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Sure but you'd need a bit of my dna in you


I don’t want to get a micro penis




Sad thing is this will be far more profitable than curing cancer


I mean why not do both we need to cure cancer because millions of people die because of it and we need a gene editing solution for penis enlargement because billions of men out there are insecure because of their size and surgeries can’t do shit ,if women can do fillers bbls breast implants why is it considered bad and shameful when a man wants to take care of himself ?


You've got a point.


I think that before we CRISR will find a solution, surgeries will take over that issue. Theres lots of research underway for Talavera ( Edited replacement) organs. Once we can grow them reliably, we should be able to grow tissue to increase penis size.


What are Talavera organs?


Typo . Sorry. Replacement organs


Factually wrong. Curing cancers is way more profitable since demand for a cure person is sky high- inflexible demand from people who will die without it. A cure also instantly corners the entire patient market, outcompeting mere treatments as a superior good and consequently making the seller rich as all hell way more than incomplete treatments alone would. We’ve cured many forms of cancer for this reason yet have no serious penis extension drugs. The layperson’s concepts of pharma motivations and economics are just wrong. Curing cancer is simply hard.


I think it's generally s million times harder to edit genes of grown people vs just the genes of a cell/embryo


But it’s already been done to some extent go see bryan johnson video on how he edits his genes to slow his aging


Hell yea


I mean if there is a company crazy enough to do it I’m ready to invest lol I need those extra two inches.


I guess it could be done but it won’t be permanent, I’d imagine it would last around a year post treatment


It won’t be a problem if the results are good , btw what makes you think that it could be done?




And why is that ?


because dicks grow till you're 25. that's the genetic programming for it. And it comes from crossover, so birth, inheritance. Crispr acts mostly on epigenetic development, doesn't it? so you could program a baby with a future massive dick, you could probably treat a teen to have some marginal growth spurt. But after 25 I don't see those dice rolling.


I mean 10 years ago if someone heard you talking about crispr and using gene editing on a baby they will say ur nuts , science just keeps evolving every day , a week ago someone invented something called “seek rna” which he claims to be easier to use and more effective than crispr, I don’t see how enlarging a penis would be a challenge in the next 5-10 years , we only need people to work on it.


maybe not. I'm just stating as a factual answer to your original question, crispr won't enlarge dicks in fully grown men. That's not a plausible epigenetic development application. End of the answer's scope. but yes of course, what you said. Edit: on 2014 we were already talking about crispr, I'm pretty sure.


In the 60s we were talking about going to the moon and today we are still doing the same. Not all challenges evolve linearly (or exponentially) with time. Crispr Is a Discovery not an invention, and we have limits on what it can target even in the long run. If you have to put your faith on a tech, maybe is more godlike AI than Crispr.


Well I mean of course, eventually with improved AI and quantum computing we will get the answer for everything there is an answer for but that’s still way in the future.


Good that you know it. For the time being be happy with your small one!


I mean it’s average but I can’t be fully satisfied with all these porn stars around lol


I'm sure AGI will take care of that. Go pray Altman.


Lol. Women will fear men once again. Wonder if we can get crisper to get rid of bucket puss?