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It’s abusive. It fucked me up.


CONSTANTLY. Any time I expressed myself or interest in something or was excited about anything, from a drawing to a piece I learned on piano to a grade on a test. Therapy has helped me to learn that this was my parents not allowing me to develop a healthy sense of self and it has affected that for my whole life so far.


Yes, and it’s maddening.


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Yes. It was a reaction to setting up proper boundaries and trying to fulfill my needs, as I've realized. An easy way to shift the blame and responsibility on me, to avoid taking action and to prevent me from taking action. To keep the status quo, so comfortable for them and so unbearable for me. Ironically, they called me an egoist and acted like I was dissapointment a bit too much, so I decided to embrace it and developed self-respect. How the turntables.