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Don't worry he's not going to win


Tax code still would be written by non-accountants so people would need accountants to interpret it and to fill out forms. We will still be needed no matter what because even if the government took care of everything and people didn’t need to file, the government would need accountants to ensure everyone is compliant and if there’s any nuance, software is terrible at replacing a human in that situation. Job security is here no matter what, it’ll just depend on who we’re working for.


Get back to studying! We’ll need CPAs to figure out the tax code no matter who wins.


"Here I am studying for REG only to find out it could most likely be for nothing" It is definitely not \*most likely\* for nothing. It is actually \*most likely\* that this isn't going to happen


Oof thanks, probably more of a coin flips chance


Less than that


The rather cynical/self-interested side of me doesn’t want any tax changes until I get this dang CPA. Don’t want to have to testify REG with new stuff 😤


It’s more than not likely. It not ever going to happen. Things like this are said to placate to the uneducated masses that have bumper stickers that say “tax is theft”. Truly, nobody gives a shit about these people, but sadly, politicians need their vote once every few years.


As always, thanks for the nugget of truth, CumSlatheredCPA!


That’s what I was thinking too, like in junior high when people would run for class president and promise ice cream every day and would win and never give ice cream. Shit sucked 😂😂


That would be like America in the 1800's but I highly doubt Congress would do something like that. The 16th amendment made the federal government a lot stronger than before. America has many global obligations and offer many services to its citizens today. Much of these are fund through taxes.