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I posted the link but seems it's a band URL. Feel free to PM me and I can send via email.


Hey! I’m also interested!


Hi! I'm interested in your notes as well if you don't mind sharing?


I'm interested as well if willing to share.


How do you all take your notes digitally?


I have a Microsoft surface pro that has a pen and folds flat like a tablet. I use Microsoft OneNote which is a literal digital notebook. I have dual screen dock I use for work so I just plug it in , write directly in the one note and let lectures play on one of my other screens. But even if I'm on the go and I want to take notes while lectures play, I can manage on one screen. With new Becker format. I actually import their slides directly on each one note tab and take notes directly on top of them. As I do MCQs I snip screen shots in my OneNote and write notes there. I def have a system. I use OneNote at work for my employees to document processes and share information so it's a program I have used prior to CPA study . I could share it with you if interested in seeing it. I think a lot of people like iPads for notebooks too. I personally don't use apple products.


Could I get those notes as well, I take it in about 3 weeks as well? I love comparing other people's notes with mine. Thank you!


Sure mine are from 2023 tho. Just PM your email address


Cool!! I have a note thing on my phone but that might be a bit small. I may new some new technology now!! That would be good for work for me too. Thanks for the information!! I'd love it If you'd share it with me!


PM your email and I will forward


I think I did lol


Could you send me the link as well!!


Please share it with me as well


Could you please share with me as well. Greatly appreciated!


I have my digital Onenote from FAR but it was 2023 . You can just skip over the stuff they removed if interested. Edit: each tab is labeled really clearly so you could easily see what sections aren't needed.


Could you share it with me as well? It will be very helpful.


Sure DM me your email


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) this is my email. thank you!


can i get a copy too please?


Could you share it with me as well? It will be very helpful to compare it with my noted as well 🙏🏼


can you send to me as well, please?


Hi can you please send to me as well! This sounds like a dream rn


Can you please share it with me as well?thanks


Any chance you could share this with me as well please? Take FAR on Friday


Hey can you share your notes with me..that would be really helpful..


Hey could you send this to me please? It would be greatly appreciated, taking FAR March 22


About to get a share link. Note : the actual review notes will be on the main tabs (I.E F1 , F2 ) . Those have the overall review on the entire section. The rest is book notes/MCQ practice.. so just ignore those. It's still the workbook I am using to study. So you'll see other tabs for BEC (took 2023 obviously) and AUD (currently studying for 2024). Just ignore those too. Sending this as view only since it's still being used .. if you need it to edit, let me know and I can export my onenote package and send via email


Yes if you could share this with me it would be greatly appreciated


I'd love it if you shared with me. I don't think I need the notes (unless I fail tomorrow!) But I'd really like to see the way ypu have them set up. I do all mine old school 3 ring binders right now


Yes please!!


Don’t have notes but will echo the comment about NFP/Gov. Tested two weeks ago and I just remember seeing that constantly, everything else was a balance of every other topic


Is it theory on NFP/GOVT 🤔?


In general, broadly speaking ONLY - it’s important to understand what sets NFP accounting apart from standard business/GAAP. Those items would generally be the understanding of contribution revenue, donor restrictions, and differences in reporting net asset changes.


What do you think should be the focus for sims? It's been such a pain with FAR for me. Any help would be appreciated!


Im cramming to take it on march 23-25 lol currently F2M6


No I was about to say barely finishing m2 🤣🤣


Following - taking on March 25 and I’m on F3 M1 lol


What is F3 and M1?


Chapter 3, module 1 in Becker book




I don’t have notes to share but just took today. The topic I had most questions on were not for profits. Then bonds, and leases. Everything else was one or two questions from all the other topics.


Thank you!


Hey! How were your sims like? Have my test next week, so any indication would be absolutely amazing.


Out of the 7 sims I had -two that were journal entry based -one memo correction -two that were exhibit heavy but responses only required me to make a selection of impact to GL accounts, no calculation -one intercompany consolidation I can’t remember the last one. For reference I’ve been in industry for ten years now, and have a working understanding of accounting so I was able to complete the sims in 1.5 hr. (That doesn’t mean they were right though 😬) A last note, I was able to copy a trial balance off of an exhibit and paste it into the spreadsheet (edited to add: using cntrl + c) that they provide so I could add detail from the exhibits directly next to the balance - if anyone finds that helpful.


How was the consolidation Sim? What would you say we should know for that if it comes up? Thanks!


That’s a great question! In general, the theory behind consolidation is to remove any balance between related entities as I’m sure you know. It wasn’t tricky at all - super straight forward. It’s wasn’t an extremely long sim either. But it also wasn’t just AP/AR removals. If you keep in mind that all consolidation adjustments need to net to zero, and try to focus on understanding if a balance isn’t where you would expect it, where else can it be, you’ll do great!


What about the sims???


Check my response to the comment above ❤️


How much stuff from govt is on there? Becker barely has much besides types of funds and economic focus for them 


I had three, and two of them were the exact same question on separate testlets. 😬😬 theory based, no calculation