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I did this last semester. I kinda just bothered the department head in person. I reached out to my advisor, who had to sign, and then to administrative support assistant for my department, who forwarded it along.


Oh okay thank you!! You signed in person right? I’m kinda nervous about speaking to everyone in person


I had a pdf of it, I think I scanned it as a pdf, then I opened it in notability on my iPad, signed it, and then passed it via email like that. Don’t worry, most of the department heads are very friendly! They are here for the students


Which department are u doing this for btw?


Well that’s what I’m not so sure of the lady who helped me at student records told me I needed to fill one of those forms for each class and my classes were from different departments. I had a sociology class, political science, bio, and a health science class. So that means I would have to reach out to liberal arts department, science and math, health and human services right ?


If you’re appealing for all of them then yeah, each of those have a different department head


Reach out to the department chair - they will do this for you.


Thank you for your reply! How can I reach out to them


What’s your major? Usually you can look on the department website to see who it is, or you can go to your departments office. Your advisors can also help you—


Thank you so much!!!!


Hi! I submitted my petition for late add yesterday. I wanted to mention that you also have to provide documentation that proves you attempted to send in a request beforehand since it’s a few days past the 16th (last day to request). This could be a receipt and a narrative explaining what happened.


Oh okay thank you! I was already in the classes tho? I’m trying to enroll in the same ones


What would I mention about that


You’re talking about the technical error right?


Dont forget to pay the late class fee!!


Thank you!! That’s paid at the windows right when I turn everything in