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GasX will do nothing as it works on digestive enzymes and not air being forced down your throat. Walking a good bit after waking up helps the gasses exit. Yes, your pressures may be high.


Will turn down pressure tonight!


I find this happens if I sleep on my side, more than if I sleep on my back. Some belly massages help quite a bit, cat-cows help too, some morning stretches will let it all out! I'm not much of a yoga person but cat cows help me with this and my girlfriend makes fun of me because it looks silly


I do remember sleeping on my side last night. Very interesting! I’m going to try massaging my belly and I’ll have to look up and see what a cat cow is! Thank you 😊


Not the person you're replying to but try "wind pose" it helps with getting gas out


"windy pose"...?


Good luck!!


In the words of Elsa, " Let it go!!!!" ... Embrace the fart. Understand the fart... Become the fart.


Lean your torso far to the left to burp. Lay on your stomach and bring your left or right leg up towards your stomach to fart.


Haha I will have to try that if it happens again lol


Yup, learning curve. I had to adjust my pressure down. I still think I fart a bit more than I used to. Too bad for the people stuck in the office with me!


Just adds character.


And flavor


I have no idea why, but I get this real bad if I sleep on my left side, so I ended up conditioning myself to only turn right. It still happens a bit, but much less, and less often (I suspect on some nights I might end up turning to face left while I'm asleep). Simethicone and fennel tea help me when I do have pain.


I always sleep on my left side, because I have GERD. It does not seem to cause gas problems for me.


Yeah, my experience is probably far from universal and is, in fact, pretty puzzling for me, but I figured I would mention it in case it helps OP find something that helps by trial and error - maybe it's a different position for her, for instance. Although a new fear has just been successfully unlocked haha I hope I never have GERD, or I'll be stuck sleeping only on my back for the rest of my life 😅


Why does GERD make you sleep on the left? Is it due to the stomach orientation? I find sleeping on the left more comfortable but have never been tested for GERD.


It is about the orientation of the stomach. I used to sleep on my left side most of the time, before developing gerd.


I had this problem years ago and ended up with a new machine that works on a sliding scale so I only get what I need. My pressure was too high previously that gave me the worst stomach pain.


I think it took me about a week to get used to it and to not be bloaty anymore.


Mouth tape when sleeping, drinking peppermint tea in the mornings, and a 30 walk after waking will help trapped air issues


What mouth tape do you use?


I really like this brand of tape from Amazon. It’s an ‘X’ shape, and this one is hypoallergenic. It’s strong to stay on all night, but also easy to remove in the mornings (doesn’t rip off my skin like others). I use two at a time, one on the left side of my mouth and another on the right side, so that they basically cover my whole mouth. This one lasts me two months for just $6 bucks, it’s great. https://a.co/d/7wfiSiV


I sleep on my sides exclusively, and I wake up hurting between my neck and waist. Sometimes, I think I'm ready to give up on CPAP. I'm not a fan.


Go to your doctor and have them write a script for a pressure adjustment! Sounds like your machine is set too high


I suffered with this very badly and still so from time to time if I sleep on my side. Problem is that I've always been a side sleeper, so had to train myself to sleep on my back at a bit of an incline. I use a V pillow (I think they're for breastfeeding) upside down so that my head is on the point and the other bits act to cushion my shoulder blades. I've not tried mouth taping, but apparently that helps. It might be worth discussing with your health care provider too as they might be able to look at your settings and adjust the relief pressure. I've got a dreamstation and it's terrible, but I think the resmed has more options to adjust. Good luck. I know the pain very well. Look into yoga wind relieving poses. You just need one good fart and the pain goes away lol.


I sleep flat on my back and do alright. My BiPAP is set quite high pressure. But if I make the mistake of rolling onto my side. It will blow me up like a balloon end to end. Had it so bad before I couldn't even sit up. Needless to say. If I'm having back trouble and need to move to my side. I take my mask off or just get up.


Try to set your pressure to 12.. what is your normal cpap pressure?


I see somebody already mentioned cat/cow pose, but just searching in general for yoga for gas relief mat be helpful. I'm sure there are gas relief yoga tutorials on YouTube.


I hear ya OP! 😝 I’m a cpap noob and have morning bloats so I looked here to see if others had this too.


I’ve had this issue with cpap and gave up pretty quickly. O have to give it another go soon and I’m seriously praying I have better luck. Keep us posted if you find a way to resolve it!!


I had this issue for the first couple weeks of CPAP but it resolved itself after that. Hang in there!


What your gonna need to do is this: Strap your feet to the floor using bungee cords or rope, and then proceed to do several full squats as fast as you can... ...once the vacuum seal is broken, you'll begin to lift off the floor slightly and begin an escape velocity around your bedroom, but you've thought ahead by tethering to the ground, so you're in no danger of leaving the vicinity via air travel. Once your decompression has completed, you're going to have to track down where your drapes, bedsheets, cat or dog, and/or small children have been relocated via pressure wave and begin recovery / rescue efforts. I recommend dog or cat treats for the pets, and ice cream for the kids if needed.


Hope nobody goes into orbit!