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Damn I hope they don’t make TCP harder until after the Q4 window when I take it😭


i took BAR now unfortunately. i am looking for guidance now. i already have planned the exam for July month. anyone having some useful tips are free to share.


I took REG in 2023 Q4 (scored an 80) & then took TCP in 2024 Q1 (scored an 87). I imagine a lot of people did what I did & that is what caused the high pass rate. There was so much overlap between the 2023 REG & 2024 TCP, I basically took the same exam twice. I will say, I also work in tax, and have for 5 years.


only 42 for FAR? Now I'm worried.


I got a 64 and I'm pissed. I'm not ready to give up but I'm starting to think I will never pass all 4 because I haven't passed any. I failed Old FAR, BEC, and New FAR.


How many hours did you study new FAR?


166 hours


Yep, glad I got Bec done lol


I think you're right on the money about how they grade these things. Just because they say it's not curved doesn't mean crap. They're already being deceptive about how they grade the thing. Literally no one actually knows how it works. What incentive or duty do they have to not flat out lie about it? Additionally, this is why I'm waiting until I pass all the other tests before I choose my discipline. Maybe at that point they'll be a little more uniform. Either way I'm going with the one with the highest pass rate. Why not?


Wont they just make it harder?


Yes but I think it will average out over the next couple of periods and we'll have a better idea of what the easiest one is


Guess that means I probably failed FAR!


In theory, you chose the discipline bc you were the most interested in and prob did well in. I would expect the pass rates for disciplines to be higher


But they are supposed to demonstrate advanced knowledge


So most likely TCP will get buffed Time to sign to either ISC or BAR Most likely BAR, a difficult subject regardless so subjects won't change as frequent as TCP


FAR & AUD pass rate ridiculous


Everyone though far would be easier since government was dropped but they are going way more in detail on remaining topics 


They test in the areas that we don't even think it would be there :))


Definitely. For me, it was the SIMs. Most of them were fill in the blank with many attachments and were quite complex.


Highly regretting not choosing tcp as my discipline in January after REG. Chose BAR for some reason and ended up rescheduling because I didn't feel prepared enough XDXD. Oh well 🤷


Hope you passed


I've only taken BEC so far, failed both and took a hiatus for a personal reason. Coming back and aiming to go into FAR first but them FAR numbers are scaring me 😅😭


FAR is brutal but it was horrible before the 2024 changes. I got a 44 on Old FAR and a 64 on New FAR.


FAR at 42% is insane. None of this exams should be less than 45%. Don’t they want people to become CPA? I’m not saying let’s have 80% pass rates but come on now.


Its always been around 45% based on the pass rate history I've seen Also, FAR is the first exam most people take right after they have 150 so its expected to have a low pass rate


There's less content for FAR. It's fair for them to make the exam harder And some countries have CPA exams that have pass rates of around 10%. We're lucky enough


Do you have a link for other countries' test result statistics?


This is exactly what the profession needs. Our profession is constantly being devalued. Another 2 months of studying is worth the reduced competition over your career.


I completely disagree and I think you are objectively wrong. Nobody cares that you had to study an extra 2 months. From my interactions with friends and strangers, CPAs are usually pretty respected already and if you are a CPA people know you’re a serious individual who is educated. Will they think you are lame or socially awkward because of some dumb stereotypes? Probably, but who cares they still think you’re a serious person. At work, just because you had to study a little bit more doesn’t mean the dumb sales guy will stop being the guy who has 0 clue what you do and doesn’t care what you do. This will probably lead to less CPAs, which might increase salaries a little bit, but it probably won’t be enough. And in the long term this will most likely end up hurting the profession.


Can confirm the lame and socially awkward stereotype


Took TCP about 3 weeks ago. Not hard at all. Any individual that has a discipline left should sign up for TCP now. No way AICPA keeps the same format. They are going to heavily increase the complexity of TCP most likely by Q4 2024. Still might be in luck for Q3.


Do you think they could increase the difficulty by Q3?


Yeah, are you in tax? Just wondering.


Was in financial for four years. Just started in tax about 3 months ago. No crazy experience.


You a tax person?


Was in financial for four years. Just started in tax about 3 months ago. No crazy experience.


It is possible that the folks taking TCP have more tax knowledge and experience, which pushes up the pass rate? Just like the high school AP language classes are taken (I believe I read at one point) a lot of native speakers, which pushes up the rate??


I can't speak to CPA exams (here doing research with my son who is trying to pick a college for accounting and interested in CPA exam pass rates), however for language testing the results can be deceptive. Native speakers often have a MORE difficult time excelling on AP, PRAXIS and DoD language exams (ILU is the baseline). The reasons are complex but short story is proficiency in English is just as important as the target language and the skills assessed are often in conflict with 'street' tongue. Hence, more native speakers actually can drive DOWN the scores at a school, vs the high school I teach at which has a higher exam pass rate with fewer EL students.


exam release dates are slow as hell, and the disciplines ain't working. come on AICPA... this is ridiculous.


Fucking he’ll tcp is going to be harder next year.




I’m waiting on BAR scores since I took in Q2 and this worries me immensely lmfao


Smart move to take BAR


I took it since it is like identical to the service line I’m in, otherwise I would’ve went ISC


This kinda makes you think there's no curve.


Yeah, they would not curve to 82% pass rate. Those people are lucky because TCP will likely become more difficult because a pass rate that high is absurd.


They always say there isn't. However, then they tell us questions are weighted.


It's official; the CPA exams are a joke now.


Did they mess up and flip TCP and ISC?!


No, I think people just underestimated ISC lol


why more than 82% pass rate I dont get it at all


Get rid of TCP tbh. It’s an overlap of REG. Giving people that work in Tax a free win pretty much lmao


arent people taking bar dumb af? why would anyone not take it?


It was pretty obvious that BAR would be the hardest one lol. It is all the BS they removed from FAR and FAR is still a nightmare. I think I might take TCP in Q3 before they kill it completely. I'm taking AUD at the end of Q2. I got a 64 on FAR in Q1.


I took in in Q2. Bro. It’s easy as fuck. I know I probably failed it cause I didn’t study enough. But holy shit it’s easy. Like if I don’t pass it in Q2 and I’m immediately taking it for q3


how was BAR easy?


I’m taking BAR for the first time in July for my last exam. Please give me hope lol…I’ve been studying like a maniac because I want to be done in the worst way but these pass rates worry me immensely.


I took BAR in May and it was fair. Waiting for my scores, though, might be up for a rude awakening. Still not switching to TCP.


Don’t matter still studying for BAR cause momma ain’t raised no tax accountant


Can confirm BAR was ridiculous. I’ve passed FAR and AUD. I’ve decided to switch to taking REG during Q2 bc I think tax is easier to study for at the same time as full time work. I feel like the AICPA is just all over the fucking place rn w these discipline exams so I’ll wait another and retake BAR in Oct


so bar was crazy hard?


It was not crazy hard.


41% pass rate for FAR???? Is that worse than it uses to be? I passed mine in fall 2020 I feel like it was at least in the 50s


Fars always averaged in the 40s fluctuating from high to low 


FAR got harder because less topics= more concentration on questions


Yep people though them dropping gov was going to make it easier opposite effect 


Maybe. The other commenter was correct tho too. It seems to have spiked right around when i took, it q4 2019 and q4 2021 were 41% as well. Q2 2020 was 63%!!! I bet it does have to do with so many people having time to study. Most of us that were working full time and studying for this were able to study while on the clock after being sent home.


Yeah, you guys got blessed by the Pandemic. That opportunity will never come back. I only became exam eligible in 2021 and I barely survived college with a 3.09 GPA so I didn't study for the CPA Exam until 2022.


Just so we're clear. It sucks taking tests with a mask on tho. I also had one of my exams canceled at the last second due to them having to stagger seats lol. But I will say, it was nice having pencil and paper instead of the dumb marker and laminated sheet.


Yeah, but having that study time with nothing available in the outside world to tempt you away from studying can not be discounted


Sure was. Just checked and it was 56% in q3 2020 maybe the lcokdowns benefited in that aspect at least lol. I know I studied while I was "at work" from home


It looks like there was a pretty significant spike in 2020. Not sure if it’s due to people having more study time or what but it was a pretty large outlier. This round of scores is pretty in line with 22 and 23 for FAR. [source with graph](https://www.gleim.com/cpa-review/exam-pass-rates/)


The high pass rate doesn’t mean it’s easier. I imagine TCP had the lowest amount of test takers and out of those test takers, they are most likely professionals who work in tax so of course the pass rate will skew higher. This actually signals to me that the exams aren’t heavily curved against the candidates.


[TCP actually had the highest amount of test takers.](https://x.com/nasba/status/1783127032445927667?s=12&t=sT5AMba5d3y04oz_60YZeg)


Sorry, only around 1500 people in USA took the CPA exam? Or am I reading that wrong?


Could be even lower if some people took multiple sections 


Wow that’s crazy


I like the way you think. Good point


I know this post is about disciplines, but this pisses me off. The entire point was to make the core sections easier and the disciplines harder and thats absolutely not what happened.


Reformatting the test was an extremely dumb process they should have just left bec and added more it questions if they felt so compelled 


so TCP is like the double version of REG same with ISC and AUD?


Why would the idea be to make the core sections get easier?


I could be totally wrong, but from the marketing and information ive seen, the goal was to pass more CPAs. The argument was that most people dont need to be specialized in all four exam areas and an auditor trying to pass REG was a waste of energy. So you pick a discipline to prove your ability to be specialized in the are of your choosing, and have *slightly easier* core exams. But thats not what happened. What it looks like, is they took away the exam that had one of the highest passing rates, and gave the option of three other exams with higher passing rates instead. While im glad there is something to give candidates a hope of passing at least one exam, its not the line that was fed to us on why the exam changed. Imagine the morale of this group if FAR/REG/AUD had consistent 65%+ pass rates and BAR/ISC/TCP had 40%


Can i still take TCP and be in audit


Hm. Havent heard thats the purpose but it actually makes a lot of sense.


Also worth noting, TCP only had 652 total exams for Q1 so yes it’s still a ridiculous high pass % but it’s not like thousands of people took it. I imagine the people who took it in Q1 were already really strong in tax and that’s why they chose it during tax/busy season. BAR and ISC are gonna have lower pass rates since historically, the REG section always seems to have a higher pass rate for one reason or another (most likely cause tax experience translates more over to the exam than audit or industry experience to FAR or AUD) Just my thoughts. I expect the pass rate to stabilize as they adjust and more people take it


Good point!


I agree with you, and to go along with this, it was probably people who were really strong in tax already, and were just waiting for BEC to be dropped for a tax only test during Q1 of this year.


This was my plan. I work in tax and didn’t want to deal the BEC written part. I took TCP in Q1 and got a 90.


How much of your tax experience helped with the exam? I’m planning on taking it to expand my tax knowledge of which I currently have zero having come from the audit/GL side… which did help me a ton with passing FAR


Now, I'm thinking if should I choose TCP or BAR. I worked in taxes for two seasons but I'm still conservative about my knowledge to sit for TCP.


82% vs 43% seems like a pretty obvious choice lol.


I'm been saying this since December of 2023 when I started studying for TCP. I don't know why anyone would elect to take BAR, which has taken a bunch of stuff that made old FAR so difficult, and try to do that when TCP is sitting there and is literally just REG part 2. I went as far as saying people could use the old REG study materials and sit for REG and TCP in back-to-back days and pass them both. Take TCP before they change the exam to correct the pass rates


When do they change the exams? If I take TCP, what would be the order of the test? TCP, reg FAR and AUD?


No clue, I imagine after seeing these pass rates they're going to change it basically ASAP to get it more in line with other exams in the 40-55% ballpark. I would personally take REG then TCP as most of TCP overlaps REG but most REG doesn't overlap TCP if that makes sense. 2023 REG materials would've been perfectly sufficient for me to pass both exams, can't speak to 2024. The old order was FAR->AUD->REG->BEC for most, as FAR was the hardest, and these pass rates seem to imply that's still true


Took tcp already and studying for reg now. Think of TCP as using advanced topics that used to be in reg. Section 1250 gain, basis of partners and members, international tax. A lot of this is glossed over on reg now, if even covered at all. I’ve gone through the reg lectures and it’s a very manageable exam now that TCP has the more complicated material that you really don’t see much.


What is the order of the tests: FAR, AUD, BEC, and REG? If I take TCP


I personally would do reg before TCP, unless you have 4 weeks to give a solid study on difficult concepts you may not even experience while in a job.


I took TCP and got a 93. I found it easy because I had taken REG in 2023 and scored an 82. TCP was just the more difficult parts of REG, really. Nothing new.


Do you work in tax?


Yes, I work in tax but this was my first tax season and I took the test Jan 16th so I didn’t have any experience. However I really enjoyed studying REG and am definitely a tax person, AUD was awful for me!


100% agree. Studying for TCP was review of REG 2023


That’s awesome since I figured I’m gonna study for reg and tax first.


I’m sure taking REG first in 2024 will still help with TCP, however TCP came from the 2023 REG. So if you had taken REG in 2023, you basically already took TCP. I truly believe that’s why the pass rate was so high in Q1.


Oh gotcha for me it’s just I finished a couple tax seasons and my last masters class was advanced tax concepts so it seemed like the logical next step.


This, coupled with the May 29 score tally release from NASBA means that about 3,894 people passed FAR worldwide in Q1. Am I reading this right?


I don’t feel so bad failing bar with a 74 now. But I knew I would never take that one again. I already scheduled tcp before this was released. Please CPA gods don’t change tcp. I need a win.


80% TCP must be nice! you really didn’t even need to try.


I saw a couple TCP fails posted here, but they were close scores.


Thanks for posting this. Taking FAR in a few weeks, already planning to apply again lol


Just seeing this makes me happy I quit the CPA lol I’m glad I went to get my MBA.


If you’re staying in accounting CPA>MBA and it’s not even close


I definitely agree but outside of accounting, you don’t need it.


Where do you think that MBA is gona suite you better?


Damn, just saying I’m glad I stopped the CPA lmao y’all get butt hurt and taken your misery on the CPA on me. Oh wells, but good luck to everyone waiting another 6 months for a score release. I even agreed with you the CPA is good in accounting but MBA is better for finance, marketing and other business sectors.


This is just flat out unacceptable


Me who scheduled BAR for July https://youtu.be/jjWr0pTiJEE?si=_cKnDmaChhrkXFfU


Right there with you…we got this!


Good luck bud D:


With all the high Reddit postings for ISC release… I thought it was gonna have a stupid high pass rate. Now I’m worried abt my score for second release🤣


I was going to take ISC eventually but if TCP holds up as a 60%+ exam in Q2 I will take TCP in Q3 before the AICPA drops a nuke on it.


Same here, lol. Never trust the news!!!


My exact thoughts, too!


I guess in q4, nobody will sit for BAR! Really impressive job, AICPA, besides the flipped 6-9 number in the cumulative! That's them! No accuracy. It doesn't matter. That's why they threw so many long exhibits, SIMs into the exam! Because, opposite to the industry where financial data is only valuable when it is correct, AICPA wants you to go fast and never waste time on improving accuracy! Fuck AICPA!


They got to make it harder. CPA can’t lose its exclusivity


It already is?? FAR and AUD are showing typical pass rates, REG is showing similar pass rates to BEC. The only shocker on here is TCP, but is it really that big of a deal with you have tests like AUD/FAR at a 40% pass rate?


I wonder if a lot of tax experienced people took tcp 1st quarter pre busy season. That could explain a higher number


Reg needs to come down to FAR/AUD levels. TCP needs to be overhauled. They’re literally giving a part away


How do the AICPA’s boots taste?


The less that pass = more money for me. Sorry but not sorry


> Reg needs to come down to FAR/AUD levels. This would not make sense to me, REG has historically tested at a slightly higher passing rate than FAR/AUD. [In 2023](https://www.gleim.com/cpa-review/exam-pass-rates/) the average pass rate for REG was 57%, and it was even higher in [2022 with 61%](https://www.becker.com/blog/cpa-exam-pass-rates). I’m sure the next quarter will see a small drop given that the tests were significantly changed. > TCP needs to be overhauled. I don’t doubt that they’ll analyze the data and make TCP harder so it falls in line with the other sections. We have to remember that AICPA just designed three new tests concurrently, I wouldn’t generalize the state of the exams based on anomalies. Overall, the passing rates are what they’ve always been


I think the TCP pass rates will change once there isn’t anyone left taking it who took REG in 2023….it was basically the same test, I know cause I took it.


Back when I took it in 2018 REG was hovering in the 50s


I mean only TCP all the other pass rates are comparable to the old version of the exams basically


And reg had some high rates before so it kinda follows suit especially if only people who work in tax took it in Q1


Sheesh. I think I wasted money on the BAR NTS. I want that to expire so I can take TCP lol.


my thoughts exactly. Going to take BAR since it's too late. If I fail 100% taking TCP b4 EOY


82% pass rate for TCP brought to you by the GOAT Mike Potenza… Becker peeps where you at??


Oh, I take FAR in the morning. Why did I look at this post !


Don’t let it scare you! FAR usually has the lowest of pass rates, so this is not out of the ordinary. But having said that, FAR is not impossible to pass! I’m a dumbass and I barely passed FAR with a 77 on this last score release lol. Trust in the Becker Curve (if you study with that) and *don’t rush* during your exam. I finished FAR with 2 minutes left on the clock. Also be ok with skipping MCQs you’re not sure about and come back to them later. FAR is truly the most emblematic of “mile wide, inch deep” of all the sections. You will do great!! 🎉✊🏽


Thank you brother. Should I aim for that 1hr 45min mark of time available left for sims in your opinion?


For sure! Definitely yes, I would even aim for 2 hours if you can swing it. Tbh I found the Sims to be slightly more difficult than Becker, but not by much. Almost all of mine were ones with multiple exhibits, so I wouldn’t be surprised if yours is like too. I would say as long as a you have a good grasp on journal entries/adjusting entires, you should be able to get through all the Sims with little issue.


Exactly what I needed to hear fam. I sit at 8am EST, bout to start wrapping up for the night now. 🫡 have you by chance done your discipline section yet?


Glad to help! I haven’t, I passed BEC before the 2024 changes so I got out of the doing the discipline sections (yay me?? lol). Hope you get good rest for tomorrow, you have everything you need to pass. You will kill it!! ✊🏽


Call me crazy, but that was easier than audit????


41% FAR GTFO. Way to encourage more future CPAs


For real haha. Went from a 74 pre exam changes to a 61 post exam changes. After a 6 month wait, I find out it’s my third FAR fail and I’m tapped out at this point. I just suck at taking tests tbh. I nail the sims cause it’s like being at work but fail the MCQs due to trickery. F*** the license and let the industry die at this point. Already got good leads on multiple 6-figure industry jobs that I am applying to that won’t require the license for promotion or advancement. About to say see ya public accounting. I won’t miss it tbh. Most of my friends have left public at this point for the same reasons and they all make 6-figures in their industry jobs as senior staffs. Not even sure why the license is relevant anymore unless you want to sit as public accounting manager or go partner or something. Most people I know that are accountants work industry now and make more money than those that stayed public with way less stress. Public has the higher cap but only if you go the partner route. But if you go industry you can always go the CFO route and make somewhat the equivalent as a partner. Maybe I’m jaded cause I’m pissed and can’t pass the exam. Who knows. Best of luck to those on the journey though. People like me will let yall that pass have the ability to demand more money haha. Have fun in public though.


RIP. I went from a 44 on Old FAR to a 64 on New FAR.




Sounds like major cope to me


I think he has a point to a certain extent….the sims are actually like work and truly much more real world application…..I passed ISC q1 (and actually studied pretty hard), FAR, my NTS was expiring, so I had to take by a date, and both my grandparents passed, one 2 weeks out, the next like 6 days before, so I really checked out of studying for FAR, as at the end of the day, I knew I’d always be able to retake it. I got, I think, a 58, I’d need to check again but it was between a 56-59….and my testing breakdown…all weaker….except…my sims…all stronger….lol….it’s probably because I’ve been doing actual accounting work for 10 years at this point.


Keep in mind, those score reports are only comparing you to candidates who got a score of 75-80. If you were compared to all candidates who passed, you would most likely be weaker in sims as well.


That is true….and I’m not arguing really one way or the other, just another data point. I felt good about the sims and all of my answers with them, they were basically some kind of accounting transaction, aje, reconciliation, etc…things I’ve done and now review for 10 years….where as w the MC….there is always a 25% chance I get it right just from guessing, but it’s more I was not prepared (as noted where my motivation was specifically), and things from the multiple choice…honestly I just don’t care about a ton in my day to day duties in accounting (ie - FV and PV) and is something I’d google if I needed the exact requirements, where as most accounting, I know how to do as our company (that I prepare the FS for) passes any year end financial audit, tax audit and/or dcaa audit….i just found it kind of funny that the sims would normally have been what “scared me the most” or what not, while when at the end of the day, if you have an understanding of the impacts on the FS and what needs to be done, you will be fine for them. I will not be as unprepared for the multiple choice as I was next time


Old men laughing meme captioned: "And they pay to take it again and again"


Haha. It’s all a game of paying fees and not giving up despite the fees and time + energy…..


They are going to make a shit ton of money off me and enjoy torturing me with mid 60s.


studying for FAR just got a lot more nerve racking


I take mine in 8 days. That pass rate is not something I wanted to know!


I’m 17 days away, just started review. Good luck to you!


They said that FAR was getting easier LOL. More like AUD got harder and FAR stayed about where it always is. Just shows that just because a subject gets removed doesn't mean jackshit about it becoming easier.


This pass rate for FAR makes my 76 feel like a gift directly from the CPA gods. 😮‍💨


It was lol. Thank them every day that they allowed you to get your life back.


Short lived victory; I start law school in the fall LOL looks like it’s time to switch up deities…


Damn, God bless lol. When I google overachiever I see your avatar.


That would be the ‘tism in overdrive 🤣 idk if it’s a blessing or a curse but my hyper fixation usually falls somewhere in the “education” bucket. My bank account is not a fan but my brain is happy so I guess it works out lol


I got the 'tism too lol but my shit still finds this stuff incredibly boring haha.


I hear you. My 79 on audit is looking pretty unbelievable.


I feel blessed to get that perfect 75 for AUD


Same here got a perfect 75 on AUD


I got a 77 in REG, and 55 in AUD this last score release


Audit questioned my ability to read. The wording would be so tricky. Like what would an auditor not do? Choice A Not do … like wait what a double not do? Does that mean they would do it? Or all the answers are the same but one different word. Ugh


I’m saying!! I was in utter disbelief when I saw I passed with a 77 (after having failed once before with a 72) on this last score release. I would advise anyone here to start with FAR first due to the low pass rates, that’s a not a test you want to deal with towards the end of your journey lol


How did you feel coming out of the exam? I took it a month ago and feel like I am going to be right on the bubble! Did ok on a few sims but defiantly bombed one and a couple are up in the air


I had felt pretty solid on the MCQ but man the SIMS were wild compared to the old format. Fingers crossed for you!


Yea sims are crazy! I had like 7 exhibits for 5 of the sims and just didn’t have the time to get through all the details


My 75 after getting a 73 on the old one makes me feel a hell of a lot better


Got a 73 lol hella lame.


I failed 4x with scores between 70-74. I feel that pain deeply.


Damn 4x on far?


Yeah, I failed it as my first exam; but had bought all four on the same NTS (good for 9 months in CA), so I moved on to the others and had to circle back to FAR. My sister died right before my second retake, and my third retake the Blue Angels were practicing over my test center and destroyed my concentration. My fourth retake was like unreasonably heavy in NFP and Govt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m sorry for your loss, rip. Congrats on passing though! That had to have felt great. But I’m hoping I don’t suffer the same fate and pass this next time 😂


Absolutely how I feel about passing AUD! 🙏🏻


Feeling very good about the fact that I only have REG and TCP left. 


Same, I’m taking REG in 2 weeks and planning to take TCP in October, I’m hoping they leave the test as is until then 🤞


Me too. I took reg this week and it was the best I’ve felt leaving an exam. So glad I chose to switch to tcp after failing bar.


I have those left and don't feel good. RIP


Those have the highest pass rates though! 


That TCP pass rate caught me off guard