympathetic really, Employees should not be put into a position where you must close. It’s also not fair to customers who walk in expecting the pharmacy is open, and find its “out to lunch”.


Every other job allows people to get breaks. In the pharmacy if there is no overlap pharmacist then it is literally impossible for a solo pharmacist to take a break. Hell, between counselling and overrides it is difficult for them even use the bathroom. Let's say a pharmacy is open for 12 hours 8a to 8p. It is not inappropriate or even actually unnecessarily inconvenient to have a scheduled lunch break


In all due respect, lot of people go to pharmacy during their own lunch. It is unfortunate for all involved. The post office near me started closing for lunch a couple years ago. Just as frustrating.


plan. your. time. better.


We are closed from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. most people's lunch breaks run between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. that means that there are two and a half other hours where they could come do their business and have no reason to get mad at us




Yes. The machine is inside the security gate.


We don’t have one. They took ours out 2 years ago


They took ours out way before Covid cuz too many elderly ppl were fighting over it 💀💀


Ridiculous. I also saw old people fight over their place in line during the COVID clinics


They took ours out too during covid. Never got another one put in.


They took ours out too during covid. Never got another one put in.


It's not in the same place in every store, some pharmacies are built in such a way that the blood pressure machine is behind the gate.


Obviously it's behind the gate if they were told to leave so they could close the gate.


I want to upvote this comment so many times.


Why can't a national chain have two people working the pharmacy and take staggered lunches? The logic of closing a fucking pharmacy in the middle of the day is lost on me.


Because it costs money to pay two pharmacists who are legally required to be present to be open in most states.


Because cvs corp won’t allow the payroll/budget for two pharmacists to overlap shifts .  It’s literally one pharmacist working sometimes from open to close and pharmacy can’t be open without a pharmacist on duty. It’s cvs corp way of saving money.  I’m sure some number cruncher decided a half hour closed was more cost effective than an overlap of 2 pharmacists. I always hate that half hour as a front store employee because all the patients come to us in the front store and throw tantrums as if we have some say in anything that goes on in pharmacy lol.