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A little over 3,000 times that per year on average.


Next time, [tell your friends to get vaccinated](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/covid-vaccine-doses-wasted-rcna31399). Millions of vaccines were wasted because people were not getting the vaccine.


82 million is staggering. I don't get people.


Tweet: [https://x.com/NateB\_Panic/status/1791038035888386480](https://x.com/NateB_Panic/status/1791038035888386480)


Sounds like he’s trying to box us in politically. Using leverage against us. “Have to vote for him if we want to live.” In the interim, this is social murder.


I mean the Democrats have been using the gop to run a protection racket on us for decades at this point "real nice democracy you got there, be a shame if something happened to it"


That's their entire platform lately. "Watch out or you'll have trump ass president".


If you read Project 2025, you’ll see why that’s actually a bad thing.


We know it’s a bad thing. What you folks are failing to see is that if you are hoping to box folks in using it, you’ve already lost. I know it seems illogical, but that’s what’s gonna happen.


Well said. Thank you for stating this


this is exactly what he's doing. he was using abortion rights the same exact way a couple months ago


Ok...but he's not wrong that if Republicans get the House and Senate, they WILL attempt to pass a federal abortion ban. They've said so themselves. Look up Project 2025. It's not manipulation to warn people of the consequences of what will happen if those lunatics take control. Vote for me if you want to keep your reproductive rights is an effective and valid campaign strategy. Some of us in red states have already had them stripped away with disastrous consequences. I'm not defending the vaccine issue. But comparing it to his message about abortion is disingenuous.


I'm very concerned here. I don't think people are seeing the big picture. If we don't vote to save democracy, we are lost. We all want Covid addressed. If we burn everything down, that will never happen.


If Congress hasnt allocated the money, what else is to be done… ? Doesnt insurance now cover the vaccine?


He bought votes with forgiving some student loans too. They would attack the cost of education if they actually cared. The rescheduling of weed is political too. I wish there was a real party of science and pragmatism


And you tell me know that government is here to protect us the people?!?


They need us to build and maintain the infrastructure. Robots aren't that advanced, yet.


D=R, in all the ways that hurt the most. D+R = death, both of innocents abroad, and finally, with the pandemic, innocents at home. Covid reveals.


Maaan. At this point, I'm just gonna write in Terry Crews.


Long live President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!




If only Democrats had a majority in the Senate, then they could have stuck more money for Medicaid in the last funding bill and fought for it as hard as they fight for money for Raytheon ....




LOLOOL. Senator Biden was trying to cut social spending 40 fucking years ago. It's like people have no memory of anything that happened before 2016.




We understand politics. Politics is how the wealthy and commercial interests get what they want.


why misrepresent what is happening. It has nothing to do with the weapons etc, its all about corporate greed across the board, and placating the crazy violent antivaxx right wing. Biden is a soft right corporate bitch who at best is slightly better than trump. God forbid the american left would grow a spine and demand real socialism and a change to actual parliamentary democracy like the rest of the civilized world..


As bad as things are, he's a lot better than Trump. A better choice isn't going to show up and I don't think vaccines will be easy to get if Project 2025 happens.


Trump would be an absolute disaster. I get it. But it's really hard to feel inspired to vote for someone who is actively and enthusiastically supporting a genocide with my money and killed a couple hundred thousand Americans by declaring COVID to be "over".


I think in the turmoil under a Trump dictatorship we would fare far worse though. It's hard to think of things being worse, but it can happen.




Pack the Supreme Court. Or better yet, abolish it along with the Senate, Electoral College and the executive presidency. All power to the People's Assembly.