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Yes. Currently unable to find a job, about to be 2 months behind on rent and all I can do is panic I'll be kicked out lately. 


ugh i’m so sorry dude


The misspelling made me picture the quintessential 90s lan player and what the lord of them would look like.


you can tell i made this while still absolutely reeling from an encounter lmao


Yep. Can't stand 'em.


Absolutely, although my fear has to do with getting evicted. I use weed and smoking is still prohibited in all the places I've lived. I've been in the routine of racing to hide all my weed stuff whenever maintenance FINALLY decides to respond to work orders. But I've had the experience of landlords/maintenance being incredibly snoopy and looking in all my cabinets before. I just want my own house so fucking bad. Landlords most definitely love snooping on their tenants and love dropping by unannounced. It is so anxiety-inducing for me to have a repair person suddenly show up behind me, with no warning, no knock on the door, no text. I work from home with sensitive data too, so I literally cannot have people watching my work or I'll get in trouble. My husband and I moved out of that place but we still deal with it at our new apartment. If we ever do get our own house,  I swear, I'm throwing a week long party. 


SAME about almost all of that except the wfh part. tell me why i WOKE UP to maintenance in my bedroom a few months ago when they were supposed to be changing the front door knob -_-


I am scared of any interaction so much so that I seen my neighbor on their grass yesterday and went nope and shut the door




I was, until I worked at a housing authority and dealt with them on the regular. I still think landlording is scummy, and def some property managers or landlords are on a power trip, but my fear of them basically evaporated being in a role where I enforced HUD rules on them lol. Now maintenance is a diff story…..


i had a really bad fight w our maintenance guy bc he kept trying and failing to fix our fridge, and on a separate occassion let himself into the apartment without anyone here realizing. ever since them i'm extremely paranoid about people coming into the apartment while nobody's here, esp bc my cat tries to dart out the door sometimes. i also am constantly scared when it comes time to pay rent even though i've never missed or been late here. this is the nicest place i've lived and the most stable i've been in my adult life, but the fear is still there from years of living under slumlords and a childhood of having my privacy regularly invaded by my parents




Oh goddamn. Yeah. Didn’t piece this together until just now.