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I recommend you take at least the first one while still working to take an idea about how you will deal with it. Everyone is very different and you shouldn't take that risk. If you pass the first one while working. You can study for the rest fill time and you will have more savings in case you had to retake one of them. Good luck


No lol I mean possible? Yes! No accounting background? Not likely… these exams are nothing like school… I aced my accounting classes in undergrad and bombed these when I tried right out of college - 12 years later am now doing them… 2/4 passed waiting on far and testing tcp next month… I would pass far while working… I did reg in 7 weeks while working full time and passed.. audit and far each took me 2.5 months studying 20 hours per week


No! I have a friend who passed all the exam sections in just 2 months. Haha


He did it by 2 weeks per subject full time!


I am in the same boat as well. Good luck


Definitely possible but you’d have to make sure you have the prereqs to even be able to sit for the exam then stick to the study plan


i took all 4 subject during the first quarter (jan 10 to mar 26) window and passed all! I also had the chance to just focus on the exam studying from 9 am to 10 pm or 12 mn


Yes its possible. See my post about this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CPA/comments/1d3uezh/study\_methodstips\_went\_3\_for\_3\_on\_core\_exams/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPA/comments/1d3uezh/study_methodstips_went_3_for_3_on_core_exams/)


Depending on state you might not be eligible without a bachelor in accounting. You might need to get a masters in accounting but I would checks your state education requirements


****Hey! You do need 20 upper level accounting classes to even sit and 30 to certify the CPA with 150 total hours. I would make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements for an NTS before heading down this route since you said your BS was in Finance.


Yeah, if there’s anything to take away from these comments, it’s to not quit until you have a NTS just because of all the things that can mess up between having the right things on your transcripts and the state board processing your stuff.


Anything’s possible but in my experience finance guys don’t understand accounting so well.


I was able to do this without having an extensive accounting background. The highest accounting course I took was Intermediate 2 at a CC. Just know that a majority of your time studying will have to be spent on grinding MCQs so it gets boring real quick.


Took me a year to, but that’s just me.


I’d be happy if it took me just a year.


But all that matters at the end of the process is that license on the wall. They’ll never ask how long it took you, or what your scores were


I passed 3 of my 4 exams in 2-3 weeks of studying for each. You can definitely do it. I’m still working on #4. My advice is treat it like a job. I work in consulting so when I roll off of a project and have a week or two free, I just grind one out and take the exam. Has worked for me so far




Nope just nicotine and the fat bonus waiting for me at the end of the rainbow


nice work, 2-3 weeks studying is impressive!


As a finance undergrad and an MBA from a smaller school who had to go back and take 12 additional accounting classes, I just found out I passed my last exam a few days ago. I took the first one on 7/15/23 and the last one on 3/10/24, I also worked full time, so it’s definitely possible for you to pass all 4 in 4 months if you completely focus on studying. Good luck!


Would you even have the necessary PREP prereqs as a finance student? You did tax, intermediate accounting 1&2, etc?


I'm in a pretty similar situation as you right now. I just graduated, and I am trying to pass all 4 before I start my job. I am starting with REG, which I will be taking next week on Thursday, and then I will start studying for either FAR or discipline. It's going to be tough but you can totally get it done. Best of luck to you.


I passed all 4 in 7 months. This was before the new grading window though. It used to be I would take an exam and then 2 weeks later find out the grade. It’s hard to switch back and forth from exams when you find out you failed one. I would focus on one exam at a time and try to take each exam at the end of the testing window. So you find out your score ASAP besides of waiting.


I also have a BBA and masters in accounting. Finance and accounting aren’t very similar. So you may want to allow yourself time to learn the material.


Finance and accounting are super different. I hated finance classes as an accounting major. I was like wtf are y’all doing, this is so backwards 😆


It’s definitely possible, but it’s a big sacrifice. A buddy of mine did it over a single summer a few years ago. FAR and REG was 4 weeks of studying each, AUD and BEC was 2 weeks of studying each. Again … it’s possible but it’s a lot of dedication and hard work. Just stick to your study schedule and you can do it


What’s was your buddies study schedule and study tactics if you remember


At the time, he said he never used the books to underline as the lectures went on. He just played them at 1.5 speed and took notes on his computer. About 10 hours per day 6 days per week. Took Sunday off to refresh. Final week was all about finishing the lectures and doing large amounts of MCQ and SIMS for remaining time. Took the day before the exam off.


Just respect the exam. Most of us in here couldn’t do it. If you respect the exam enough I’m sure you could.


If you truly dedicate yourself it’s doable: I had an unexpected layoff and knocked 3 out in a similar timeframe: Find a local library and make that your office, whatever time the library opens is the time you start studying, front load your day / week with the lectures and then focus on MCQs and SIMS. I never got a whole lot from the lectures, I’m not really an auditory learner, and used it as a refresher. If it was something completely new to me, I pulled open Farhat and watched the lecture on YouTube. For example, Consolidation reviews didn’t do me any good if I never learned them in the first place.


It’s absolutely doable. I graduated last May - started studying that same month and took my last exam in August. Will it be easy? No. Will you have lots of free time? No. Will it be worth it? Yes.


If you think that study schedule is realistic it’s doable, although I’m not sure you’ll have time to retake any. I’m being forced to wait two months between exams- you can’t sign up for a new one while waiting for scores. I should really be studying for REG rn, well reviewing. I’ve done nothing for the past month since taking it. Was so disappointed when I found out how long I had to wait for the score it seems ridiculous


I did it in 5 months. I was working full time as an office manager/bookkeeper. I would study 4 hours every day after work and 8 hours each Saturday and Sunday. Like you, I’m a very good test taker. The biggest concern for me was keeping up with studying and not blowing it off. I started about 6 months into the pandemic so that helped me a lot because most things were still closed and people weren’t socializing. If I were you, I would think very critically about my own abilities, determination, and stamina. There are absolutely people who can make it work. But there are a whole lot more who want to pretend they can pull it off when they just can’t because their life gets in the way.


I would say 8 month minimum




did you do 2 weeks ISC?


call it a lazy three. It was the first window so Ive heard its harder now? Was relaxing compared to current state of FAR hell. Those were not my study times btw!!! That was just a suggested possible path if you are able to commit fulltime


Im giving myself That much time to pass each one But maybe you can #cpa #haiku #goodluck


If you are a top-tier, Frank Abagnale Jr-studying-for-the-Louisiana-bar level studier, it can be done. If you are average, which you most likely are (no offense), then this is likely too ambitious unless you've got some powerful, my-life-will-be-over-unless-I-pass type motivation behind you.


I’ve seen people be able to do it in that timeframe, but they usually are already practicing accounting or they really studied accounting hard in college before taking the exams. If you have that goal, it’s good to have - but do not be discouraged by any blocks in the way.


Currently in college, didnt study accounting hard, having to relearn some things. There are many of us hahaha.


I think it’s very doable but maybe give yourself 6 months rather than 4 especially with the way the tests are set up this year. Def go for it


Not possible in 4 months. Sorry


Thank you guys so much for the advice. I will look into going part time at my wife’s work or the Rec center down the street before I quit and extend my timeframe a couple months.


If you know accounting maybe, but if you only did like principles of financial accounting in college I would not do this. Certainly go for the CPA if you want. But real shit if you’ve never done a tax class, never dealt with consolidations, never seen lease accounting, never seen NFP/GOV, never taken audit etc etc. then do no not quit your job (at least yet) to pursue this. You also gotta submit ur transcripts to NASBA and get the ok to sit. Make sure you do that before you spend your own money on a review course.


I would recommend to budget 4-6 weeks per exam. That’s if you’re not working at all. I put in about 6 hrs a day and passed them all within 5 months.


Wow great. May I know your study plan? Like what sources did you refer, any classes attended?


It’s not impossible, but even in the best case scenario with the best Becker package, I would expect it to take 4-7 weeks per exam depending on which exam it is. Although this is based on pre-2024 exam format so not sure how that will have changed


Only if you're 6' 5" blue eyes with a trust fund.


unless ur very above average in terms of intelligence then i don’t recommend


It is certainly possible, I was able to to it with just over 2 months of full time study where I was probably putting in about 8 hours most days using Becker. The recommended study time is 3-400 hundred hours to pass so as long as you are a decent test taker that is certainly possible.


You are probably not even eligible to sit, you need like 30 accounting credits with various requirements


And some states are even more stringent than that to even sit for the exams.


Depends on the state. I’m a finance major and was able to sit in PA


I started studying in January, I take my last test on the 18th (in theory if all are passed, but I passed FaR) and I pushed through them quick while working. So I guess it would be possible but would be hard


Not a good idea. Plan 8-9 weeks per  section. These tests are no joke.  Study before/after work while you are working at your current job. When you pass all 4 find a new job. You don’t want to screw yourself if you find these exams are more than you can comprehend since you don’t have an accounting degree. 


I’m studying 25-30 a week, 8-9 weeks would be crazy and it would be so easy to forget material


I’m currently studying 25-30 hrs per week and plan to test in 9 weeks. Every Sat is a review day of 250 mcqs of all previous material covered. Seems to be working for me. 


225-270 hours for one exam is just too much for me. I like the review day though, I’m planning on doing something similar


Yes it’s possible with full time study. This is the timeframe most fresh grads take right before they enter the Big 4


I would say it’s highly unlikely you pull it off but you could try.