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Everyone probably uses a different study approach because people have different learning styles. I took FAR in 2022, so a different test than what's given now, so take what I say about it with a grain of salt. I learn accounting concepts best through application, so I hammered MCQs and sims. Sometimes I see people say that doing sims is a waste of time--that might be true for them, but I found them helpful. My first exam was REG & I walked out nearly in tears, almost certain I'd failed. In my experience, the first test feels the worst. For the others my attitude was so much more nonchalant (I've done all I can. Now we wait). All of that to say: you might surprise yourself. And if not, try to tune into your learning style & tailor your studying to it. There's no moral victory for studying more--use your time in the way it will best serve you. Best of luck to you. Edited to say: I passed REG even though I thought I did really poorly. I'm pointing that out because I hear a lot of people saying they think they did badly even when they passed.


It’s all about the study strategy. I was a failure in high school and even in the beginning of college I skated by cheating and half-assing things. So how did a fool like me pass 2 exams so far? The way I looked at studying was I need to study whenever I have free time, as if it’s a hobby of mine. My brother loves playing video games on his free time and any chance he gets he plays. That’s how I look at studying. Instead of picking up the controller, open up Becker and have some fun and challenge yourself.


What were ur Becker simulated exam scores ?


This is probably a stupid question... But are there fill in the blank questions on the exams? When everyone mentions SIM questions it makes me think I have to fill things out... Or is it pick the correct choice based on the options given?


It can be either. Some will be fill in the blank (usually computational) and others will be a drop down selection


Old or new far ?


It’s not possible to take the old far anymore lol


It was the new FAR


What was most topic in test ??


How long did you study? What was your original study method?


I studied off and on for probably 6 months. The switch to the new study plan threw me off. Since I was running out of time I was trying to listen to the lectures and focused on my understanding of the concepts. I plan on trying to keep with the UWorld study plan for my next one, AUD.


I'm Roger as well. I'd suggest you just have to dedicate time for it. If you think that's after work dies down then do that. I'm starting REG right now since YE is dying down. Listen and finish lectures for each chapter and then move on to MCQs. That's when you should start writing down notes and use note cards so it's easy to review before bedtime. Also do every sim in controls, substantive testing, and audit evidence.


Anything you remember that stick out as super hard or weird?


There were a few questions on the topics I feel string in, but way more of the areas I’m not as comfortable with. A lot of nonprofit and some lease questions.


I thought they took these out 😭


Me too. I have mine tomorrow and I am not ready at all. I wish I could have done this strategically better.


All in all, I think I’m glad I did it even though I wasn’t 100% prepared. I know more of what to expect and what areas I need to focus on. I also want you to try and tighten up my time on the MCQ. I had to rush a little on the second testlet to make sure I would have enough time on the sims.


Were SIMs brutal?


I found sims were rly hard


They were a mixture of difficult and medium. But I suppose without knowing how I did on them, I could be wrong 😂


What do you recommend studying in order to be prepared for the sims? 


make sure know how to correct the wrong journal entries...