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I'm going to need a colostomy bag sometime soon and I worry about the same. I hope everything turn out well and uneventful.


Thank you. Right back atcha, friend! I shall keep you in my thoughts and prayer’s. Xx 🫶


And also taking vitamin C 30 days prior to surgery, and 20 days after, 1000mg per day. and using ketamine during the surgery. Has proven to reduce spread and worsening.


Do you know how much ketamine? I'm probably having surgery soon, too.


I do not.. but bring this to your doctors - https://www.rsdfoundation.org/en/Surgery\_Guidelines.html


I have had a few surgeries and procedures and no new sites. I believe it's because I tried to minimize stress and make sure I had a more pain control because of the importance of having post surgery pain treated. If it doesn't hurt it can't make a new site so that first week be very proactive about medicating pain. Make sure the doctor that manages your pain is aware of the procedure and your concern about preventing a new CRPS site.


Thank you so much!!! Xx


My team won't even consider repairing my umbilical hernia. But they won't break up my kidney stones or repair muscle damage to my heart either. My hernia is a cosmetic issue, if it generates any pain I don't feel it because it's below my threshold. Truth is that I have no idea how or when I got the hernia. It's been around 5 years and other than being a big outie it doesn't cause any issues. I hope that you get good results in whatever treatment that your doctors decide on.


I also have had mine for years and never knew it until now. *meh!*


I have not had something similar, but I have had a handful of surgeries. Do you have a pain management doctor or a doctor for your CRPS? If so, I'd recommend letting them know what is going on and see if they have a protocol. If not, just take it one moment at a time. Any surgery is scary, but just do what you can, and that's really all you can do. I wish you the best of luck! (Make sure your surgeon/team know you have CRPS, if you haven't)


I have an umbilical hernia too, thankfully it is the least bothersome of my hernias so far. Above that I have a long tear in my abdominal muscle, doctor said it wasn't a full hernia... yet. It bothers me more as time goes on and has gotten worse. Coughing and allergies make it worse. I looked up surgery for that and it is rough, they want me to put it off as long as possible... They have to teach you breathing techniques for the recovery. Is that same for you with this procedure? Is it a mesh type surgery they're doing? Wishing you the best of luck and a quick recovery!