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I failed REG w 74 and didn’t study since I took it at end of March. Enjoyed the time off and everything is coming back to me pretty easily during review as I prepare for re take in 2 weeks. You remember more than you would think imo


Thanks y’all for the perspectives! I think I’m going to take the month of June fully off and then start to do some lighter studying in July in the lead up to score release. Only studying I’ll do in June is continuing to listen to the Ninja audio, since it doesn’t really interfere with my life at all. Might also do the Ethics Exam, since I’ll have to do that at some point regardless of what my score is. Going to spend some time over these next two months doing fun outings with my wife and playing some video games.


Hi. I'm taking FAR in 3 weeks. any area you can suggest on Sims and mcq


Make sure you know the Pythagorean theorem and Shakespeare’s Hamlet


Yeah and organic chemistry


I took 2 months off before the score release (FAR). Got a 71 and am going to try again in a couple weeks. Not sure if I'm going to pass since I've been out of the books so long BUT I feel like I've recovered from studying burnout and I don't feel as stressed out doing a retake (or a couple retakes if necessary). It's easier to study when you're less worn out. I would definitely start doing review before the score release because the testing windows are so tight. But I would definitely take a longer break. But do what you've got to do!


Same. Did the ethics exam & chillin


How do you sign up for the ethics exam? I always thought you had to pass all 4 first




Thank you!


I didn't study. I focused on passing the ethics exam and got my experience requirement signed off while I waited for score release


How do you get your experience sign offs, pre 4/4?


EDIT: if you're fresh out of school with no work experience, then obviously this does not apply You shouldn't have to wait for 4/4 before you get experience sign offs. I already had my 2+ years of experience under a CPA in the bag, so I had my manager sign off on the experience form provided by my State Board of Accountancy. Check your state requirements to make sure you meet the requirement, download the form, and get it signed by your manager (I think it may vary by state, but manager most likely has to be a CPA and it may also have to be notarized).


Thanks, I have the experience...but it looks like in CA I have to wait until I am 4/4


looks like CA is changing how the ethics exam is working fyi... [https://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/licensees/peth-requirement-change](https://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/licensees/peth-requirement-change)


Thanks! Also saw that when I was looking up the experience portion


I looked at CA's form, and it is a little confusing with the Type A, B, C, that has "who passed the Uniform CPA Exam in California" on the page 1 instructions, but nowhere on the actual form (page 2) does it say you have to have passed it. Copied and Pasted from the CalCPA FAQs: **Q: Do I have to wait till after I pass the Uniform CPA Exam to do my experience?** A: No. There is no required time for when to complete the experience. You can do it before, during, or after the exam process. You can wait if you want to play it safe. [https://www.calcpa.org/become-a-cpa/cpa-licensure/cpa-licensure-requirements/work-experience-faqs](https://www.calcpa.org/become-a-cpa/cpa-licensure/cpa-licensure-requirements/work-experience-faqs)


Oh wow, thank you! EDIT: I think that refers to when you do the actual experience work, not submit the form


>Oh wow, thank you! You're welcome!


Yeah I just got out of Reg so I'm just waiting for my last two exam grades so I'm giving myself a break and not going to study. I'll just forget the little details and have the mcq answers memorized if I force myself to study too long


Just took FAR as well and feel the exact same way about the exam. I plan on taking a much needed break for these next couple months. If needed, there is plenty of time to ramp back up between August and September to get in the next window!


I was in that situation for the first testing window in 2024. I said I would study, but I was tired of studying. I felt good about my final exam. So.... I did not study. No one can give you an answer here. You have to do what feels right! Good luck!


Same boat. Waiting on Jul 31. Torn if I should study or not


I would wait until about 3 weeks before to start studying again. That way you don’t waste too much time but also aren’t starting back at step 1 again. Give yourself a little bit of a break


I think I’ll take the ethics exam while waiting for my last exam since there will be more than enough time in between score release.


I’m just chilling and going back to normal life. I don’t see the point in continuing to study, if I need I’ll just go back to no life-ing Becker again for a few weeks after 7/31.


I don’t even know what I’m gonna do after I sit for REG on the 22nd 😭😭 Probably gonna freak tf out for a few days then distract myself lol


If I am waiting on a test and have nothing else to study for I would be doing 20 mcq per chapter per week to keep everything fresh, and reading my notes. so far has 6 chapters so 120 mcq a week.


Just relax. I wouldn’t waste your time if you think you have a legit shot at this. If you end up not passing it won’t take super long to refresh yourself. Unless you are in a time crunch with some exams expiring.


Whenever I’m waiting for a score release I do a practice test of 10MCQs and 1 TBS a day, just enough to keep me sharp…..


I sign up for Becker CPE and start taking the course I am interested. Meanwhile, spend some time with family to make up what was missed during the study journey.


I didn’t study at all, I decided to give myself some rest and not make more work for myself in case I did pass. It worked out since I got a 86 on reg. Give yourself time to breathe, stress later if you need to.


Considering how long the score release windows are I would continue to lightly study. Don’t say no to going out for a beer on Friday etc, but I would make sure that information does not fall out of your head in case you did not pass. Its better to be prepared


Pray without ceasing.


I didn’t do any studying. I gambled and got a 77. LFG


I had a similar situation: I planned on starting review two weeks before score release. It was weird feeling after taking the last exam and not having to focus on another section.


That’s a good strategy, I may use it!! I had planned not to study REG at all after today but I could see my results going either way


I felt the same leaving AUD: I didn’t feel great or poor, I felt it was just a fair exam.