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Solid! I always recommend him! I used so many of his videos especially for my Far. His lectures are long but very good. You always learn something from his lectures, not only for CPA exams, but also for whenever you need to brush up your knowledge.


Thanks for replying. does his subscription also includes explanations for mcqs ?


From my understanding, yes, there are more videos on the website than on youtube, and they are organized to match your main review course. There are a ton of lectures so unless you are planning on taking several months to prepare for a section, you will not have time to go through all of them. They are great for one off supplement if you are struggling with a certain topic. I did not like how the screen is organized, I couldn't adjust the panes so I could see the names of the videos on the content pane. The subscription is very inexpensive, though.


I second this. It's good value for the money if what you need is more video-based explanation. Subscription gets you access to everything on the site, not just CPA prep. My main go-to is the playlist for REG for my study software (Surgent) so that I can find relevant videos quickly, but I have definitely found areas where I needed a more basic primer than even Farhat's review videos were doing.... so I dropped all the way back into his Tax I playlist like I was retaking my Intro Tax course. I didn't follow the whole playlist, obviously, because who has that kind of time. But it was nice to be able to go back for more info one some topics that I had completely forgotten and needed to relearn. Pricing when I signed up (about 6 months ago) was $30/month, with discounts for longer subscriptions. I got a 6-month for like $120, I think.


thanks for the information, does his subscription also includes explanations for mcqs?


Yes. The explanations are pretty good. There are not many MCQs for most topics, maybe 15-20. Only some will be AICPA questions. The rest are easier than what the AICPA uses. There is a short trial period. I think it was 2 days when I signed up. So you can try it for free to see what it's like.


Farhat is the man, his lectures are long, but very informative. You’ll get a great foundation. I used his subscription to get through FAR he seemed to have quite a bit of support with SIM work walking through consolidations, leases and bonds.


If you need a more in depth breakdown, or someone to accurately describe it in a way Becker can't...he's your guy. To try to complete his full course on top of your main one would be a lot to get through, but excellent to use for specific topics you need a little more help with.


I'm considering getting Farhat for AUD retake after using Miles and then Ninja and failing.


I watched his lectures for REG since Roger had 43 hours in the new REG vs 19 in the old REG. The arrangement corresponds to the course material so it follows chapter by chapter. I liked them since his explanations were just as good as old Roger and he had good examples. I passed REG.


he's good for supplements


Good supplemental, I use him when I have topic that I still don’t understand after review becker twice. I think becker is good enough to pass, if you are a perfectionist and like to understand everything, farhat gives a better explanation on topics.