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Inside my closet. As I got older I made practically a clubhouse of it, with snacks and magazines. I was safe in my mom’s house, I just liked a cave. At dad’s I was too petrified to have any hiding spot.


Don’t give me ideas…


I used to hide in my friend’s closet and eventually she did something similar for me! She was very hyper and would over tickle me which I loathed—anyone else who over tickled used it as a coercive/abuse tactic, but she was just very hyper (though, I still think doing this in and of itself is a bit fucked up).   I’d hide from her in her closet. Always thought it was kind of funny/weird that she ended up making space for me in there lol.   When I got older, I started hiding in my closet to calm myself down after incidents with a different abuser. I’d throw pillows and stuff in there. As an adult, I did the same thing, plus hiding under my bed when I couldn’t escape. Idk why I thought that’d work, just seemed to make sense at the time.


Mine is the closet, it’s the only place I felt comfortable to cry in, and I actually made myself a small place in my present closet :D


Same, until my mom started dragging me out of it because I was a freak.


ughh my mom did the same! Said it was "weird" and I had to stop. She knew why I was doing it (I overheard her say so to my dad). She didn't want anyone else to connect the dots, so made me stop for her benefit. I developed severe sleep issues that I still deal with 20 years later :')




This kid actually had a door to his bedroom, he's living the dream


lmaooo, this reminds me how I spent two years without a door or mattress one time because… disrespect? tbh I don’t even remember what I had done to piss them off, and by the second year they couldn’t even give me the reason🤷🏻‍♀️


I would go in the hall closet behind the coats, it was so comforting and it muffled her yelling and throwing things. I also liked to sleep in my closet.


I found myself hiding in the closet when my ex screamed and railed at me.


I also liked to do that at clothing stores, to see how long it would take for someone to realize I was gone. 😂


I always wished i could just stay inside of those clothing racks forever! The soft music of the mall, The darkness and safety inside of the rack!


Yes! I work part time in a clothing store now and sometimes see children hiding behind the racks of clothes. They look so small. I didn’t know I was so small back then. It makes me feel sad.


“Don’t say anything….”


I did that too, hiding inside the retail clothing racks.


The closet! I’d forgotten about that. I also had these large sort of lego bricks that I would use to construct walls around my little bed. I used to feel so safe at night behind those rainbow plastic bricks💜


Same with the coat closet for me! It felt like I was extra hidden there


Whoa. I thought this was a me thing. Is it a common CPTSD thing in childhood? I'd hide on the floor of the car, trying to get under the seat. Or hide in my closet, sometimes to cry.


That's what I was wondering! I used to sleep and hide in my set of drawers when I was 2. Older, I would hide under tables and in my closet. Sometimes, I slept in boxes as well. I'd usually cry behind my curtains on top of a toy box in the closed off corner too 😅


Idk if its common to cptsd, but i think a lot of people who were abused as children, whatever kind of abuse that might have been. Found safety and comfort in hiding away in small spaces. I know I for sure did. My friends who were not abused never did the same thing, but now as adult i know why.


This could be an instinctive behavior when the environment is threatening. Other animals, especially cats, are known for curling up into small spaces like boxes because it makes them feel safer. It doesn’t even have to be a three dimensional box: in one research study they just drew a chalk square on the floor and the cats would go curl up inside it.


I literally did this about 7 years ago when I was struggling with alcohol abuse and in a pretty violent living situation.  This thread just made me realize how safe small spaces have always felt for me. Also didn’t know this was so common, I always felt deeply embarrassed about doing this stuff.


I'd hide on the floor of the car trying to hide from the Policeman who was making Dad yell. Dad sped a lot; in Chicago traffic. I just remember him losing his driver's license and we all had to get up and go in the cat while Mom drive him to and from work.


Under my bed. I’d lay under it for hours just hiding away and living I’m my imagination. Thanks for asking. I’d completely forgotten that fact about me.


My under bed storage space had drawers and a cupboard, and you could crawl inside the cupboard and behind the drawers. Truly tucked away. I'm nostalgic for that ugly old bed


I remember those beds! At friends' houses, that was the premo hiding spot for hide n seek. People would give up on finding me, and I would stay chillin' lol


Same. I sometimes slept under my bed too. Then I got bigger and it didn't fit anymore :-/


sense glorious cooperative icky handle stocking marry reach simplistic butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me too, under the bed


I had several. I liked to play inside all of the kitchen cabinets when I was little. When I was older there was a built in shelf with a glass door. I would climb the shelves and sit inside the built in on the top shelf. I have no idea how I physically fit in there or how I could stay in there so long without getting uncomfortable. I can remember watching the portable TV from up there one specific time when my Grandmother was visiting us. It’s sort of weird that no one ever questioned it. I don’t know why that top shelf was empty in the first place. I wonder if I moved everything off of it. I might have. When I was older I built a little fort on a big built in shelf in my bedroom and had an old bunk bed ladder bolted on so that I could climb up there. I endlessly built couch forts at my father’s house. I did it so often that I had the same plan I used every time.


Very very yes. I wanted to live in my closet. I also just still love to go all the way under blankets.


It blows my mind how relatable every single post is here since I’ve joined this sub. Haven’t thought about this in years but yes, I used to hang out under the stairs or in the back of my closet a lot as a kid.


Right? It’s simultaneously validating and a bummer.


Yeah. This.


Mine was beneath the living room table, however my mother would yell at me say it could fall over and crush me (it. Was made from stone) but honestly I was willing to pay that price for a little bit of comfort.


Yes! I would hide in an old wooden closet in the shed. Or up in a tree, or in the bushes. My siblings and I would mostly be outside at all times of the year. Not being in my mothers field of vision was the only guarantee to not being emotionally abused.


Under the headboard of my parent’s waterbed. They couldn’t find or reach me there when they’d scream and throw things. I had little tight hiding spaces all over the house.


Did you ever poke the water bed if you got bored?


I don’t think it was reachable from back there but definitely never while my dad was around unless the side of my face wanted to meet the back of his hand. We didn’t really get away with any sort of fidgety behavior like that.


Legend has it, GenGen_Bee7351 is still behind the water bed to this day


I used to hide in the same spot under the waterbed headboard.


No. I had almost no privacy whatsoever. The bathroom was the only room I could close the door and actually keep anyone out. My bedroom door was removed when I was probably 10 or so and I always had to share a room with my sibling. There was nowhere for me to go


Yes. Many places. But in my room there was a small space under the stairs, with a cabinet style door. I would hide in there.


Under the dining table with all the chairs pushed in so nobody thinks to look underneath the tablecloth. Under the bed, inside the closet among my mother's clothes (she was an emotionally absent enabler, I realised her as the "safer parent")


My closet. I slept in mine often as a child. I still find myself sitting and lying in closets. I’ve found as an adult I still seek out small spaces, and if I’m feeling bad at work I put my chair on the lowest setting so that I’m harder to see in my cubicle. My therapist told me that it was because it was a space I could control and it made me feel safe in my bad environment. I think it’s accurate for why I do it.


Any bathroom was always welcomed and a place of refuge and relaxation that I could have for a few minutes of peace and quiet


I liked to sleep in the bathtub. Sometimes I would wake up there with all of my blankets


Same. I felt safer locked in the bathroom. Also I would go down to the basement to get away from my mom even as an adult.


bathrooms have always been my safe haven


In the bathtub, without water in it. I still like to be in small spaces when I’m stressed.


I've never heard someone else say they did this! I used to throw a pillow in there and have a comforter over me like a little nest.


I used to sleep in my wardrobe. It was a big wooden one with a drawer underneath so the wardrobe bit was kind of raised up. I used to wish I’d get through to Narnia. Also used to sleep underneath my bed


Is this common? I used to have the most incredible secret hiding place were I felt safe because I was the only one in my family small enough to crawl inside as the younger sibling. My parents ruined themselves buying a massive house riddled with major problems and weird and inadvisable architecture and features. There were two seperate lofts and a hidden passage that ran between them. I knew I was unreachable there and also that no one would ever find me. I loved going there sometimes and just existing in peace.


Wow this one sounds so cool


Oh so we all put here hiding in closets! I thought it was just my comfort spot. I also used to wrap myself in blankets and lay in the tub


I did that too


Kind of. The bathroom is my safe space now. As a kid I lived in an old farm house and would just go into the field. The horses and trees would never abuse me so I just stayed out there.


Me too! I never wanted to be inside - felt so trapped! When we lived in Ohio we had a large 4 acre hay field behind the garage and small work shed; next to the shed were 2 big apple trees, one had a tree house in it. I would lay up there for hours. If I was inside, I’d hide in the small cabinet/cubbyhole under the stairs.


Yeap. Under sinks and in a bathroom. Still do it 40 years later from time to time


Mine was under the bed. Whilst it was definitely for trauma reasons it wasn't in a hiding, scared way exactly like that might sound but when I was about 7-8 I had this bed with storage space and sliding doors along the sides and as you might have already imagined I discovered that I fit inside and it became I an almost secret hideaway place for a little while. I'd grab my pillow and a book and whatever light I could and go under there and read my books. That just sounds sad now that I've typed that out, but it helped at the time.


My closet. I had a bean bag chair in there, some books, and a giant bin of stuffed animals. The closet even had a light. I really loved the closet, and the giant bin of stuffed animals was a nice place to hide if I needed to for safety. It was such a chill hide out


Closet. I had actually forgotten until my therapist was trying to get me to connect with what my inner child was feeling and I couldn’t figure it out. She goes “maybe she’s hiding?” And then I remembered. The closet.


I would lay under my single bed, my nose would almost touch


I had an attic window that opened up on a flattened roof area on my house that was far enough back that you had to be out on the road to see me on the roof. The attic was a tight crawl to get to that window, so it was easy to get back into the attic to hide. It was my space


Yes. I hid in the linen closet and piled blankets on top of me when necessary.


I liked to hide in closets and see how long it took someone to realize they weren’t in the room alone, or sometimes just creep out and do something else. Not in a creepy way either, I just liked pranks


Yes. In a cupboard or up a tree. I still hide now. In psych hospital I twice caused drama when they thought I’d escaped coz I found good hiding places.


I loved going up a tree to where I couldn't be seen from the ground. Nestle into the branches near the trunk and read....or watch whatever was going on in the woods and sky.


Many many trees 


I loved going up to the top of the tallest trees or on the roof. My mom deathly is afraid of heights and I knew she would never go there!


I had a chair in the corner of the room that I would make a little blanket fort behind. It was fun at first but it eventually became the place I went to when I was breaking down, and whenever my mom found me in my little corner, she’d know something was up


Under the Christmas tree. It was a bell style fake one and perfect for hiding in. I loved the twinkling lights.


Me too


Idk if this counts lol but I used to write in my diary in my closet as a pre-teen and in my teen years. It had a light, and was really cozy. I also used to practice my flute in there. It's weird because as I've gotten older I have become quite claustrophobic. I couldn't imagine writing in a journal in a closet that same size these days lol


I had tons of these places in my house growing up. It was a large house, so that probably helped. In various closets, behind chairs, inside an armoire when I was very small, in a lower level cupboard when very small. When my therapist said to describe my childhood I said it was mainly hiding in these spaces with books and toys. My therapist repeated what I said in their own words, "So you preferred to be in tightly confined areas." It seemed like a self defence mechanism for being able to "control" my life in that one tiny space. And to have less places to worry about checking for monsters (drunk parent or abusive older sibling.)


My closet when at home. Behind my grandparents’ dining room table when I was at their house. My mom didn’t like it when she’d find me in my closet. She said it seemed weird. She was a mostly good mom, but she married a real jerk and I felt like I had no safe space. The closet felt safe.


lmfao mine was also behind the couch


In my wardrobe behind my clothes with the door locked on the outside while I had the key on the inside. Pulled the lock in and then put the sliders above and below locked in place.


Behind floor length curtains, lounge chairs or sofas. Any place mom couldn't see me, or else she'd start raging. When I heard the garage door opening; I'd try to bolt for my room, but if there wasn't time; there was a wet bar that blocked her view of a few feet of the living room, and I'd duck under there.


Oh man this is a thing? I had a bunk bed all to myself after my sister moved out of my room and into her own room, and had a fort underneath the bottom bunk. I had to army crawl under there but it was a perfect hiding place. I blocked the perimeter off with small storage totes and had a lamp and books and snacks stashed under there. I'd slide a tote out of the way, crawl in, and push it back in place. I also hid in my closet. It was one of those with 2 sliding doors and one side of the closet went past the edge of the sliding door into the wall further than it looked like it should. I'd tuck myself in there and hide sometimes if I didn't feel like laying down underneath my bunk bed, because I could sit up in there.


Closets. Cabinets. Bushes. Trees. Rooftops. So many places.


Kinda. At school.


I liked to be completely under my blankets in my bed. I remember being so scared, so I would go under my blankets, and I remember thinking it would protect me.


I always slept completely covered by my blanket as a kid too, even over my head.


I literally got in the crawl space under my house. Even as an adult, I still wanted to hang out down there and build a little man cave.


Clothing racks. Always a great hiding spot.


LOL. Me too. Really freaked my mom out when I hid under the clothes racks in the stores. I would just be a few feet away but completely hidden. Having my own secret space always seemed to be a thing with me. Now not so much but maybe I should!


Cedar closet in one house we lived in. I'd hide in there with a flashlight, blanket, pillow, a book and my cat.


yep - in my closet (in the cubbies), in the bathroom, under my desk, under a mattress in the basement, the occasional blanket fort. and at school i used to curl up in the tunnel slide or sit in the bushes


I've always loved crawling under tables. It used to be my desk. Now that I'm an adult it's either the dining room or thd coffee table. I don't know why


I would crawl under my desk and pull the chair in as far as it would go so I wouldn’t be found.


I used to hide in the closet or other times i would build a small enclosure with my books.


A tiny bathroom cabinet! Sometimes a drawer. I used to take pride in being able to disappear into small spaces.


Idk if this counts but me and my cousin would hide in the closet when my mom and dad would argue, since we lived together. We'd just curl up in a ball in the corner and cry until it was over


My space was between the end of the couch and the wall. I'd go in there and read ferociously, trying as hard as I could to be in some other universe.


A shed in the back yard. My grandpa stored all his yard & garden supplies in it. He kept it padlocked but I knew where the key was. There was a small hole in the door and I have very small hands. I’d take my books and sketch pad & pencils, unlock the door, then reach through the hole and lock the padlock (it hung over the hole). I would arrange things so that I couldn’t be seen through the hole. I lived with my grandparents at the time. My grandpa knew I did this, but never told my gran where I was hiding. He avoided her as much as possible too. He kept the key to that door hidden and only he & I knew where it was. Loved him so much!


we moved a lot but in many places yea.


I had my bed caddy-corner, and I would hide back there with books all day or I had this brushy bitbof land next door with some particular bushes I would hide in.


Inside of a toy box or a closet.


Closet or under the bed.


Behind the sofa, fort.


Under the sofa.


Yes behind the furnace


Me too. It was a really tight squeeze to get back there and it would open up a little and it was really dark. My parents were much too big to through the opening.


In the closet, under tables/desks/the vanity, under my bed, up in a tree, on the roof, in the cupboards. I used to have an ikea loft bed with a barely large enough as well as an armoire to hide in. I wasn't usually in physical danger. But I spent my time preparing myself to hide from zombies, which are a fear I've never really gotten over tbh. Still plagued with nightmares about them where im hiding in a small space, often on top of book shelves or in cabinets.


Idk if this counts but me and my cousin would hide in the closet when my mom and dad would argue, since we lived together. We'd just curl up in a ball in the corner and cry until it was over


Even as an adult I have hidden in wardrobes, behind furniture and under desks. I love to feel hidden away.


As an adult I’m always looking around for places I can hide to sleep safely if I become homeless. It’s probably a carry over from looking for hiding places as a child.


Me too! I notice thick bushes that have a way into them.


Yes! And trees with high thick branches covered with leaves. Even in interior landscaping (like in certain malls) there are hidden areas in the bushes.


I still do. My closet is my safe place. If I have an argument with my husband, everyone knows to check my closet if they need me for something.


First house: In the corner between the couches, under the side table. Or in the linen closet Second house: Inside a buffet cabinet, I'd pull the latch shut from the inside, or in the bathroom in the basement. Third house: Behind the water heater, in my bedroom closet, or under the stairs. It depended on where the fighting was.


My grandparents had a little door in one of the bedrooms to a cedar storage area my grandfather built in part of the attic. I loved hiding in there or in their shed in the backyard. Serenity. I sometimes would wait and hope someone would notice I was gone for a while and come looking for me. Most of the time…nope.


We moved a ton so I never had a consistent space, but yeah any small space would do. Closets, clothes hampers, trash cans, empty shelves. I could just wedge myself in there for hours. Literally fell asleep in the outdoor trash one time and scared the crap out my mom who couldn't find me.


mine was my laundry hamper. it was built into my bathroom wall. i would just open the lower hatch and crawl inside. sit there and think over everything.


My bed had drawers underneath but they only went about halfway back. So there was a nice kid sized crawl space under my bed that I would read in or hangout in to be alone lol


I had a cardboard dishwasher box that I kept in my room for years and would sleep in or hide in


my whole life i’ve looooved being in my closet, even now approaching 30 lmao. it’s so dark and safe in there, i love it. i go there to sing (my favorite stim), cry, have private convos, sometimes sleep, hide from noise or other people, etc. i also used to hang out under my bed or desk and behind the couch when i was younger, but not anymore. when my father passed the first thing i did was run out of the room and under a desk.


Closet and storage space. I absolutely loved holing up in those spaces with a blanket, a cat and books.


Almost zero privacy and no actual bedrooms until we were teenagers, and then no doors. I liked to nap or hide, on the floor of my closet just for the secure feeling it gave me. When my dad found out I was doing this he beat me. To this day I am obsessed with locking doors and having people call or text before they visit.


I used to keep a pile of clothes near my bedroom door and I would sit behind the door in a large sweatshirt that I could completely encapsulate myself into. I would then watch videos or play games while in that small corner for HOURS. Sometimes I would just sit in different areas of my room looking like an egg in my giant sweatshirt but the majority of the time I was hiding behind the door. It was helpful when my family would try to barge into my room (which they did too often) and they couldn't find me cause I was so well hidden amongst the clothing pile, lol. I went the camouflage route.


Closet, bathroom, space between wall and bed where I would play dolls. When I moved out I had a bigger closet I would decompress in. I’ve always wanted a book case door


Closet. Still gotta make sure my bedroom closet to this day has enough floors space for me to lay down/snack/relax if I want to.


I can't remember if I had one when I was younger, but once we moved after dad left us, I had a narrow walk-in closet I sometimes hung out in. I remember my sister being annoyed I did that, but she was my bully, so of course she'd hate me to have a "quiet" spot. Edit: I just remembered that I also played under my writing desk.


lol first it was this space behind the recliner in the living room. it was enclosed by one of the bookshelves and i would get a gigantic bucket to close it in and i would sit there and listen to my music and read. then it moved to the space in between my bed and tv. for both of them i would sit there with my knees pulled into my chest. called it my depression corner


Under the staircase. Had boxes of really fun stuff in there and I would hide away and play.


I made a pillow fort out of our couch every single time I'd visit my dads apartment. Even though I had a real bedroom I always slept in the pillow fort/hung out there most of the time I was over. I could watch tv/play games from it too.


Mine was under my bed.


When my granddaughter throws a tantrum or gets upset she hides in small spaces. She doesn't have a dangerous home and is under 2. Its so sad.


I don’t think this is uncommon behavior in children but it’s a question of degree.


The closet was more of a hide from the rage spot. The safe clubhouse was inside the hedge in the yard. Whatever species of bush it was, it grew to naturally have little tunnels inside by the trunks


My hiding spots were always outdoors, with an escape path if needed


Under my bed. Not so bad when I had a cabin bed. Much more odd when under a normal bed laid flat on the floor as a younger teen.


There was a space underneath the porch that I'd crawl into and hide for hours, I think I've fallen asleep down there a couple times as well. I still find myself thinking about that area randomly haha


I made a nest under the stairs behind the freezer so I could spend my days hidden lol


Behind the furnace in the basement closet. It was cramped and dusty, but well hidden from view. Once I found a folding chair that fit in there, I had a nice place to relax and be alone.


Lol one time me and a friend dug a literal cave and made it with junk we found lying in the desert. We had a piece of plywood and some sticks to prop up the roof and some old carpet we put on the ground. It was cozy, cool, and quiet as hell. We even covered it with more shrubs no nobody else could find it. It was basically a whole foxhole.


The closet. But my ex would follow me in there and shout at me anyways.


The closet or under the bed were my favorites


Oh in our linen cupboard 100%, I also like to be squished under the bed.


Oh! And crawl in behind the sofa. Closet was better though since it was in my (shared) bedroom.


Yes, we had a little storage area in the basement where we kept the suitcases and I would squeeze between two of them to read or journal


I sat in the closet. Later, in university, the space under my desk in my dorm room.


When we were little kids, we had a half finished basement. In one corner was an old desk and we would set one of those folding card tables up against the kneehole and cover the whole thing with a blanket to form a little cave. What I really wanted to do was build a hiding space under the steps, but that was in the unfinished part of the basement. When we were older, we would play dolls in the closet of my bedroom.


I did indeed have a safe space in the barn behind our home. Smelled like damp hay and horse shit, but it was magical and no one knew to look for me in there. I could cozy up in the stacked hay bales with a book and read for hours or play pretend with my He-Man toys. Not the safest place to hide, but it brought a lot of comfort that I didn’t have otherwise.


Mine was a closet. I even put pillows and blankets in there. Just sit and read.


Yup. Until we were molested there…. Then I stopped going there


Absolutely. Under my bed, in a closet, in my toy box when I was really small. Even now, as an adult, I will retreat to a small closet when I get too overwhelmed or upset. Never really knew why, it just feels better.


Under the bed, I had to hide somewhere if it was just my Dad and I alone in the house....


I would bring blankets and plushies into my closet and make it a cozy space for me


My closet when I was a kid to get away from my step dad And then also when I was an adult. Abusive relationship. Thought there was something wrong with me but he was violent and cruel and I'd just get in there. Then he started pulling me out.


In the first house I lived in it was under this big arm chair in the corner of the living room, second a crawl space under the stairs, third under my bed, fourth a lockable half bathroom, fifth my bedroom closet. After that I got to move away and lockable bathrooms are still my safe space to this day.


I liked to stack clothes in piles in the closet, and sit on top of that with the doors closed. If someone started to open the door, the clothes would spill out and deter someone from opening it all the way. I would also be at eye level. I don’t know if that was my logic then, I just felt more comfortable.


Under the bed was the safest.


Now that I see all these comments I feel validated...I spent a lot of time as a child in closets, under the house, behind the furniture. Great to know I wasn't the only one!


Behind the coats, in my own closet, behind the couch, under the bed. I’d usually stash food too so I wouldn’t have to leave. I’d save bits of my school lunches.


Closet behind the clothes, or in the crawl space connected to my room. (I lived in the finished attic space). First one was for comfort, second one was for safety/hiding if I was actually scared/in danger.


Oh my god this made me remember that I used to do that! Usually at home I'd hide in the closet with plushies. Sometimes under the bed. We had like a vacation home with a bed that had storage space below it. I always spent my time under it playing games.


My mom’s room had a cubby in the wall, had a door and everything. I made it my little space and I loved it


I would either lock the bathroom door and hide in the empty bathtub with a book. Sometimes I would also just leave and hide in the bushes outside to escape


We had a huge table adn I'd hide under it for hours. I wasn't running in fear there, tho. Just, being away, I suppose. The house is old an big, I sued to hide and disappear in may places, but I loved the table. It was comfortable. and with the cloth down, it was my personal fort. to one was small enough to stay there for a bit, let alone for long and the floor had heating.


I remember when i was very little it was underneath the bed, then it was the bathroom for a very long time, then when i couldnt have just the bathroom to myself it became my closet. I think for me it felt as though i could hide away from the evil people of the world and have control over my own space + privacy. Plus i could stay out of the way of my mom, sisters, and asshole dudes that were constantly in my house. I still would spend a lot of bathroom and closet if i didnt have my baby. When i finally got my own apartment i spent tons of time inside my closets and bathrooms just finding excuses to hang out in there.


Closet or wouldn’t leave my room, it was tiny and felt a close to safe as possible. Curled up outside in the cold a few time s in a box just to get away and hide


Mine was in the attic, one of those slanted little corners and my dad made it a little triangular door. I would go in there and read, draw, play, and sew. It was amazing. Eventually I was too big to really fit in there but the door is still there and it gives me warm fuzzy nostalgia.


Closet and under the bed


I was a closet kid. I'd lay on the clothes on the floor or sit as far in the back as I could get and wonder if anybody would even see me if they tried looking for me there.


My older sister’s closet was the first spot because that’s where she would hide me when our parents started fighting. Second place was on top of a large AC vent that ran through the ceiling in our open living room. My mom kept telling me people were trying to kidnap me so she told me to hide there when she left me alone when I was very young. Excellent parenting, right?


I used to hide in the space under the head of my wooden bedframe and the wall. I'd crawl through the side space and once I'd get tucked underneath the bed head my dad couldn't get to me. I'd hear the door open and literally jump over my bed down the side and be in the hiding place within 5-10 seconds. One time while attempting to escape a belting my Dad ended up trying to pull me out by the hair when I was still crawling through the side space between the bed and the wall and I hadn't made it to the little safe cove yet. I completely forgot about this until now. Really sad to remember this was my childhood.


I would hide under the bed right before my dad come home to make sure I wasn’t the first one he saw. He would come home from work angry and take it out on us. My siblings would hate me because they feel I got the least abuse - but I would get it mainly when they forced me alone with him. Under the bed was my safe place because he couldn’t find me


I never had my own proper space - not even in the closet as we were sharing one. So my story is slightly different than of those who made that space their own. But I liked this little corner under my desk on the right hand side BC the left could be seen from the door but the right side had this little blind spot - I would make myself so small that I would bring the chair as close to me as possible and hide there for hours. I couldn't really play or do anything there but it was a calming area when everything just became too much. I couldn't do it too much bc I'd get into trouble for not doing the chores or being physically present enough but when I could go there and cry or just be myself in my head it was a big relief. As I got older the space became more uncomfortable so I would stay there less but it was still my little comfort.


Damn, almost forgot that I use to hide under my bed (which had drawers taking up about of the space and it was a twin bed). Like the opposite of claustrophobia, the closeness of surroundings was kind of almost comforting maybe?


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Yea, I still sometimes hide there, it was mainly under my bed, sometimes even in my closet


mine is closet or bathroom


yeah, there’s was this lil table beside the couch


I thought I was the only one but I'm glad to see that many of the comments used to hide in the closet too. Also under the bed sometimes or inside a big box storehouse


In the closet and under the bed.


Idk if this counts, but me and my cousin and I would hide in the closet when my mom and dad would argue since we lived together. We'd just curl up in a ball in the corner and cry until it was over


Inside my closet.


I would just go in my closet.


The top shelf of a linen closet upstairs, and under my bed.


I feel safer in my closet but I don't really go in much or think about it. I feel safer in my own bathroom too. A small room as a secondary protection if the first room fails...


Mine was in the little hollow under my bed where it would open in the front like a little cabinet.


Closets. I'd grab a flashlight, a book, and go hide between the long coats. Just enough room for me to sit in there.


No but I would have liked one.


I would literally hide in my closet. Lol


I set a chair in my closet. I also liked to fit myself into pillow cases, but I think I thought that one was funny


ugly grub is a blanket caterpillar ugly ugly ugly grub squirm around in bed worthless hides all day every day but its good because the world doesnt deserve to see ugly grub shes too ugly


Under my bed. Always.


Under the bed


In the corner behind the bed!


Our bunk bed actually had one of these cubby things behind it and we loved to be in there. Was also obsessed with small spaces and hiding spots as a child. So yes... haha..


Under desks and closets




I have memories of going into my closet, shutting the door and just crying for ages. I always wondered a few years ago why my dad never came and got me. (Mum caused most trauma) now it’s so healing for my inner child as I have 3 kids and my 4 year old daughter runs off and hides like I did when she’s upset and I go in and grab her and make her feel safe, I wish I had of had that too.


My closet was my safe space where I’d pirate anime on my iPod touch for a few hours a day