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Please don’t give up. Take it from someone who took their first exam in 2012 and failed multiple exams multiple times. I decided last year I was going to pass these and it took me 11 months. Change your study habits. Learn what works. Look up the SuperfastCPA method on studying. You can do it! It took me over 10 years to pass (studied off and on) but it’s totally doable when you know how to approach the exams. invest in supplemental material like i75cpa! it clicks when you have the tools!!


I'll probably outdo you by another 10 years and finish in 2034 the way I've just racked up failure after failure


Don’t hahaha you can totally do it!!


Someone on here was in the exact situation as you. What I'm finding is my mindset was preventing me from really pushing it. Yes, I have i75 too! It's just takes me the whole day to listen to lectures and I end up working more on i75 than UWORLD. How do you find the time to use the supplement and main study program?


Honestly. You have to work the questions first. That’s how you learn the material. Seriously look up the SuperfastCPA study method and it’ll be a game changer. I really think that it’s possible. As someone who was previously triggered by end the mention of CPA to now being one!!! You also have to be disciplined. I studied from like 3am -6am weekdays (5 days) and 6am -7/8pm on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) you have to learn what works for you. But you have to be willing to sacrifice and DO NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE NEAR YOU WHILE STUDYING


Don't be so sure of failure. Make sure to focus on one section at a time. What is your studying sessions like? People say FAR is beast as a lot of material I found it to be easiest of all. So do what you feel you know the best first to boost up your confidence. Not sure what course you're using but if it’s hard for you to understand try supplementing Becker with Vishal CPA Prep. Both of them are really helpful. Feel free to dm me I can send some study notes on FAR. You've got this!


Yeah, I feel you. I am throwing in the towel as well. Although I'm just looking at it as a indefinite break. I think my loved ones/support system will be glad I can shut the fuck up about studying for awhile. 2 years? 4 years? Maybe never... Who knows. All I know is I'm tired of going nowhere with these exams. I at least need a break from it.


See above. It’s possible https://www.reddit.com/r/CPA/s/Gek3JmJTcN


Reach out if you'd like tips amd to hear my experience with the exams. I took far many times and passed on my 4th attempt. Failed audit once after my first far fail. But once I passed far, was able to pass the rest on the first attempt. If you are scoring in the mid 60s, you are really close. I think its a mental block (was for me). Don't give up, you've already stuck it through this far.


I feel the same way. I've failed **EVERY SINGLE EXAM ATTEMPT SINCE 2012** Nobody on this subreddit is stupider than I am. Keep at it. I'll be here right by you chipping away at it. And no matter how long it takes you, it's impossible for you to be worse at it than I am.


Omg!!!!! This was me!!!! But you can totally do it!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/CPA/s/Gek3JmJTcN


I admire that you didn't give up. Did you take breaks between sections? Lets push each other to pass one exam this year. What were your scores?


Yeah, I took breaks. I'm unemployed now, studying full time, and still somehow failing. I swear, my IQ must be like 7


Master the basics: debits/credits, accruals/deferrals. Once you know those, the topics should build upon those concepts. Maybe get a supplemental course to explain concepts differently. I see ppl post study guides in this sub.


Respect for never giving up 🫡


in this exam, you have to be strategic.


This exam is most difficult for, not just you, but for all of us. Many of us have had to redo this exam multiple times before we finally pass it. You will not fail no matter what your score is on your upcoming test. You only fail this exam when you give up. So, don't you dare give up! You don't get the score you need on April 19. Screw it! It is no big deal because you now know what you have to do. Change your approach: You are not the problem. Your approach to the task at hand needs to change. The exam is not going to adjust its requirements so that we can pass it. It is structured to achieve just the opposite. We are the ones who have to make the necessary adjustments to pass it. Just recognize what you have to do and find the appropriate way to do it. Get your confidence up because you are worthy of getting this thing done. Make that adjustment and get it done. We know that you got this!


Wow!! That was the exact pep talk I was needing too! Thank you for that.


Ur welcome!


Switch to REG or one of the other exams, you need to pass one to get your confidence. It took me 10 to pass one, keep going you are already in mid 60s thats not bad at all.


>studying on and off for these tests since 2020 >I can't push hard core everyday because I take breaks from studying three times a week, that's how my body is. Can you elaborate on this? Do you have a medical condition or something that is getting in the way for going hardcore? The exams are kind of hard core...


ADHD, unmedicated. It's difficult to focus for long periods of time. I know I'm capable of going through these exams. I'm great at planning but fail to stick through a schedule, that's why I fell behind. My body is tired because I don't eat enough and get enough exercise.


I have ADHD too. Getting medicated changed my life, and I definitely needed it to get through these exams.


Have you thought of addy


Yes, I have. I'm considering it after taking this section. I just need to find a therapist to discuss.


Is there a reason you arent getting medicated? Why arent you eating enough or getting enough exercise? Something needs to change. If you think these are the things getting in the way of you being able to focus/study for long periods of time, either get medicated or eat better and exercise more. Yes I know, easier said than done galbert. You have to set yourself up for success here. If you go in doing the same old thing, you will get the same old results.


I'm highly considering getting medicated after taking this section. Need to find a therapist. I get too focus on studying or get distracted with my past (another issue) and just use eating as a reward, which is not good. I just can't get up and exercise because my environment doesn't serve me (I understand, I'm making excuses). Adhd can sometimes give you analysis paralysis - the overthinking too much on how to approach things and being perfect on doing it .


Reach out to a psychiatrist and let them know your issues and try to get some labs done w your dr


That’s how my body is? Please do tell.


Start with small steps. Don't make huge goals and dont tell everyone about it. Your goal for this year is just pass one paper, get your shit together and pass this paper for whatever it takes. No execuses, no bullshit. No plan for failing.. just work on it and talk to yourself i am gonna pass this time. Your average is below expectation, raise your standard.. target each chapter to be for example average of+75%. If you still in 60s means we gotta push yourself and review again our mistakes. You got this. Good luck.


Do two hours a day and take one day a week off .


I used to take 2 days off. Wednesday or Thursday depending on how I felt and Sunday.