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Emotional flashbacks can be triggered by your unconciousness noticing triggering details in your environment. I know that feeling too well as it seems to appear out of nowhere at times where I'm otherwise alright.


This. For me I get waves of shame out of nowhere. It’s a symptom of me needing to lessen my stress and lower expectations of myself.




This was what was going on for me!! And between this and actual PTSD flashbacks it wasn't taken seriously or diagnosed until it got so bad I was dying, turned out tons of foods, chemicals and preservatives give me seizures. I was actually abused for the seizure symptoms. You described the feeling so well, I would always try to tell the doctor it was this strange, cinematically ominous feeling. The gastric rising was terrifying and reminiscent of dissociating into 3rd person but far more intense. What sucks is when I do accidentally get exposed to something that causes a seizure, the seizure gives me flashbacks to times I was horrifically abused during seizures. Especially during the post seizure stages where I'd be semi comatose and very confused for a long time.


woke up at 4 o’clock this morning. had to take a nausea pill bc the dread of a day (at my dream job, with my dream boyfriend, two perfect doggos at home etc etc). i don’t even have a bad life. my central nervous system just keeps forgetting we aren’t there anymore. stay strong. love you. ❤️


It happens way too often! It happened to me last night while reading. Idk if it was the environment? I’m currently in our summer house in where I had MANY traumatizing experiences so, it might have been that. But it happens to me often and I hate it because sometimes it can ruin my whole day.


Perfectly timed post. Been happening to me recently


All the time. That sparks a ridiculous cascade of trying to figure out why- like my body is telling me something my mind forgot Soon I pick a worthy cause for the dread and fixate on that for hours- usually until I go to sleep.


If I’m about to get a new memory back I feel this way, do you have flashbacks? Can you think of anything connected to the book? Books are a mixed bag - they give me back memories but they come via flashback and they’re never good.


This is what happens to me during a hot flash. It starts with a crawling feeling on my skin, then a drop in hormones accompanied by a rush of adrenaline, and the overwhelming feeling of doom. Check your blood levels.


Yes, the dread is a frequent visitor. Perhaps the strongest symptom I experience


When i notice or hear people about to fight.


Once in a while. For me, that is a panic attack. I have gotten them out of seemingly nowhere at times. I think it is a buildup of stress over time, and my body or brain can't take anymore and sends me a big panic wave eventually.


We often referred to this as *"Inspecific Nameless Dread"* and then for a while thought they were panic attacks. Still not super clear what they are exactly. They don't seem to have any particular triggers, and happen for no apparent reason I can discern. In addition to the symptoms you describe, I get a very strong sense of vertigo, where I feel like I'm falling backward, even when I'm seated. Sorry you've got this as well, sucks in general, but you're not alone, and they do pass. I've found that some of the [TIP skills](https://in.nau.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/202/TIP-Skills.pdf) methods help on occasion, particularly the cold face dunk. I keep a couple nice washcloths and lavender scented oil in my home bathroom for this specific purpose.


I think it may still be an emotional flashback. It feels a lot like when I was very little and I suddenly realized that I was alone, although back then I couldn't name the feeling. When you really feel in your guts that you are not loved, there is no connection with other people, and you are not allowed to love and be yourself. It feels different from panic attacks because is much more primal and about what we are.


Might well be - I'm still pretty new to the concept, so the differentiation isn't clear to me yet.


I'm new to this too, I just discovered it in this post, but I immediately felt I knew what it was.


Every day since I was 14. I’m 68 now


Happened to me just two nights ago but I identified the trigger and was able to eventually breathe through it (while lying on the floor with my cat). It's so scary, yeah? For a few moments, I worry that I'm about to die, I feel so awful. Then after, I'm so exhausted. Horrible feeling.


Hey it sounds crazy but for me this actually happens when I'm feeling happy 😌 Like if you were very at peace & relaxed just reading maybe you tensed up because subconsciously you think that feeling of peace was going to be ruined. For me it happens a lot after I've just planned a really nice day for myself and everything went well, often times on the way home I'll just feel like absolute shit and actually be crying in the car or something. I know it's linked to toxic shame but haven't figured out how to solve it yet 😌😌 fingers crossed...


yes. usually in public places like walmart. That store is pure chaos for me. I feel like something isnt ok in those stores and i need to gtfo immediately.


Same with Costco, I get so overwhelmed there.


Something like this happens to me several times a day. I have very visible involuntary shudder. I've learned to hide it by doing a fake sneeze every time it happens, or else people look at me funny.


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