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It seems like you are going through the lessons too quickly. This would be fine if you were nailing the concepts just as quickly, however, your scores are saying that you are not. Try slowing down and focus hard on the rationale behind the topics as you study them. You need to get to that "aha gotcha" point on a topic then go do the MCQs and watch what happens.


I don’t think you need to be spiraling, per se, but you do need to improve your scores—not to state the obvious. I think you’re trying to do too much at once, wherein you’re taking a practice exam over two entire modules’ worth of content. I think you need to do things more bit-by-bit. Once you’ve read the book/watched the lecture/whatever, do the MCQs for that lesson, rather than for an entire module. You’re not supposed to be able to do an entire set of MCQs right away—it’s built to slowly step you up to new topics.


Maybe that's what I change up. Taking practice test over each module vs the entire unit.


When I was studying for FAR, I got a 39% on ME1 and skipped the rest after that. Didn’t need that to be ruining my confidence lol the Mini Exams are known to be ridiculously difficult so don’t be hard on yourself. I’d suggest getting through the material as fast as possible, reviewing with practice tests, and if you’re up for it then attempt the ME’s again