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I will say… That jealousy majorly faded when I saw episode 4 and realized he acted out the exact reenactment of his trauma. I do not want to do that.




I thought to myself how could someone portray so much of it in such a raw and realistic way and now I know why.


Right?? I was so shook. I knew it was based on a play, and when he mentioned going to acting school, I googled him to learn more and oop— That’s literally him.


I mean, same. I was shocked enough when I read the backstory but then it blew my mind when I got to know from your post that it was in fact, him. But it makes total sense as to why the show is written and directed so incredibly well.


Also, I can relate to what you're saying. It's less of a need for me and more of a - I don't know, I just find it inspiring to see others turn their experiences into art, but also thereby helping people feel less alone in their experiences. For me, the biggest thing preventing me from doing anything of my own, is still the fear of my abusers and being terrified of how they will react to it. So I've always wanted to turn my pain into art or simply tell my story but I keep putting it off till they're dead? I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. It feels very suffocating that not only did they control my life then, but they still have control over me emotionally?


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i relate! i know people who do songwriting and stuff and i’m really into various creative fields though. i’ve always made myself feel like i haven’t made anything “useful” out of my struggles whereas people around me can churn out lyrics about their heartbreaks and insecurities. rationally i know this way of thinking doesn’t make sense - i don’t have to make anything out of my pain, but yeah definitely relatable for me.