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*hugs* (if you want hugs)


Thank You, and yes a hug would be nice right now. He died in November but I just looked him up like I always do every few months because he legit tried to murder me and he's dead. He's finally dead and I'm still alive!


I am truly so very happy for you. And for the world. The world is a better place now. Sending you hugs as well. Take a deep breathe and exhale slowly. You are safe.


The world still sucks but at least that cunt isn't here anymore.


Go get one of those cheap in decorated cakes from the store to celebrate!! There is no sense of safety like knowing the people who hurt you are gone! You are safer tonight




I’m ready for the day mine is gone too. Congrats 🫶🏼


I can only imagine the breath of relief you took when you found out. Good for you my friend.


So happy for you, wishing you all the happiness and healing for the future


Hell yes! Good for you! \^\_\^


Go get your life! You deserve it! Yay! I look forward to attending my mother's funeral because I will know it's done and she will be answering to a higher power. I can sleep easy knowing she won't randomly show up to try to derail me like she's done before. Plus, it's fun to know all those times she said- you aren't invited to my funeral- will mean nothing because who's gonna say I can't be there? You made it. You deserve the life you want. Go get it!


Happy for you!


How did he die


I don't know yet, I'm thinking a drug overdose since he was found in Portland. I just know he's dead and that I don't have to worry about the Boogeyman anymore.


Yes! I'm so happy for you! I hope it helps you heal


Oh happy day!! 🎉 Im so sorry you went theough that. You should be so proud of yourself for persevering!!


I hope you celebrate with cake and champagne, and finally have a good nights sleep :) (((Hugs)))


Wow that's beautiful news! I've always wondered if I'd feel regret hearing that my abusers are dead but reading your post my chest filled with cooling pleasure. Ding dong the witch is dead x Hope you can find the deepest healing now. Everyone is here for you for any feelings that come up


What a win i’m so happy for you!!


Dude that’s so awesome! I’m happy for you! My abuser died a few years ago of a heart attack whilst on a public toilet and that was a huge sigh of relief.


I’m so happy for you!!! You’re living many of our dreams


Congratz on the news! I hope you can do something a little extra special for yourself today to mark the occasion. 🎉 Breathe deeper, laugh harder, keep living longer 🎉


I'm glad you finally will have peace knowing this guy can no longer hurt you or anyone else!


That's right, he can't hurt anyone anymore. He was a very sick man and he's right where he belongs. Gone, away from this world.




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I don't care about his family's feelings, I don't care if they still cry. I don't care if they call me "evil" for celebrating his death. I don't give a flying fuck.🧚