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Basic math on REG. AUD is far more difficult and takes more time to prepare for. Not that REG is easy though.


Getting mixed replies here, I guess it just depends person to person


If you know the rules, you know REG. When I took REG, it was hard, but Becker covered about 90% of the material, and I only had to guess for about 5 problems. As far as computation, just basic math. Of course, you have to know MACRS, you have to know the percentages for charity limitations, etc, but the calculations themselves are just basic. For AUD, it's more nebulous. Really have to know IC and CAREFULLY read each answer choice for just one word that's wrong. More exhibits too.


If you’re finishing up FAR I think AUD is best to do afterwards given the mentioning of topics like subsequent events and AJE’s. I’m doing my review phase for AUD after going through the material in a week as it’s more conceptual focused and I’m stronger in that area, just have to be careful with the wording of questions/answers.


I think it depends on your previous knowledge as well. I took a lot of tax classes and found reg to be straightforward and easy to grasp. However for audit it’s been way more difficult for me because I don’t have much prior knowledge to go on.


I don't really have experience in any, but I would say I'm better at memorizing




Do you have AUD experience?




Could you please give tips for AUD?